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Compassionate Community Conference

Compassionate Community Conference

The Great Lakes ATTC is co-sponsoring and presenting at the Compassionate Community Conference that's taking place on April 21-22, 2020 in Scottsburg, IN.

Kris Kelly, BS will be leading two breakout sessions during this event:

     April 21, 10:30-11:30 AM  |   Introduction to Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care by Kris Kelly

     April 22, 1:15-2:15 PM  |   Recovery Ready Workplaces by Kris Kelly

A Compassionate Community is a resilient and prosperous community where businesses and families have the greatest opportunity to thrive. When we did this in Scott County an amazing thing happened  - nearly all the people who contracted HIV during the 2015 outbreak are virally suppressed. In just four years, the number of people in recovery has increased 1000%, new Hepatitis C cases are declining, and new HIV cases have plummeted by over 97% to just 5 in 2018. We accomplished this by building relationships and partnering with people in recovery. Business leaders understand the widespread nature of the opioid crisis and the need for well-established recovery resources in a community. Please visit the Compassionate Community Conference site for more information and event registration. 

Starts: Apr. 21, 2020 9:00 am
Ends: Apr. 22, 2020 4:00 pm
Registration Deadline
April 21, 2020
Event Type
Hosted by