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Products and Resources Catalog

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April 30th, 2020- "What Healthcare Providers Need to know about Telehealth Laws and COVID-19 HIPAA Guidelines" (PDF). This webinar will provide a brief overview of telehealth laws from federal and state levels.     Objectives: · The necessity of identifying and explaining COVID-19 HIPAA emergency compliance laws for healthcare organizations · To identify types of technology that can be used during the COVID-19 Pandemic · To be familiar with state Medicaid and Medicare telehealth laws and fees for services according to HIPAA guidelines during the COVID-19 Pandemic · Participants will identify potential ethical and treatment dilemmas that can impact client care and solutions to remedy problems · HIPAA compliant technology and documentation that is needed to implement an effective HIPAA telehealth program Presenter:  Dr. Lucy R. Cannon, LCSW, CCDP-D, MATS Lucy R. Cannon is the CEO/Owner of LEJ Behavioral Health Services, LLC, a training and consulting company in Metropolitan Atlanta. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the states of Georgia and Alabama. She has the following certifications; CCDP-D, ICCDPD, and MATS.Dr. Cannon has been a clinician, supervisor, director, and consultant of mental health and co-occurring disorders programs in inpatient and outpatient healthcare organizations and psychiatric hospitals in various states in the United States. She is an Adjunct Professor at Clark Atlanta University School of Social Work.She serves on various healthcare organizations boards of directors and advisory boards.    
Published: July 1, 2020
Curriculum Package
Staying in Touch: Using Caring Contacts to Sustain Connections with Your Clients is an online curriculum that describes a low-threshold, Caring Contacts intervention designed to help providers reduce client self-harm, increase feelings of self-efficacy, and fill treatment gaps due to health disparities or other challenges. A Caring Contact is a personalized written form of practitioner outreach to individual clients that expresses care and concern for their wellbeing. This simple, customizable intervention can be implemented at a distance during times of stress and isolation, making it a particularly useful addition to telehealth practices. This curriculum: is self-paced, with expected completion time of less than an hour; outlines the scientific support for this approach to reduce client isolation and potential self-harm; focuses, in part, on special circumstances and populations that can be hard to engage and retain in care; and includes concrete examples of Caring Contacts, as well as modifiable templates that can be downloaded and adapted for any organization’s use.   Additional Resources Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SAMHSA). Features information, tools, training, and more. CAMS-Care: Preventing Suicide. Training and certification for the CAMS suicide prevention assessment, intervention and treatment.  Now Matters Now (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention). Personal stories and research-based ways (DBT, e.g.) for managing suicidal thoughts and emotions.   
Published: June 2, 2020
  Presenter: Dr. Pang Foua Yang Rhodes Dr. Rhodes offers insight on the effects of social distancing and stigma within Hmong communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Rhodes elaborates on the struggles facing Hmong Americans and provides social and historical context of Hmong culture that should inform providers' treatment methods and crisis response services during this difficult time.   EnglishTranscript_Culturally Relevant Services in Crisis(Part 3)_Rhodes_04_28_20 HmongTranscript_Culturally Relevant Services in Crisis(Part 3)_Rhodes_04_28_20  
Published: May 30, 2020
  Presenter: Dr. Michelle Evans Recorded on April 17, 2020 Providing mental health services in the present and future conditions will require a new consideration for cultural elements and linguistic tools via a re-imagined perspective on policy and technology when serving culturally diverse communities. Dr. Michelle Evans will guide us through the use of these tools, the challenges, and the opportunities we now have amid a crisis.        
Published: May 29, 2020
eNewsletter or Blog
Monthly electronic newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.  
