You are visiting us from Virginia. You are located in HHS Region 3. Your Center is Central East ATTC.

Seth Eisenberg MD

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Dr. Eisenburg is Medical Director for two SBIRT grants in Illinois, and implementation/integration consultant particularly for working with physicians. Board Certified in General Psychiatry, Addiction Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Founder of internet recovery management program and behavioral healthcare consultant. Provides medical leadership in State funded addiction treatment system, primary psychiatric hospitals, not for profit community behavioral health agencies and in university medical setting. Fellowship-training director at Northwestern Medical School. Extensive experience training physicians and other clinical staff on Brief Interventions with SBIRT projects.

Areas of Expertise

Co-occurring disorders specialist skills, Behavioral healthcare-Primary healthcare integration, Motivational interviewing, Problem gambling, mental health diagnosis, integration of behavioral health and primary health care, brief interventions, recovery oriented care.

trainer, facilitator
Experience Implementing
Workshops Per Year
Recovery Rebooted LLC
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