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Celebrate PRIDE Month: Visit the YMSM+LGBT CoE Website

June 21, 2018

Brandy Oeser, MPH
Project Director

YMSM + LGBT Center of Excellence

LGBT Pride Month is celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan. As part of the ATTC’s recognition of LGBT Pride Month we would like to encourage you to visit the YMSM + LGBT CoE website, which features archived webinars where you can learn more about the LGBT community. Webinars are available on many topics, including Creating an LGBT Affirming Organization, Supporting Change for LGBTQ Young Adults, and Working with and for Two-Spirit Individuals. To learn more, please visit LGBT Webinar Recordings.

About the YMSM + LGBT CoE

Between September 30, 2014, and September 29, 2017, the Center of Excellence for Racial/ethnic Minority Young Men Who Have Sex with Men and other Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender populations (YMSM+LGBT COE) provided training and technical assistance to providers on culturally responsive prevention and treatment services to decrease rates of substance use and HIV infections among YMSM and LGBT communities. A collaborative team from the PS-ATTC, NeC-ATTC and National American Indian and Alaska Native ATTC led the COE, in partnership with the National Hispanic and Latino ATTC and Charles R. Drew University.

The YMSM+LGBT COE generated innovative curricula, developed 97 trainers and established a national training infrastructure. The YMSM+LGBT COE also hosted monthly webinars and created a website to serve as an information clearinghouse for research articles and best practices to serve YMSM and LGBT clients. The website also contains information and other resources for providers who serve YMSM and LGBT clients. 

Continuing our work   

Though funding for the COE has ended, the work has continued thanks to the dedicated and passionate trainers affiliated with the project. LGBT trainings have recently been conducted in Arizona, California, Colorado, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, American Samoa and Bermuda! YMSM and LGBT related presentations are being conducted at conferences throughout the country. We are moving to quarterly webinars now thanks to the support of the PS-ATTC and UNR CASAT.

For more information or to request a training please email Brandy Oeser at [email protected]

Is your organization observing PRIDE Month?  Tell us how in the comments section below.

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