You are visiting us from Virginia. You are located in HHS Region 3. Your Center is Central East ATTC.

Victoria Lahey M.S. Ed. NCC

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Victoria E. Lahey, MS Ed, NCC is currently a therapist in private practice providing group and individual therapy as well as training and clinical consultation. Ms. Lahey is an independent contractor with the state of Pennsylvania supplying training and staff development for the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs. Also, for the last 12 years, Ms. Lahey has provided training, curriculum development, consultation and coaching on SBIRT, working with IRETA, the Danya Institute and YouthBuild. In addition, Ms. Lahey has taught in the master’s level counseling programs at Duquesned University, Seton Hill University and Waynesburg University.

Areas of Expertise

Victoria has extensive experience developing curriculum and providing consultation on SBIRT in a variety of settings including community service organizations, HIV/AIDS programs, the Pittsburgh Federal Probation Office and health care settings. Working with IRETA, I assisted the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Nursing in incorporating SBIRT into their curriculum for undergraduate nursing students and developed video scripts demonstrating the application of SBIRT to HCV counseling and testing.

trainer, facilitator
Experience Implementing
Workshops Per Year
Victoria Lahey
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