Join South Southwest ATTC and our partners for the
Feb. 29 | Virtual Meeting | 1-2:30 PM (Pacific), 2-3:30 pm (mountain), 3-4:30 PM (CENTRAL), 4-5:30 PM (EASTERN)
This event is jointly sponsored by the Great Lakes ATTC (HHS Region 5), South Southwest ATTC (HHS Region 6), Mountain Plains ATTC (HHS Region 9), Northwest ATTC (HHS Region 10), and the ATTC Network Coordinating Office.
Each sponsoring regional ATTC will offer 4-6 individual communities and organizations in their region an opportunity to apply to receive ITC Facilitation training and support to host ITC Recovery Support Groups in 2024-25. For those communities interested in applying to participate and host a family support group, additional details about the sponsorship application process will be shared at the information session.