Published: May 27, 2020
Chicago Street Outreach & Linkage to OUD Care During a Pandemic A case example of collaboration and innovation to reach vulnerable populations with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) during COVID-19. Recorded May 18th, 2020 Presented By: Elizabeth Salisbury, MD, MPH; Sarah Messmer, MD; Nicole Gastala, MD; Stephan Koruba, NP During the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals who use opioids may be at high risk for withdrawal and/or overdose because of lack of income, disrupted drug markets, limited access to harm reduction services, and even more limited access to treatment services. This webinar will review the changes in regulation around buprenorphine initiation during this national emergency, the loosening of telehealth requirements, and provide a case example of how one street outreach team has partnered with a community-based clinic to allow individuals who are experiencing homelessness to receive access to buprenorphine treatment during the national emergency.     Transcript_Chicago Street Outreach & OUD Care During Pandemic_05_18_20.pdf
Published: May 22, 2020
Recorded May 5th, 2020 Panelists: Danis Russell Jeff Coady Kwame Gyasi Jeanne Pulvermacher Dave Gomel Tom Wright Judi Jobe Michelle DeRosso   Transcript_Region 5: Supporting Behavioral Health Programs & Personnel During COVID-19
Published: May 22, 2020
This webinar record is Part 1 of the "Providing Culturally Relevant Crisis Services During COVID-19" series.  Presenter: Albert Thompson Although COVID-19 continues to be a daily concern, large-scale epidemics are certainly not solely a 21st century issue. In this presentation, Thompson expands our focus from the world's present circumstances so we can better understand how society has responded to past health crises and the disproportionately devastating impact these events had, and continue to have, on marginalized populations as a result of prejudicial treatment and economic disadvantage.       
Published: May 12, 2020
Print Media
As COVID-19 has progressed in many of our communities, several questions have been brought to the attention of the Region 7 Mid-America Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Mid-America ATTC). The goal of this FAQ is to provide practical answers to these recurring questions that may result in immediate action. Mid-America ATTC will update this list monthly at minimum, until updates subside.  
Published: May 6, 2020
Print Media
The recent COVID-19 health pandemic has accelerated the implementation of behavioral health services via remote technology, including telephone and video conferencing. The following is an implementation framework for behavioral health care providers that guides organizational leadership through short term practical steps for implementation of  remote services via technology while including successful long-term strategies for sustaining telehealth services.   
Published: May 1, 2020
Print Media
The information provided on this guide will improve your ability to be fully engaged in a virtual meeting. Main focus: 1. Participate fully and critically in online learning. This means coming prepared with thoughtful questions, using the technology available to you, and making sure you do the individual work in order to get the most out of the group time. 2. Be patient when engaging in new online meeting platforms. There is a learning curve, and it is okay! Do your best to engage with the technology. 3. Be intentional about tapping into the knowledge of the online community.
Published: April 30, 2020
Print Media
A report brought to you by the South Southwest ATTC and NFARtec about the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services efforts to expand behavioral health treatment and recovery services through telehealth and Grand Lake Mental Health Center Collaborative Program Model.  
Published: April 29, 2020
Print Media
A report brought to you by the South Southwest ATTC and NFARtec about the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services efforts to expand behavioral health treatment and recovery services through telehealth and Grand Lake Mental Health Center Collaborative Program Model.This version includes an Executive Summary.
Published: April 29, 2020
This 1-hour webinar, presented on April 29, 2020, provided guidance to providers interested in delivering mental health services through telephone and/or videoconferencing. Participants received a brief overview of Telemental Health essentials, including technology selection, client screening, office space adaptation, documentation, responding to emergencies, and fundamentals of clinical engagement through this modality. Presented by Sara Smucker Barnwell, PhD, Clinical Psychologist. Download slides | Watch recording
Published: April 29, 2020
Presented By: Dr. Randall Brown MD, PhD, DFASAM   This presentation provides an overview of the challenges experienced by service providers managing office-based opioid recovery treatments, as well as best practices and alternative approaches to safely managing substance use disorder treatments under the current restrictions of COVID-19. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Transcript
Published: April 16, 2020
Telehealth Resources for Behavioral Health lists regional and national resources and information related to telehealth. Visit this page for up-to-date information on telehealth policy, processes, and best practices for the behavioral health field.  
Published: April 15, 2020
eNewsletter or Blog
April 2020 issue of the Great Lakes Current, with a special focus on responding to COVID-19.  Includes links to resources and information produced by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC, as well as the other TTC programs across the country. 
