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Addiction Science Made Easy (ASME)

Research Brief Catalog

Addiction Science Made Easy, currently written by Meg Brunner, MLIS (Northwest ATTC and the NIDA CTN Dissemination Library), features two research papers per month, explaining the science in clear language and putting the findings in context for addiction workforce members. One paper typically comes from NIDA’s National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN), the other from a SAMHSA-funded project.
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Hirchak KA, et al. Centering culture in the treatment of opioid use disorder with American Indian and Alaska Native communities: Contributions from a National Collaborative Board. American Journal of Community Psychology 2023;71(1-2):174-183.
Published: June 1, 2023
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Gotham HJ, Paris Jr M, Hoge MA. Learning collaboratives: A strategy for quality improvement in behavioral health. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 2023, 263-278
Published: May 1, 2023
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Murray OB, et al. Augmenting project ECHO for opioid use disorder with data-informed quality improvement. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2023;18:24
Published: May 1, 2023
Meg Bruner, MLIS
Faller V, et al. Bias at the bedside: a roleplay-based workshop for responding to biased comments in the teaching hospital. Academic Psychiatry 2023 (in press).
Published: April 1, 2023
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Brandt L, et al. Risk of experiencing an overdose event for patients undergoing treatment with medication for opioid use disorder. AJP In Advance 2023 (in press). Find it in the CTN Dissemination Library.
Published: April 1, 2023
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Cook RR, Foot C, Arah OA, Humphreys K, Rudolph KE, Luo SX, Tsui JI, Levander XA, Korthuis PT. Estimating the impact of stimulant use on initiation of buprenorphine and extended-release naltrexone in two clinical trials and real-world populations. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2023;18:11.
Published: March 1, 2023
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Hartzler B, et al. Community implementation of contingency management to address stimulant use. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment 2023 (in press).
Published: March 1, 2023
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Citation: McClure EA, et al. Cannabis and nicotine co-use among primary care patients in a state with legal cannabis access. Addiction Behaviors 2023; 140:107621.
Published: February 1, 2023
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Fentem A, et al. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on burnout and perceived workplace quality among addiction treatment providers. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2023;18:5.
Published: February 1, 2023
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Opie JE, et al. Training of lived experience workforces: A rapid review of content and outcomes. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 2022 (in press). Free on PubMed Central
Published: January 1, 2023
Meg Bruner, MLIS
Pan Y, et al. Specific polysubstance use patterns predict relapse among patients entering opioid use disorder treatment. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports 2022;5:100128. Find it in the CTN Dissemination Library
Published: January 1, 2023
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Matson TE, et al. Validity of the Single-Item Screen-Cannabis (SIS-C) for Cannabis Use Disorder Screening in Routine Care. JAMA Network Open 2022 (in press).
Published: December 1, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Cody SL, et al. An exploratory study of a hands-on naloxone training for rural clinicians and staff. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2022 (in press). (Need help getting a copy of this article? Contact Meg at [email protected].)
Published: December 1, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Citation: James TG et al. Communication access in mental health and substance use treatment facilities for Deaf American Sign Language users. Health Affairs 2022;41(10):1413-1422.
Published: November 1, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Hefner K, et al. Time-lagged association between counseling and/or 12-Step attendance with subsequent opioid use in a secondary analysis from a randomized, clinical trial of medications for opioid use disorder. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports 2022;5:100100.
Published: November 1, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Stafylis C, et al. Relative effectiveness of social media, dating apps, and information search sites in promoting HIV self-testing: Observational cohort study. JMIR Formative Research 2022; 6(9):e35648.
Published: October 1, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Rudolph KE, et al. Buprenorphine & methadone dosing strategies to reduce risk of relapse in the treatment of opioid use disorder. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2022;239:109609. Find it in the CTN Dissemination Library.
Published: October 1, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Hartung DM, et al. Association between treatment setting and outcomes among Oregon Medicaid patients with opioid use disorder: A retrospective cohort study. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2022;17:45.
Published: September 1, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Greiner MG, et al. Patient characteristics associated with opioid abstinence after participation in a trial of buprenorphine versus injectable naltrexone. Substance Use & Misuse 2022;57(11):1732-1742.
Published: September 1, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Brown JL, et al. Associations between elevated depressive symptoms and substance use, prescription opioid misuse, overdose history, pain, and general health among community pharmacy patients prescribed opioids. Substance Abuse 2022;43(1):1110-1115.
Published: August 1, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Manza P, et al. Sex differences in weight gain during medication-based treatment for opioid use disorder: A meta-analysis and retrospective analysis of clinical trial data. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2022;238:109575. Find it in the CTN Dissemination Library.
Published: August 1, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Lapham GT, et al. Comparison of medical cannabis use reported on a confidential survey vs. documented in the electronic health record among primary care patients. JAMA Network Open 2022;5(5):e2211677. Read this article for free online:
Published: July 1, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Zhu Y, et al. Social determinants of mortality of COVID-1 and opioid overdose in American rural and urban counties. Journal of Addiction Medicine 2022;16(1):e52-e55. Read this article for free online:
Published: July 1, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Na PJ, et al. Co-occurring depression and suicidal ideation in opioid use disorder: Prevalence and response during treatment with buprenorphine-naloxone and injection naltrexone. J Clin Psychiatry 2022;83(3):21m14140. Find it in the CTN Dissemination Library.
Published: June 1, 2022
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