Learn how cultural change can impact Substance Use Disorders and Recovery in Hispanic,
Latino/a, and Latinx individuals, families, and communities
Identify and address barriers faced by Hispanic, Latinos, Latinx communities and service providers regarding access, quality of care, and readiness for treatment and recovery;
Explain the relationship between culture and the continuum of care;
Understand the impact of immigration and migration on mental health, addiction, and family dynamics; and
Identify approaches to integrating culture into your practice.
Haner Hernández, Ph.D., CPS, CADCII, LADCI
Dr. Hernández is Puerto Rican, bilingual, and has worked for over 33 years in the health and human service field developing, implementing, and evaluating culturally and linguistically intelligent youth and adult health prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery support programs.
Date and Times: Wednesday, December 13, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (1 hour break)
University of Central Arkansas (UCA)
This is a closed event for students at UCA, an Educational Consortium Partner of the SSW ATTC.