Published: April 15, 2020
This presentation by Sheila Weix, MSN, RN, CARN was recorded on April 1, 2020 and is a follow-up to her PART 1 presentation released on March 20, 2020. Viewers will be provided with updated information on the ever-changing challenges facing healthcare providers under the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as best practices for reducing exposure risks, maximizing limited resources, and safely managing treatment during this difficult time.   Additional Resources: Transcript_SUD in a Pandemic_ Bigger Boat Part 2  
Published: April 7, 2020
The Mountain Plains ATTC introduces a new product based on a series of consultation groups developed to train behavioral health professionals on the use videoconferencing to deliver clinical services. The original series, Advancing Clinicians’ Videoconferencing Skills: An Audio-Consultation Series, was developed and delivered in 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, this series offered a live platform for learning and consultation related to videoconferencing case reviews, legalities and ethics, rules and regulations, and understanding clients through the lens of the evolving digital world. In addition, it explored a variety of topics and activities that promoted learning about the potential successes, challenges, and pitfalls of using videoconferencing to offer clinical services in a behavioral health setting, as well as enhancing participants’ videoconferencing skills. Highlights are now available as eleven separate audio-recorded excerpts from the original series, including the PowerPoint slides, that can be downloaded. Accompanying slides for each session can be downloaded above.   Session 1 Topic/Title: The ins and outs of reimbursement in today’s virtual world Description: Learn about the process of getting reimbursed for providing videoconferencing services.   Session 2 Topic/Title: Thinking outside the virtual box Part I: Appropriate documentation when providing videoconferencing services to clients Description: Explore documentation related to: Client Rights, Informed Consent, Treatment Agreements\   Session 3 Topic/Title: Thinking outside the virtual box Part II: Appropriate documentation when providing Clinical Supervision Description: Social Media and Telehealth-Specific Policies and Procedures, and Electronic Communication Consent Forms will be highlighted and discussed.   Session 4 Topic: Choosing a videoconferencing platform: What you need to know prior to committing to a service Description: Facilitators will review key questions to ask and factors to consider when choosing a HIPPA compliant platform.   Session 5 Topic: Managing an emergency when providing videoconferencing services: Role play Description: Facilitators and/or participants will role play what to do when an emergency arises and explore proactive steps and real time measures to handle the situation.   Session 6 Topic: Employing our “virtual eye”: Taking an objective look around your office before a videoconferencing session Description: During this interactive session, participants and facilitators will provide feedback to each other on the visible office environment, including lighting, sound, and ambiance.   Session 7 Topic: Digital immigrants and digital natives: Understanding our clients through the cultural lens of today’s digital world Description: Interactive discussion of the concept of digital immigrants vs. digital natives and how these concepts tie into behavioral health provider and client experiences using technology.   Session 8 Topic: Avoiding landmines: Understanding HIPAA/42CFR Part 2, texting, emailing, and synchronous vs. asynchronous communication Description: This session will present two - three hot topic scenarios for discussion and improved understanding in dilemmas that may arise as a behavioral health provider offering videoconferencing services.   Session 9 Topic: Using technology when working with adolescents Description: Interactive participant discussion on tips, dos and don’ts, when working with children and adolescents.   Session 10 Topic: So, you love groups: Using videoconferencing to provide group counseling sessions Description: Role play and practice with facilitators using a videoconferencing platform in a group setting.   Session 11 Topic: Providing videoconferencing services: How to implement in your agency and gain provider “buy-in”. Description: Discussion of participant’s own experiences in this area. Facilitators and agency representatives dialogue about potential barriers and challenges and how to work these into the change process.
Published: April 3, 2020
Presenters: Sandnes S. Boulanger, LCSW, MCAP, Clinical Director, Operation PAR, Inc. Maryellen Evers, LCSW, CAADC   Given recent public health concerns and the importance of social distancing, substance use disorders (SUDs) treatment and recovery support providers are seeking viable alternatives to in-person service delivery. The use of technology through a web-based videoconferencing platform in a synchronous manner (often called telehealth or telemental health) offers one solution. Recent research confirms high levels of patient satisfaction with mental health and substance abuse services delivered via videoconferencing, along with positive treatment outcomes. Most importantly, the skills and knowledge required for delivering treatment and recovery services through videoconferencing are different than those used for conducting business meetings online. This webinar will provide an overview of the essentials of videoconferencing with patients/peers, including: a clinical/support session checklist;  a review of legal, ethical, and patient/peer safety concerns; and  privacy/security and confidentiality issues.   Webinar Resources: Using Videoconferencing to Deliver SUD Treatment & Recovery Services Slides PAR Working from Home Safety Checklist PAR Checklist
Published: March 27, 2020
Providing SUD services during a pandemic requires a mix of disaster preparedness, safety precautions, telehealth, and ethics. During her tenure as a leader in SUD treatment, Sheila Weix has been involved with emergencies related to the HIV epidemic, 9/11, and the 2008 economic collapse. She is currently applying this experience in an outpatient treatment service that includes medication-assisted treatment in rural Wisconsin during the COVID19 pandemic. Webinar participants will learn about: Safety precautions How to move all services to telehealth Reimbursement contingencies Leadership actions underway to address this rapidly changing situation    Additional Resources: Transcript_SUD in a Pandemic_Bigger Boat Part 1  
Published: March 21, 2020
Dr. Randy Brown will review the history of the ECHO tele-educational model and the history particular to the University of Wisconsin Project ECHO ACCEPT clinic regarding substance use disorders and related complications. He will review the general content of the curriculum and the format for these educational sessions.  Presented on November 22, 2019. 
