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Webinar: Addiction and Recovery: Cultural Elements in Working with Hispanic, Latino and Latinx Populations

Addiction and Recovery: Cultural Elements in Working with Hispanic, Latino and Latinx Populations

A 2-part Webinar Series 

Tuesday, December 7th and Friday, December 10th 2021
Each day from 9:00am- 12:00pm CT.

After the training, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of how cultural change affects Hispanic, Latinos, and Latinx populations and their substance use
  • Identify and address problems faced by Hispanic, Latinos, Latinx communities around access and readiness for treatment and recovery
  • Explain the relationship between culture and treatment
  • Understand the impact of immigration on family dynamics
  • Identify approaches to integrating cultural into therapy


TRAINER: Haner Hernández, Ph.D., CPS, CADCII, LADCI

Dr. Hernández is Puerto Rican, bilingual and has worked for over 33 years in the health and human service field developing, implementing, and evaluating culturally and linguistically intelligent youth and adult health prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery support programs.  He is a master trainer and facilitator and provides individualized technical assistance and support to organizations that provide Substance Use Disorder, Mental Health, and gambling prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery supports. Also, Dr. Hernández has over 30 years of experience in delivering mental health services, addiction counseling and clinical supervision to professionals in the field. 

Haner is a person in long-term recovery from addiction and is committed to eliminating health disparities by participating in processes the build equity.  He has served as a consultant to a number of local and state health departments with a focus on disparities, building health equity, addiction treatment, and recovery supports.  He also consults with and teaches a number of courses at the New England Addiction Technology Transfer Center at Brown University and the National Latino and Hispanic Prevention, Treatment, and Mental Health Addiction Technology Transfer Centers funded by SAMHSA. 

Currently he serves on the steering committee of the national Peer Recovery Center of Excellence.  Additionally, he has served a consultant to several federally-funded initiatives in the areas of behavioral workforce development, HIV/AIDS, Substance Use Disorders prevention and treatment, military service members, their families and TBI and PTSD, and pediatric asthma.  Dr. Hernández serves as faculty at the New England School of Addiction Studies since 1998 and the School of Best Practices for over 10 years.  Dr. Hernandez has presented at several state, national and international conferences.  And, he serves as President of the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Board for Voluntary Certification of Drug and Alcohol Counselors.  



Thirty (30) scholarships are available on a first come, first serve basis which cover the entire cost to participate in this excellent training. To be eligible for a scholarship, you must be a professional in the substance use and/or recovery field in the SAMHSA Region 6 (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas) and be able to commit to the full 6 hours. 

To apply for a scholarship, please answer the following questions and submit to Mary Cook at [email protected]

  1. Have you previously attended trainings on cultural competency, cultural humility or cultural proficiency?
  2. Do you currently work with Hispanic, Latino or LatinX populations?  If not, do you plan to in the future?
  3. Why are you taking this training?  What do you plan to do with the information you learn?
  4. Please include your Name, Email Address, Work place, and current Title/Role. 


This series was developed in response to a need identified in Region 6 to provide professionals in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas with culturally appropriate trainings for working with Hispanic, Latino, and Latinx populations. 

Starts: Dec. 7, 2021 9:00 am
Ends: Dec. 10, 2021 12:00 pm
Registration Deadline
December 6, 2021
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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