Enhanced Professional Learning
Over the past 20 years, a growing understanding of the pervasive and harmful impact of traumatic events on individuals, families, and communities has led to the emergence of research on the effects of trauma and treatment strategies to address mental health and substance use disorders. According to SAMSHA, trauma is a widespread, harmful, and costly public health problem, occurring because of violence, abuse, neglect, loss, disaster, war, and other emotionally harmful experiences. While many people who experience a traumatic event do not have lasting negative effects, others experience more difficulty with traumatic stress reactions. Research has documented the relationship between exposure to traumatic events and substance use. For example, approximately 20%-90% of individuals with a substance use disorder (SUD) have a history of childhood trauma and 37% to 52% have a posttraumatic stress disorder diagnosis (Mergler et al, 2018). When it comes to trauma, there are no boundaries regarding age, gender, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, geography, or sexual orientation.
This online learning series will increase the skill level of behavioral health professionals to define and recognize trauma in individuals. Helping individuals affected by trauma to manage their symptoms using a strength-based approach minimizes re-traumatization and enhances practitioners’ ability to provide trauma-informed support.
Weekly sessions offered on the same day and start time between July 27 and September 7, 2023. Day and time will depend on your location. Click REGISTER NOW below to view the full schedule for your specific location.
At the end of this TIA Enhanced Professional Learning Series, participants will be able to:
Space is limited to the first 35 registrants who will receive a grant-funded scholarship that covers the entire $350 cost of participation. Due to limited enrollment, if you cannot commit to the full participant requirements, please defer this registration opportunity to others.
Please contact the NFARtec Workwise Staff at [email protected] or by phone at 775-784-6265 or 866-617-2816 (toll-free).