Published: January 7, 2020
Print Media
Created to accompany the MPATTC’s Guide to Using Text Messages to Improve Substance Use Treatment Outcomes Guide, this 11x17 Prompt and Reminder (PRP) Poster was developed as a reminder to use thoughtful text message language when communicating when using a text messaging system within your agency and to avoid “textese”.  This poster can be downloaded in two sizes, 11x17 (recommended for printing and display) or 8.5x11 (desk copy) directly from the MPATTC website by clicking the "download" button above.  The poster includes a QR code that can be scanned to access the Guide to Using Text Messages to Improve Substance Use Treatment Outcomes and the instructional demonstration videos. To maximize the impact of this product, the MPATTC recommends displaying the 11x17 poster in a location most visible and accessible to administrators/employees who schedule and use text as an extender to services.   To request 11x17 “The Language of Texting” prompt and reminder poster to be mailed directly to you, please click "REQUEST A HARD COPY". Instructions on how to print PDF files:   Research on the use of Prompt Poster: Recent research on implementation science highlights the importance of understanding the practical strategies that support uptake of new practices and adoption of evidence-based practices (EBP) by clinicians. For example, placing reminders or prompts in the practice setting where the clinician can easily see them provides timely cues that reinforce use of the EBPs. [see Cullen & Adams, 2012; Leathers, 2016; Sholomskas et al., 2005].     To Download: The Language of Texting Prompt/Reminder Poster was designed for display as 11x17 sized posters. However, we have also created 8.5x11 desk copies for in-house printing. These packages can be downloaded and printed by clicking  above and selecting either the 11x17 Language of Texting Prompt/Reminder Poster or 8.5x11 Language of Texting Prompt/Reminder Sheet.  
Published: November 4, 2019
This 4-part recorded video series showcases digital health technologies related to recovery support services for individuals with substance use disorders, thereby helping behavioral health peer recovery, clinical and administrative staff become familiar with and develop/increase their digital health technology skills.  You may choose to view the series in sequence or select an individual training to view. Simply click a link below to register.    What are Digital Heath Technologies and How do they Work? Presented By: Laura Griffith, BS, M.Ed., Founder/Director, Recover Wyoming, UW Continuing Educations Hours (CEHs): 1.5 To Register:   Overview of Privacy and Security as it Relates to Digital Health Technologies Presented By: Scott Breedlove, CPN, Missouri Credentialing Board (MCB) Continuing Educations Hours (CEHs): 1.5 To Register:   Engagement when using Digital Health Technologies Presented By: Diana Padilla, Program Manager, Ne-CATTC Continuing Educations Hours (CEHs): 1.5 To Register:   Implementing Digital Health Technologies into your World Presented By: Daniel Fred, MA, PRSS, Project Coordinator/Instructor, CASAT, UNR Continuing Educations Hours (CEHs): 1.5 To Register: The BRC Series was a collaboration between the Pacific Southwest ATTC, Mountain Plains ATTC, and CASAT Training celebrating the 2018 Recovery Month.  
Published: November 15, 2018
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The ATTC Network understands that words have power. A few ATTC products developed prior to 2017 may contain language that does not reflect the ATTCs’ current commitment to using affirming, person-first language. We appreciate your patience as we work to gradually update older materials. For more information about the importance of non-stigmatizing language, see “Destroying Addiction Stigma Once and For All: It’s Time” from the ATTC Network and “Changing Language to Change Care: Stigma and Substance Use Disorders” from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).
