When working with Hispanic and Latino populations, clear language should never be a linear process, particularly for a collectivist society that defines and interprets experiences within a cultural context. Latino values such as "machismo" and "personalismo" can be very insightful, but when defined and understood through an American perspective, we wonder why we feel a disconnect with the Hispanic client/patient we need to provide prevention services to.
This interactive presentation will inform on Latino cultural nuances that can reframe communication for Hispanic individuals with substance use and/or mental health problems and discuss prevention strategies to support “recuperación” (recovery).
This training was approved for four renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and four initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses were granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity.
Published: October 11, 2024
Print Media
Microaggressions are subtle expressions that create barriers to recovery and discourage help-seeking. These can manifest as internalized stigma, verbal comments, behavioral actions, or environmental cues. Types include self/internalized microaggressions, like thoughts such as “It’s all my fault”; verbal microaggressions, such as “They brought this upon themselves”; behavioral microaggressions, where individuals receive differential treatment; and environmental microaggressions, characterized by a lack of representation and recovery resources. Cultural awareness is vital in addressing stigma, as beliefs about addiction significantly influence attitudes toward help-seeking. Different cultures may hold varied perspectives on substance use disorders and recovery approaches, affecting individuals' willingness to engage in treatment. To combat stigma, a multifaceted approach is needed: community collaboration, culturally relevant practices, public awareness campaigns, and promoting empathy. By embracing these strategies, communities can mitigate the effects of stigma microaggressions and foster environments that support recovery and social integration.
To download the entire version of the fact sheet, please use the Microaggressions button on the right side of the page.
Published: September 15, 2024
Print Media
As public support and acceptance of sexual and gender minority (SGM) people has grown, more and more facets of the community have begun to disclose their identities publicly. The terms that SGM individuals use to identify themselves are numerous and ever evolving, but respectfully using and discussing these terms doesn’t need to be intimidating. This webinar will introduce a variety of current identifying terms using real-world examples, explore the reasons behind SGM individuals’ varying levels of disclosure, and prepare providers to confidently engage with these emerging identities.
To download the entire version of the fact sheet, use the Emerging Identities button on the right side of the page.
Additional Resources
To view the webinar that accompanies this fact sheet, use the button below.
Below is an article shared by Kate Bishop, MSSA, the subject matter expert on this topic.
Multiple Minority Stress and LGBT Community Resilience among Sexual Minority Men
Published: September 15, 2024
Print Media
Research has shown what sexual minority and gender diverse community members have always known: families and caregivers play a critical role in wellbeing and lifelong health for LGBTQ+ young people. Family acceptance and support can be an enormous asset to a youth who is struggling; likewise, family rejection can have devastating effects in physical and emotional health, future orientation, risk behaviors, and resilience. Learn more about the evidence that strong family support in adolescence matters for a happy and healthy LGBTQ adulthood, as well as intervention strategies and tips for working with rejecting families.
To download the entire version of the factsheet, use the Fostering Family Acceptance button on the right side of the page.
This factsheet is now available in Spanish. Translation services by the National Hispanic and Latino Behavioral Health Center of Excellence. Traducido por:
To download the full version of the Spanish factsheet, use the Fostering Family Acceptance-Spanish button on the right side of the page.
Published: July 17, 2024
According to the American Psychological Association, one way to define cultural competence is the ability to understand, appreciate and effectively interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one's own. Cultural humility is foundational to this goal and is a lifelong process that can help increase provider self-awareness and promote person-centered approaches to effect equity in client/patient outcomes.
This interactive training invites learners to reflect on their cultural identities, history, and experiences that influence and often cultivate both providers and client/patient perspectives. Further, the content will bring the concepts of cultural humility and cultural competence together as essential components for culturally responsive care in meeting the needs of racial, ethnic, and other marginalized communities.
Published: March 29, 2024
According to the American Psychological Association, one way to define cultural competence is the ability to understand, appreciate and effectively interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one's own. Cultural humility is foundational to this goal and is a lifelong process that can help increase provider self-awareness and promote person-centered approaches to effect equity in client/patient outcomes.
This interactive three-part training invites learners to reflect on their cultural identities, history, and experiences that influence and often cultivate both providers and client/patient perspectives. Further, the content will bring the concepts of cultural humility and cultural competence together as essential components for culturally responsive care in meeting the needs of racial, ethnic, and other marginalized communities.
