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DESCRIPTION  As public support and acceptance of sexual and gender minority (SGM) people has grown, more and more facets of the community have begun to disclose their identities publicly. The terms that SGM individuals use to identify themselves are numerous and ever evolving, but respectfully using and discussing these terms doesn’t need to be intimidating. This webinar will introduce a variety of current identifying terms using real-world examples, explore the reasons behind SGM individuals’ varying levels of disclosure, and prepare providers to confidently engage with these emerging identities. To download the entire version of the fact sheet, use the Emerging Identities button on the right side of the page. Additional Resources  To view the webinar that accompanies this fact sheet, use the button below. Below is an article shared by Kate Bishop, MSSA, the subject matter expert on this topic. Multiple Minority Stress and LGBT Community Resilience among Sexual Minority Men  
Published: September 15, 2024
This interactive learning community conversation explores the strategy of developing discrepancy. The intentional use of this strategy sparks contemplation, supports forward movement and stops circular conversations about behavior change.  Participants will reframe their frustration-in-moment as an opportunity for insight that can inform and reshape their next steps in the conversation. Demonstrations, practice opportunities and feedback will be used to illustrate the practical application of this effective engagement/conversation strategy. This training was approved for two renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and two initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses were granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity.
Published: September 11, 2024
Talking To Change: A Motivational Interviewing Podcast, hosted by Glenn Hinds and Sebastian Kaplan, is a series of conversations exploring Motivational Interviewing (MI) and its influence on supporting individuals and groups as they make positive health and lifestyle changes. Episode 80: Motivational Interviewing & Behaviourism, with Dr. James Anderson. In this episode, hosts Glenn and Sebastian talk to Dr. James Anderson, Chief of Psychiatry at Bassett Healthcare Network in New York. Dr. Anderson defines behaviorism and describes how it fits with MI. He also talks about behaviorism and compassion, how to apply behavioral concepts to conversations about change, and psychedelic-assisted therapy.
Published: September 11, 2024
Talking To Change: A Motivational Interviewing Podcast, hosted by Glenn Hinds and Sebastian Kaplan, is a series of conversations exploring Motivational Interviewing (MI) and its influence on supporting individuals and groups as they make positive health and lifestyle changes. Episode 79: MI & Health Coaching, with Amanda Gabarda, EdD, and Susan Butterworth, PhD  In this episode, Glenn and Sebastian talk to Amanda Gabarda, EdD, and Susan Butterworth, PhD, about ways to use motivational interviewing in health coaching. Thy discuss the psychology of lifestyle change, how their clients have responded to MI, coaching as a "vehicle for learning and growing and transforming," coaching as a brief intervention, how health coaches fit into the health care system, and research on MI and health coaching. The session ends with a conversation about artificial intelligence and a role-play with Susan and Sebastian.
Published: September 10, 2024
Talking To Change: A Motivational Interviewing Podcast, hosted by Glenn Hinds and Sebastian Kaplan, is a series of conversations exploring Motivational Interviewing (MI) and its influence on supporting individuals and groups as they make positive health and lifestyle changes. Episode 78: Self-Help MI, with Michelle Drapkin, PhD. In this episode, hosts Glenn and Sebastian talk to Michelle Drapkin, PhD, about motivational interviewing and self-help. Dr. Drapkin, who has worked in the area of behavior change for over 20 years, talks about ways to enhance motivation through behavioral principles, how to do MI with oneself, how to have a more effective relationship with our inner critic, the "best self" exercise, and how to use her self-help book.
Published: September 4, 2024
This 16-hour training (12 hours of live interactive training through Zoom + 4 hours of professional development plan assignments), combined with the 14-hour online “Clinical Supervision Foundations I” training, will meet the 30-hour Clinical Supervision training requirement for the Advanced Counselor and Master Counselor status, as referenced in the OASAS Substance Use Disorder Scope of Practice. This training recognizes the crucial role that Clinical Supervision holds as the cornerstone of performance improvement at both the program and client level. Clinical Supervision, when properly implemented by competent Clinical Supervisors, improves client care, develops clinical skills, and improves the knowledge and professionalism of clinical personnel. It is also paramount in imparting and maintaining ethical standards in the addictions profession. This training met the requirements for 16 renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and 16 initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses were granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity.  
