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Hepatitis C Prescriber Toolkit

Laura W. Cheever, MD, ScM
Associate Administrator for HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau

Although advances in HIV care and treatment result in longer life expectancy for people with HIV, those who are coinfected with HIV and hepatitis C have a high risk of liver-related illness and death. Viral hepatitis progresses faster and causes more liver-related health problems among people with HIV than among those who do not have HIV. Approximately 25% of people with HIV are coinfected with hepatitis C.

Providers are key partners in national efforts to reduce and, ultimately, eliminate hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfection among people with HIV. To support providers in diverse settings to effectively engage and remain up to date on state-specific prescribing requirements, the Health Resources and Services Administration’s HIV/AIDS Bureau released the Hepatitis C Prescriber Toolkit on TargetHIV.

The interactive Hepatitis C Prescriber allows providers to select their state and learn about health coverage requirements that may impact the prescription of hepatitis c treatment. The toolkit also includes additional resources such as links to the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part F AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) Program’s HIV/HCV Coinfection Curriculum.

Each state-specific page provides a link to the regional AETC partner for training opportunities and additional coinfection resources. , It provides information on Medicare, the state’s Medicaid contact, the state’s AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) contact with applicable prior authorization form. Providers can also access a list of patient assistance programs if their patient is not eligible for private insurance or ADAP coverage. 

Through the efforts of the RWHAP AETCs, a number of resources have been developed to support RWHAP recipients and providers to encourage increasing hepatitis C screening and treatment to help improve the health outcomes of people with HIV. The Hepatitis C Prescriber Toolkit is one more resource for providers to have at their disposal.

Visit the toolkit today! 

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