The Pacific Southwest ATTC is hosting a three-part web training series to provide substance use disorder (SUD) treatment providers based in the U.S.-affiliated Pacific Jurisdictions with a detailed overview of ethical and confidentiality issues that may arise in SUD treatment settings. The content delivered in each presentation will be coupled with group discussions and other activities to increase the interactive nature of the training series. We strongly recommend that individuals register to attend all three training sessions to benefit maximally from the information presented.
At the conclusion of the three-part training series, participants will be able to:
1. Describe the privacy and confidentiality rules for substance use counselors under HIPAA and 42 CFR Part 2.
2. Explain how to respond to particular clinical situations where disclosure of patient information is allowed under 42 CFR Part 2 and/or HIPAA.
3. Describe the specific ethical principles that establish the foundation for counseling by substance use and mental health counselors.
4. Identify at least three steps in a process for exploring and resolving ethical dilemmas.
5. Describe at least three potential pitfalls in the use of email and texting with patients.
6. Identify at least two issues regarding both intentional and unintentional self-disclosure by treatment providers through the use of social media.