Published: March 27, 2024
According to the American Psychological Association, one way to define cultural competence is the ability to understand, appreciate and effectively interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one's own. Cultural humility is foundational to this goal and is a lifelong process that can help increase provider self-awareness and promote person-centered approaches to effect equity in client/patient outcomes.
This interactive three-part training invites learners to reflect on their cultural identities, history, and experiences that influence and often cultivate both providers and client/patient perspectives. Further, the content will bring the concepts of cultural humility and cultural competence together as essential components for culturally responsive care in meeting the needs of racial, ethnic, and other marginalized communities.
Published: March 25, 2024
Print Media
The Central East ATTC is committed to fostering a positive and affirming environment that acknowledges LGBTQ identities and realities. Though nearly every care provider expresses the intention of creating a welcoming environment for LGBTQ clients, good intentions alone are not enough to maintain a practice free of prejudice, repair poor office forms and protocols, minimize microaggressions, and eradicate disrespect for the lived experiences of sexual and gender minority community members. When a member of any marginalized group enters your setting, they are scanning for potential threats, hazards, and disappointments with their care as a reflexive gesture of self-protection. This factsheet provides an overview of indicators for creating safety and engagement techniques that can help build trust and reassurance for your LGBTQ clients. Download this factsheet to learn more.
To download the factsheet in English, please use the download attachment 1 on the right side of the page.
This factsheet is now available in Spanish. Translation services by the National Hispanic and Latino Behavioral Health Center of Excellence. Traducido por:
To download the full version of the Spanish factsheet, use the Download Attachment 2 button on the right side of the page.
Published: March 15, 2024
Print Media
Though trauma is linked with Substance Use Disorder for people from all walks of life, LGBTQ communities experience unique sources and dynamics of trauma, as well as distinct influences and social consequences that impact the prevalence of Substance Use Disorders within the population. These may include family rejection and estrangement, increased incidence of childhood sexual abuse, identity discernment stress and faith-related shame, survivor’s guilt for those who lost dozens of friends in the early days of the AIDS epidemic, and many other special situations. This webinar will highlight some of the dimensions of trauma specific to LGBTQ individuals, substance use behaviors linked to those events, and some of the unique sites of resilience and support available within LGBTQ communities.
Please use the download attachment 1 button on the right side of the page to to view the entire English factsheet.
This factsheet is now available in Spanish. Translation services by the National Hispanic and Latino Behavioral Health Center of Excellence. Traducido por:
To download the full version of the Spanish factsheet, use the Download Attachment 2 button on the right side of the page.
Published: March 15, 2024
This Black History Month, let's pause to recognize the remarkable achievements, unwavering strength, and outstanding triumphs of the Black community. It's also a time for us to recommit to cultivating an environment of inclusiveness, fairness, and opportunities for all. By recognizing and elevating diverse voices, we enrich our workplace and the vitality of our organizations, communities, and society.
Take advantage of MATTC’s FREE Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) training to improve your organization’s quality of services provided to all individuals, which will ultimately help reduce health disparities and achieve health equity. More information is found in the flyer attached! Please email
[email protected] for additional information.
Published: February 22, 2024
Print Media
The purpose of the listening sessions was to gather information from family members and loved ones of people with substance use challenges to better understand family members’ experiences supporting and seeking support for their loved one who is using substances; to ask what questions family members have about supporting their loved one who is using substances; to ask who or what is providing support for family members; and the unmet needs for support for family members.
Version 1 of this report in February 2023, which described the process and findings from the initial round of listening session in 2022.
Version 2 of this report describes the process and findings of additional follow up community outreach in 2023 to enhance the first phase of this consultation process: including a new round of listening sessions with family members and loved ones of people who use substances.
This project is in collaboration with the African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence and National Hispanic and Latino ATTC.
Published: January 5, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
Trans Awareness Week, observed from November 13—19, is an opportunity to identify and become freshly aware of the unique challenges faced by the transgender community, particularly in relation to substance use disorder. We all have a crucial role to play in understanding and addressing these challenges.
Behavioral health professionals, social workers, counselors, and educators play a crucial role in creating a supportive environment for transgender individuals. By recognizing the additional layers of stress and vulnerability they face, professionals can better tailor interventions and support systems that address the underlying issues contributing to substance use.
