Date: July 24-25, 2019
Day 1: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (with 1-hour lunch break)
Day 2: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Check-in begins at 8:30 AM each day
Training Description: This training will expose participants to integrated research-based strategies used for screening, assessing, treating, discharge planning, and providing recovery support to patients with substance use disorders (SUDs) and co-occurring disorders. Patient assessment and clinical tools (e.g., ASAM, DSM 5, etc.) that provide diagnostic and level of services recommendations will be highlighted. In addition, this training will review the literature/research on utilization management processes including ASAM, LOCUS, and other measures that provide guidance on continuing service, transfer, and discharge criteria. Finally, the facilitators will provide real-time practice opportunities using case studies to review clinical service delivery from patient screening through discharge planning, with a significant focus on developing relevant, individualized patient-centered treatment plans.
Training Take Aways:
• Increased familiarity with SUDs and MH screening and assessment tools and other tools that assess risk and other health conditions
• Practice in using screening and assessment tools and appropriate documentation in patient health record
• Practice utilizing tools to develop patient-centered behavioral health focused treatment and discharge plans
• Increased understanding of the use of ASAM and LOCUS as utilization case management tools
Target Audience: Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorders Service providers located in the Mountain Plains ATTC region (HHS Region 8)
Facilitator: Mark Disselkoen, MSW, LCSW, LADC