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Stimulant Use: Current Trends, Impact on the Brain and Body, and Implications for Treatment
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UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs
Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center
Thursday, June 17, 2021; 3:00pm-5:00pm PDT
**Please note dates and start/end time equivalents for the Pacific Jurisdictions:
American Samoa: Thursday, June 17th: 11:00am-1:00pm SST
Palau: Friday, June 18th: 7:00am-9:00am PWT
Guam: Friday, June 18th: 8:00am-10:00am ChST
CNMI: Friday, June 18th: 8:00am-10:00am ChST
FSM: Friday, June 18th: 9:00am-11:00am PONT
RMI: Friday, June 18th: 10:00am-12:00pm MHT
Training Description: This two-hour live virtual training will provide substance use disorder treatment and recovery providers in the six U.S.-affiliated Pacific Jurisdictions with a broad overview of cocaine and methamphetamine and their impact on brain, body, and behavior. The session will begin with a description of the national scope of stimulant use. The acute and chronic mental health and physical health consequences of stimulant use will be presented, including information on the impact of stimulant use on memory and cognition. Then, the presentation will shift focus to a discussion on how to implement effective behavioral treatment interventions with people who use stimulants, and the necessary adaptations needed to engage and retain people in care. In addition, participants will be introduced to the concept of text messaging as an extension to learning and offered an opportunity to join and actively engage in a live learning extender demonstration. Research has shown that text messaging is a widely used form of communication, with 90% of people reading a text message within the first 3 minutes of receiving it (Pew Research, 2015). Thus, using text messaging as a learning extender is a reasonable form of engaging learners post-training to encourage skill adoption over a period of time. In aligning with these tenets, the PSATTC will begin incorporating learning extenders in future training events and expanding the use to the Pacific Jurisdictions.
At the end of the live virtual training, participants will be able to:
1. Identify three specific national patterns and trends in stimulant use.
2. Recall at least three short-term and three-long term physical and psychological effects of stimulant use.
3. Apply at least two specific behavioral treatment interventions and two recovery approaches that have been proven to be effective in treating people with a stimulant use disorder.
The training course meets the qualifications for the provision of two (2.0) continuing education credits/contact hours (CEs/CEHs).