Published: September 3, 2024
This 16-hour training (12 hours of live interactive training through Zoom + 4 hours of professional development plan assignments), combined with the 14-hour online “Clinical Supervision Foundations I” training, will meet the 30-hour Clinical Supervision training requirement for the Advanced Counselor and Master Counselor status, as referenced in the OASAS Substance Use Disorder Scope of Practice. This training recognizes the crucial role that Clinical Supervision holds as the cornerstone of performance improvement at both the program and client level. Clinical Supervision, when properly implemented by competent Clinical Supervisors, improves client care, develops clinical skills, and improves the knowledge and professionalism of clinical personnel. It is also paramount in imparting and maintaining ethical standards in the addictions profession. This training met the requirements for 16 renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and 16 initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses were granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity.
Published: September 3, 2024
Talking To Change: A Motivational Interviewing Podcast, hosted by Glenn Hinds and Sebastian Kaplan, is a series of conversations exploring Motivational Interviewing (MI) and its influence on supporting individuals and groups as they make positive health and lifestyle changes. Episode 77: MI and Brain Injury, with Russha Knauer. In this episode, hosts Glenn and Sebastian talk to Russha Knauer to discuss her work applying MI with people who have experienced a brain injury. Russha has a BA in psychology and a master's degree in Criminal Justice Administration. Russha shares information about her early experiences with MI in juvenile justice settings and her transition to working with people who have experience brain injuries, as well as some challenges in caring for people with brain injuries. She also talks about difference applications of MI to this unique population.
Published: September 1, 2024
Print Media
This resource helps individuals and organizations navigate the legal landscape in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, ensuring that lifesaving harm reduction services, like naloxone distribution and overdose Good Samaritan laws, are accessible to those who need them most. This document was originally created in 2021 and updated in August of 2024.  
Published: August 29, 2024
Presenters: Bill O’Connell, EdD and Ursula Heflick The mental and behavioral health workforce shortage has hindered access to care in the United States, resulting in long waitlists for persons who need behavioral health care. Bachelor level practitioners are one solution to increasing available mental and behavioral health treatment across a variety of settings. A Behavioral Health Support Specialist (BHSS) will provide brief treatment for depression using behavioral activation, anxiety using CBT and engage in harm reduction for substance use issues.  This webinar highlights an innovative effort in Washington State to initiate a bachelor’s-level BHSS curriculum leading to credentialing to expand the mental health workforce and improve access to care. Download the slides | View recording
Published: August 28, 2024
Print Media
The Mid-America Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Mid-America ATTC) Impact Report highlights our contributions to the behavioral and substance use workforce from 2017 to 2024. The report offers an overview of our activities and achievements during this funding cycle.
Published: August 15, 2024
SBIRT is considered an evidence-based practice that uses a preventive public health approach to identify and intervene with persons whose pattern of use puts them at risk for, or are experiencing substance-related health problems, and facilitate referrals to specialty care for persons with a high potential for substance use disorders. Many people who do not meet the criteria of an alcohol or substance use disorder are potentially impacting their health and wellness. SBIRT addresses a person’s risky behavior and as a practice model, can be integrated into health care and behavioral health settings. This course will review validated instruments to screen for substance use, how to provide a brief intervention, essential components of successful facilitation of referrals to specialized care, and billing criteria for qualified professionals. Participant Criteria: This SBIRT 4-hour course met NYS OASAS training requirement for Qualified Health Professionals (i.e., Licensed Social Workers, occupational therapists, physicians, PAs, RNs, licensed psychologists, certified rehabilitation counselors, therapeutic recreation specialists, licensed marriage and family therapists, and licensed mental health counselors), who intend to bill for SBIRT services in their settings. This training was approved for 4 renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and 4 initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses are were reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity.