The Central East ATTC is committed to equity and inclusion for ALL. In August, we provided a training titled “Creating Safety: Welcoming Approaches for LGBTQ Clients” for Health and Human Services Region 3 in which we explored how organizations can become safe spaces for LGBTQ clients and their families. To check out a recording and/or slides of that training, click HERE.
We have the power and responsibility to shape a more inclusive and empathetic workforce and society. By fostering understanding, compassion, and support, we can work together to create a world where transgender individuals are not compelled to escape their pain through substance use but are empowered to face their challenges with resilience and dignity. Let Trans Awareness Week 2023 be a stepping stone toward a more inclusive, empathetic, and supportive future for us all. To learn more about Trans Awareness Week, check out
Published: November 7, 2023
Each person who enters recovery is as unique as their story. And this month, in honor of recovery month, we are bringing you recovery stories from people in diverse populations. Hear what people in these communities want providers to know.
Bonus Episode: Norma is an 88-year-old woman who entered recovery in her 50’s. As an older lady friends and family have a hard time believing she ever had a drinking problem. She educates her doctors and friends about what alcoholism is.
Published: October 5, 2023
Each person who enters recovery is as unique as their story. And this month, in honor of recovery month, we are bringing you recovery stories from people in diverse populations. Hear what people in these communities want providers to know.
Episode 5: Lisa got sober at fifteen, and now, at 34 people often discount her experience. Lisa has many labels: a person in recovery, a queer lesbian, multi-religious, and a single mom who created her family through international adoption. She continues to work on her recovery daily and is grateful to be sober.
Published: October 5, 2023
Each person who enters recovery is as unique as their story. And this month, in honor of recovery month, we are bringing you recovery stories from people in diverse populations. Hear what people in these communities want providers to know.
Episode 3: Casey explains that recovery does not have to be abstinence only. She discusses her thoughts on why she practices abstinence only now, but she may not always. She discusses why she may use substances in spiritual practices or rituals that her culture has used for centuries, and that does not contradict being in recovery. Casey uses her voice to stand up for who she stands on.
Published: September 21, 2023
Each person who enters recovery is as unique as their story. And this month, in honor of recovery month, we are bringing you recovery stories from people in diverse populations. Hear what people in these communities want providers to know.
Episode 4: Jazie is a non-binary person who is coming up on their 2nd sober anniversary. Jazie recognizes the older version of themselves taught them many things and acknowledges that they would not be the best version of themselves without that former self.
Published: September 21, 2023
The Roadmap for Training and Technical Assistance Efforts in Substance Use Service Administration monograph (2019) was meant to serve as a guide for instituting and practically applying the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards across the areas of prevention, substance use disorder, and behavioral health.
Join our long-time trainer and subject matter expert, Harold Gates, MSSW, CISW, HS-BCP, as we revisit these efforts and learn how to move DEI beyond good intentions to make a difference in the lives of an ever-growing and diverse client population. In order to do this, we should approach the topic with the “fierce urgency of now,” to quote Dr. Martin Luther King. This webinar will start us off on a journey to do just that! We will be using Lily Zheng's DEI Deconstructed: Your No-Nonsense Guide to Doing the Work and Doing It Right as a reference resource throughout this training.
“Instead of like a zero-sum game we all need to engage in DEI for collective learning, for collective growth. We are doing this work to get a greater understanding of how different populations experience the workplace. And to the extent that some populations are not being treated well, we're going to understand why and rectify those inequities because we really care about a workplace that's fair. That framing tends to really activate people.”
Lily Zheng-DEI Deconstructed
Describe the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards.
Describe one way the CLAS Standards can help you with your DEI initiatives.
Share what are you trying to achieve through your DEI work
Learn if your organization has done a CLAS or DEI assessment and used data to measure your success or opportunities for continuous improvement
Describe stakeholder involvement in your DEI efforts.
Understand what would the work look like when it’s done effectively
Save these Dates for the DEI Learning Collaborative where will dig deeper into Lily Zheng's DEI Deconstructed: Your No-Nonsense Guide to Doing the Work and Doing It Right
An application will be available after the September webinar.
