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Syndemic Solutions Summit (2023)

2023 Syndemic Solutions Summit

The 2023 inaugural Syndemic Solutions Summit, designed by UMKC's Collaborative to Advance Health Services, will explore the federal government's approach to the intersecting epidemics of HIV, viral hepatitis, substance use disorders, sexually transmitted infections, and more. The Summit will bring together leaders from government, community, and research to amplify the importance of inclusive, equitable, systems-level approaches to ending these epidemics. 

--When: July 26th - July 27th
Where: The Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, 4801 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, MO 64110
Learn more: Agenda | Speakers | Hosts | Continuing Education Credits | Lodging | Registration/Wait list

What is the 2023 Syndemic Solutions Summit: 

It is the nation’s first known public health summit focused on discussing and generating solutions for syndemic approaches to end the intertwined health conditions of 5 epidemics: HIV; STIs; Viral Hepatitis; Substance Use Disorders and Mental health; and Reproductive and Sexual Health.

The Summit has been developed based on presentations by U.S. government agency leadership and conversations in the public health workforce about the need for a syndemic approach to strategically ending these 5 confounding epidemics. 

The inaugural Summit will be a neutral space for the public health workforce across the 5 confounding epidemics - federal and state government, health departments, researchers, community organizations, and people with lived experience - to gather for a collaborative approach to creating syndemic solutions.

Using a syndemic lens and being mindful of the populations and communities these health conditions most impact, the Summit will be centered on health equity and trauma-informed approaches aligned with the social determinants of health.

Learn more about the Syndemic Solutions Summit today

Starts: Jul. 26, 2023 8:30 am
Ends: Jul. 27, 2023 12:00 pm
Registration Deadline
July 27, 2023
Event Type
Hosted by