Published: August 14, 2024
This is a recording and the presentation slides for the webinar held 8/13/24.
Published: August 14, 2024
Difficult moments don’t have to grow into "incidents" that can threaten client engagement and retention. This workshop is designed to equip participants with basic concepts and preparatory actions that can be used to de-escalate a wide range of interactions. This training was approved for three renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and three initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses were granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity.
Published: August 12, 2024
This 16-hour training (12 hours of live interactive training through Zoom + 4 hours of professional development plan assignments), combined with the 14-hour online “Clinical Supervision Foundations I” training, will meet the 30-hour Clinical Supervision training requirement for the Advanced Counselor and Master Counselor status, as referenced in the OASAS Substance Use Disorder Scope of Practice. This training recognizes the crucial role that Clinical Supervision holds as the cornerstone of performance improvement at both the program and client level. Clinical Supervision, when properly implemented by competent Clinical Supervisors, improves client care, develops clinical skills, and improves the knowledge and professionalism of clinical personnel. It is also paramount in imparting and maintaining ethical standards in the addictions profession. This training met the requirements for 16 renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and 16 initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses were granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity.
Published: July 23, 2024
Behavioral health and health care settings offer a spectrum of programs including substance use, mental health, and medical and recovery services. Professionals providing these supports use an array of competencies to empathize and assist persons with substance use and other psychosocial problems. Always focused on helping others, professionals can experience challenges in practicing self-care for themselves. This interactive workshop provides an opportunity for providers to review wellness practices and experience the benefits of intentional, micro-structured, self-care interventions. This training was approved for two renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and two initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS).  As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses were granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity.
Published: July 22, 2024
Various situations and perspectives are considered when helping individuals with substance use disorders, and subjectivity can blur the provision of client care and impact recovery and wellness outcomes. As such, professionals need to integrate ethical principles that are based on courage, empathy, humility, and respect. This three-hour interactive training will review the Canon of Ethical Principles for the Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC). Topics include definitions, principles, and questions emerging from challenging situations. Content will further discuss the concept of "do no harm,” confidentiality, self-disclosure and more, as they related to the Canon principles. This training was approved for three renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and three initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses were granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity.
Published: July 17, 2024
Stigma of substance use can impede appropriate and preventive care that is critical for older adults and their wellness. Biased perceptions of substance use can often dismiss health related impacts of substance use and impede prevention efforts with the aging community. The webinar will explore how stigma of substance use with older adults underscores the lack of screening and tailored prevention. Content will further inform and educate on age-related challenges that increase substance misuse, medication adherence, and person-centered brief intervention approaches. This training was approved for two renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and two initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses were granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity
Published: July 10, 2024
Professional boundaries set the parameters of effective and appropriate interaction between professionals and the people they serve. Boundaries protect clients and patients as well as providers. This interactive course will discuss professionalism and ethics, dual relationships, and how to build a safe working environment. This training was approved for two renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and two initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses were granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity.
Published: July 10, 2024
This two-part interactive learning community conversation focuses on the development of groups and the use of groups as a method of intervention. Emphasis was placed on group work vs. case work in a group, and the skills necessary to facilitate groups. Prior group facilitation experience is a plus and was not required. This two-part training was approved for six renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and six initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses were granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity
Published: July 10, 2024
This two-part interactive learning community conversation focuses on the development of groups and the use of groups as a method of intervention. Emphasis was placed on group work vs. case work in a group, and the skills necessary to facilitate groups. Prior group facilitation experience is a plus and was not required. This training was approved for six renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and six initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses were granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity.
