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Addiction Science Made Easy (ASME)

Research Brief Catalog

Addiction Science Made Easy, currently written by Meg Brunner, MLIS (Northwest ATTC and the NIDA CTN Dissemination Library), features two research papers per month, explaining the science in clear language and putting the findings in context for addiction workforce members. One paper typically comes from NIDA’s National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN), the other from a SAMHSA-funded project.
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Charron E, et al. Pain severity and interference and substance use among community pharmacy patients prescribed opioids: A secondary analysis of the PHARMSCREEN study. J Pain 2022 (in press). Find it in the CTN Dissemination Library.
Published: June 1, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Bauer AG, et al. Predictors of therapeutic alliance, treatment feedback, and clinical outcome among African American women in treatment for co-occurring PTSD and SUD. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2022 (in press).
Published: May 2, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Maricich YA, et al. Safety and efficacy of a digital therapeutic for substance use disorder: Secondary analysis of data from a NIDA Clinical Trials Network study. Substance Abuse; 2022;43(1):937-942.
Published: May 2, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Underwood ML, et al. Chronic alcohol exposure among people living with HIV is associated with innate immune activation and alterations in monocyte phenotype and plasma cytokine profile. Frontiers in Immunology 2022 (in press). 
Published: April 1, 2022
Meg Bruner, MLIS
Rudolph KE, et al. Association between dynamic dose increases of buprenorphine for treatment of opioid use disorder and risk of relapse. Addiction 2022 (in press).
Published: April 1, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Edwards KA, et al. Changes in pain during buprenorphine maintenance treatment among patients with opioid use disorder and chronic pain. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 2022 (in press). 
Published: March 9, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Korthuis PT, et al. HIV clinic-based extended-release naltrexone versus treatment as usual for people with HIV and opioid use disorder: A non-blinded, randomized non-inferiority trial. Addiction 2022 (in press).
Published: March 9, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Sherman BJ, et al. Evaluating cannabis risk reduction as an alternative clinical outcome for cannabis use disorder. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 2021 (in press). Find it in the CTN Dissemination Library:
Published: February 1, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Guo CZ, et al. Emergency department-initiated buprenorphine protocols: A national evaluation. Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open 2021;2(6):e12606
Published: January 3, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Wang A, et al. Baseline- and treatment-associated pain in the X:BOT comparative effectiveness study of extended-release naltrexone versus buprenorphine-naloxone for OUD. Addiction Biology 2021 (in press). 
Published: January 3, 2022
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Murphy SM, et al. Economic evaluation of extended-release injectable naltrexone compared to buprenorphine-naloxone initiated in inpatient settings for treatment of opioid use disorder: Results derived from the X:BOT clinical trial. CHERISH factsheet, May 2021. Free online,
Published: December 1, 2021
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Solberg LI, et al. Clinician perceptions about a decision support system to identify and manage opioid use disorder. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 2021;34:1096-1102. Free online,
Published: December 1, 2021
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Wang K, et al. Longitudinal study of impact of medication for opioid use disorder on Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. Journal of Affective Disorders 2021 (in press). Find it in the CTN Dissemination Library (
Published: November 1, 2021
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Matson TE, et al. Prevalence of medical cannabis use and associated health conditions documented in electronic health records among primary care patients in Washington State. JAMA Network Open 2021;4(5):e219375. Free online (
Published: November 1, 2021
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Hammond CJ, et al. Sex-based differences in psychiatric symptoms and opioid abstinence during buprenorphine/naloxone treatment in adolescents with opioid use disorders. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2021 (in press).
Published: October 1, 2021
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Rethorst CD, et al. Moderators of treatment response to exercise in participants with stimulant use disorder: Exploratory results from the Stimulant Reduction Using Dosed Exercise (STRIDE) CTN-0037 study. Mental Health and Physical Activity 2021 (in press).
Published: October 1, 2021
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Curtis ME, et al. Disparities in digital access among American rural and urban households and implications for telemedicine-based services. Journal of Rural Health 2021 (in press).
Published: September 1, 2021
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Bryan MA, et al. Concomitant cannabis misuse and associations with depression, pain and substance misuse among patients prescribed opioids. Pharmacy 2021;9:134.
Published: September 1, 2021
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Ullrich HS, et al. Race, psychosocial characteristics, and treatment outcomes among individuals undergoing treatment for cannabis use disorder: A latent profile analysis based on preferred method of using cannabis. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2021 (in press).
Published: August 1, 2021
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Herring AA, et al. High-dose buprenorphine induction in the emergency department for treatment of opioid use disorder. JAMA Network Open 2021;4(7):e2117128.
Published: August 1, 2021
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Skye S, et al. Graded response item response theory in scaling suicidal thoughts and behaviors among trauma-exposed women with substance use disorders. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 2021 (in press).
Published: July 1, 2021
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Ertin E, et al. An examination of the feasibility of detecting cocaine use using smartwatches. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021 (in press).
Published: July 1, 2021
Meg Brunner, MLIS
Hammond CJ, et al. Therapy dose mediates the relationship between buprenorphine/naloxone and opioid treatment outcomes in youth receiving medication for opioid use disorder treatment. Journal of Addiction Medicine 2021 (in press).
Published: June 1, 2021
Meg Brunner, MLIS
McNeely J, et al. Comparison of methods for alcohol and drug screening in primary care clinics. JAMA Network Open 2021;4(5):e2110721.
Published: June 1, 2021
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