Tuesday October 3 at 12-1pm Central
Tuesday November 7 at 12-1pm Central
Tuesday December 5 at 12-1pm Central
Tuesday January 9 at 12-1pm Central
Harold Gates, MSSW, CISW, HS-BCP, President, Midwest Center for Cultural Competence, LLC
Harold Gates is the president and co-founder of the Midwest Center for Cultural Competence, LLC, which was established in 2003. The Center provides training, education, and consultation for organizations that are seeking to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services, with the goal of helping to create a culturally competent multicultural community.
Published: September 12, 2023
Each person who enters recovery is as unique as their story. And this month, in honor of recovery month, we are bringing you recovery stories from people in diverse populations. Hear what people in these communities want providers to know.
Episode 2: Hector looked at his family and chose not to repeat those patterns. Hector practiced abstinence into his young adulthood. When he did start using, he practiced harm reduction. As a queer, first-generation Hispanic immigrant, he has been able to put a voice to what so many in his culture could not do.
Published: September 7, 2023
This recording is part 2 of the CLAS Matters Series. The series aims to initiate conversations and yield compassionate outcomes within organizations and community providers to ensure services offered are inclusive, equitable, respectful, and available for marginalized populations.
This is a 90 minute session that introduces a framework to support cultural responsiveness. This session provides a greater understanding about the three major themes of the CLAS standards
Watch the recording here!
Published: July 27, 2023
This recording is part 1 of the CLAS Matters Series. The series aims to initiate conversations and yield compassionate outcomes within organizations and community providers to ensure services offered are inclusive, equitable, respectful, and available for marginalized populations.
This is one hour introductory session that provides a general overview about CLAS and the 15 standards.
Watch the recording here!
Published: July 27, 2023
Print Media
The Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC are dedicated to integrating cultural responsiveness into all our training and technical assistance offerings. We aim to help develop workforce competencies to provide equitable and inclusive care to all. Download this guide to learn more about our growing inventory of evidence-based trainings designed to improve the delivery of culturally-responsive prevention, treatment, and recovery approaches!
If you have questions about the culturally-responsive trainings we currently offer or suggestions for additional culturally-responsive trainings that would support the behavioral health workforces in our region, please contact:
Alfredo Cerrato, Senior Cultural & Workforce Development Officer (
[email protected])
Published: July 7, 2023
Print Media
The Technology Transfer Centers: Dissemination and Implementation Working Group, composed of representatives across the ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC, developed two infographics for the most common intensive technical assistance strategies used to help states, organizations, and front-line providers implement evidence-based services.
The three strategies are:
Learning Collaboratives
External Facilitation
NIATx Organizational Change Model
These are two of many technical assistance strategies offered and deployed across the TTC Network. Additional infographics simply describing other strategies for consumers are in the planning stages.
User-friendly infographics are expected to assist decision-makers in making more informed selections about the kinds of assistance or support they need.
Published: July 5, 2023
SAMHSA Region III, in partnership with the Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center, is hosting a 90 minute virtual interactive training event to focus on workforce recruitment and retention. The featured speakers are the same content experts from Advocates for Human Potential who developed a Recruiting and Retention Toolkit for SAMHSA. The most relevant practical principles from the toolkit that have been updated will be presented. The speakers will showcase workforce planning and implementation strategies based on their extensive experience serving states, counties, providers and stakeholders.
Richard Landis, MSW Co-Director, Training and Technical Assistance
Fran Basche, MA Senior Program Director
Susan Lange, MEd Senior Program Manager
Jean Bennett, PhD SAMHSA Regional Director
Larke Huang, PhD Director, Office of Behavioral Health Equity
Published: June 2, 2023
Presentation Slides
The New England ATTC in partnership with Gateway Healthcare hosted the SAMHSA’s National Outcome Measures Service Tool: Collecting Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Race/Ethnicity Demographic Information in a Culturally Humble and Sensitive Approach virtual training on 1/25/23 with subject matter expert David Zelaya. This training aimed to provide an introductory overview regarding the ever growing and evolving language regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, and race/ethnicity. Specifically, the training contextualized the demographic questions being utilized in SAMHSA's NOMS tool. The training included experiential activities, dedicated space for reflection, in addition to a question and answer portion with the trainer. In line with the mission of the New England ATTC, this training helped to increase the cultural competency (i.e., awareness, knowledge, and skills) of the behavioral health workforce providing substance use and addiction services.
Published: January 25, 2023