Published: July 10, 2024
The attached practitioner-friendly report highlights findings from a national scan of probation and parole offices and staff was developed by New England ATTC Director, Rosemarie Martin, and the New England Region Opioid Response Network team in partnership with the American Correctional Association. Findings outlined in the attached report directly impacted the development of the HealtheKnowledge eLearning course, “Improving Outcomes for Individuals on Community-based Supervision with Opioid Use Disorders (OUD)” designed specifically for community supervision professionals and providers working with individuals with opioid and substance use under community supervision.
Published: July 1, 2024
Online Course, Website
In 2019, an estimated 1 in 59 adults in the U.S. was under community supervision. Researchers estimate that 60 to 80% of individuals on probation have a substance use disorder. Many people on community supervision who have an opioid use disorder never get the high-quality care needed to recover. There are many reasons for this - logistical barriers, lack of access to evidence-based treatments, stigma... But as a professional working with people on probation/ parole, you can change that. This learning series is designed specifically for community supervision officers and community treatment providers working with justice-involved individuals. Whether you're supervising someone with an OUD under community supervision or providing their treatment, every interaction is an opportunity to achieve better outcomes. This course consists of six modules. The resources and videos throughout this course: Provide probation officers and community treatment providers with the knowledge, tools, and resources to respond to the treatment needs of individuals under supervision, and Improve access and linkage to evidence-based treatment in the community for individuals with opioid use disorders who are under supervision. It is important for probation officers and community providers to review all modules in order to align role clarity and expectations. Please note that you will see the following acronyms used throughout this course: PO - Probation Officer CP - Community Provider SUD - Substance Use Disorder MOUD - Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Access this course here.  
Published: July 1, 2024
Multimedia, Presentation Slides
This 1.5-hour webinar is intended for mental health professionals who work with individuals who have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance use disorder (SUD) comorbidity. According to research, PTSD and SUDs are extremely prevalent co-occurring disorders, with each diagnosis raising the chance of the other. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has established six principles of trauma-informed care that are intended to promote a supportive and healing environment for those who have suffered trauma. The presenters will go over these six principles and how to implement them when assisting clients recover. These principles guide the delivery of trauma-informed care, ensuring that services are compassionate, respectful, and successful in meeting the varied needs of trauma survivors. This webinar aims to provide attendees with evidence-based methods and practical tools for facilitating change and promoting recovery in this dual-diagnosis population.   LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Discuss the prevalence and impact of co-occurring PTSD and SUD Understand the six principles of trauma-informed care Implement trauma-informed care in clinical practice     TRAINERS: Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC, is an international speaker in behavioral health whose presentations have reached thousands throughout the United States, England, Canada, Spain, Lithuania, West Indies and Guam. He is the recipient of five behavioral health lifetime achievement awards including the prestigious NAADAC Enlightenment Award. He is Founder of The Museum of African American Addictions, Treatment and Recovery which is the 2023 winner of the Faces and Voices of Recovery Innovations In Recovery Award. He is the author of 5 books on recovery and had had a 30-year career as a university educator.       Isa Vélez Echevarria, PsyD is a Puerto Rican clinical psychologist. She is the Ohio State Project Manager for the Great Lakes Addiction, Mental Health, and Prevention Technology Transfer Centers managed by the Center for Health Enhancement Systems Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  During her pre-doctoral internship at Children’s Institute in Los Angeles, CA, she obtained a certification as Interpersonal Psychotherapy Clinician. She was trained in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Family Therapy. In addition, she provides telehealth services to communities of color in Massachusetts and Puerto Rico. Her clinical work has focused on culturally tailored and trauma-informed services to Latinx communities.       The Great Lakes A/MH/PTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.
Published: June 26, 2024
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The ATTC Network understands that words have power. A few ATTC products developed prior to 2017 may contain language that does not reflect the ATTCs’ current commitment to using affirming, person-first language. We appreciate your patience as we work to gradually update older materials. For more information about the importance of non-stigmatizing language, see “Destroying Addiction Stigma Once and For All: It’s Time” from the ATTC Network and “Changing Language to Change Care: Stigma and Substance Use Disorders” from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).
