The Mountain Plains ATTC is proud to collaborate with the National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (NASHIA) to sponsor a training series with the of goal increasing knowledge and skills regarding individuals with brain injuries and mental health and substance use disorders. Specifically, this series will highlight individuals with SUDs and a brain injury; youth with co-occurring disorders, and justice-involved individuals with brain injuries. Implications and recommendations for assessment and treatment will be highlighted in each of the 75-minute sessions.
Brain Injury and Substance Use Disorders: Implications for Justice-Involved Populations
Presenter: Judy Dettmer, BS
Judy Dettmer, BS has been working in the field of brain injury for 30 years. Ms. Dettmer serves as NASHIA’s Director for Strategic Partnerships and a Technical Assistance Lead for the Traumatic Brain Injury Technical Assistance and Resource Center at the National Association of State Head Injury Administrators. Ms. Dettmer has worked extensively with adults, children, and family members of individuals with brain injury. She has provided direct and systems consultation to improve the lives of individuals with brain injury. Finally, Ms. Dettmer has assisted with research efforts related to brain injury and conducted countless presentations, classes, and seminars on brain injury both in the state of Colorado and nationally.