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Provides an overview of resources and initiatives to address opioid misuse in Michigan.
Information effective May 2019.
Published: May 23, 2019
This webinar introduced Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), showed how ACT is applied to treat addictions, and briefly surveyed the science supporting ACT for addictions. Numerous clinical examples to illustrate the treatment model were also presented in a highly engaging and informative way.
Presented by Jonathan Bricker, MD, Health and Behavioral Innovations in Technology; Fred Hutchinson Center; UW Department of Psychology.
Download slides | Watch recording
Webinar category: Treatment - General
Published: May 22, 2019
SAMHSA has recently created the “Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center”.
This new Center aims to provide communities, clinicians, policy-makers and others in the field with the information and tools they need to incorporate evidence-based practices into their communities or clinical settings. The Resource Center contains a collection of scientifically-based resources for a broad range of audiences, including Treatment Improvement Protocols, toolkits, resource guides, clinical practice guidelines, and other science-based resources.
The site is completely user friendly with drop down menus for specific searches, an emerging best practices section, and highlighted areas of Technical Assistance!
Explore the site!
Published: May 20, 2019
Click the buttons below to view this webinar translated in Spanish or Portuguese
This is Part 1 of a two-part webinar series titled: The Intersection of Traditional Medicine and Behavioral Health in the Latinx Community.
This Webinar will emphasize Curanderismo, the art of traditional medicine, practiced in many parts of the USA, Mexico, Latin America and several countries around the world. The Webinar will explore an integrative approach to traditional medicine featuring demonstrations that incorporate Curanderismo with various traditional and holistic health techniques. Curanderismo will be described with its influences and history. Some of the methods and techniques of the usage of medicinal plants and rituals and their integration into behavioral health addressing body, mind and spirit/energy will be discussed. Video snippets of well know healers from the U.S., Mexico, Afro-Cuba, and Afro-Puerto Rico will demonstrate healing modalities such as medicinal plants for the nervous system; ventosas/fire cupping, limpias espirituales/energeticas/spiritual/energetic cleansings; risaterapia/laugh therapy and temazcal/sweat lodge. At the conclusion of this Webinar, you will appreciate that to be healthy, you should have a balance of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
Published: May 14, 2019
The Family Recovery Pathways conference was held in Sioux Falls, SD on May 6-8, 2019, developed by the HHS Region 7 Mid-America Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Mid-America ATTC) and HHS Region 8 Mountain Plains Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Mountain Plains ATTC). This conference also had support from the Region 8 Mountain Plains Prevention Technology Transfer Center (Mountain Plains PTTC) and the ATTC Network Coordinating Office. The goal of the Family Recovery Pathways conference was to bring together professionals who engage with families impacted by substance use disorders to learn best practices in working in the child welfare and substance use disorder system.
A total of 275 people representing 20 states attended throughout the three-day conference. Conference presentations featured more than 50 presenters and panelists addressing such topics as Adverse Childhood Experiences, Policy Approaches to Support Family-Centered Care, and Pregnancy and Parenting in the Midst of a Methamphetamine Epidemic.
Presentations are available for download by clicking
Published: May 8, 2019
Online Course
Supporting Recovery from Opioid Use: A Peer’s Guide to Person-Centered Care is a one-hour, self-paced course designed to equip peers and other outreach workers with information, resources, and practical tips to better understand opioids use disorders. Certificate of Completion Available
Published: May 1, 2019
Presentation Slides
This presentation was given by the convener of South Africa’s Drug Policy Week, Mr. Shaun Shelly at the 2nd National Advisory Board Meeting for the South Africa HIV ATTC. This presentation details the current climate of drug policy in South Africa.
Published: May 1, 2019
Presentation Slides
This presentation was given by the CEO of SANAC, Dr. Sandile Buthelezi at the 2nd National Advisory Board Meeting for the South Africa HIV ATTC. This presentation details South Africa’s National Strategic Plan for managing the HIV/TB/STI responses in South Africa.
Published: May 1, 2019
Presentation Slides
This presentation was given by the Chair of the Central Drug Authority, David Bayever at the 2nd National Advisory Board Meeting for the South Africa HIV ATTC. This presentation details the NDMP and planned implementation strategy, as well as it’s overlap with the National Strategic Plan. The South Africa HIV ATTC will play a role in the successful implementation of the NDMP with a focus on training and technical assistance in addressing the behavioral drivers of HIV risk and outcomes.
Published: May 1, 2019
Presentation Slides
This presentation was given by the Deputy Director of the National Department of Health (DOH): Directorate of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders, Mr. Kgalabi Ngako at the 2nd National Advisory Board Meeting for the South Africa HIV ATTC. This presentation details the partnership between National DOH and the South Africa HIV ATTC.
Published: May 1, 2019
Presentation Slides
This presentation was given by the Director of the KwaZulu Natal Department of Health: Directorate of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders, Dr. Nikiwe Hongo at the 2nd National Advisory Board Meeting for the South Africa HIV ATTC. This presentation details the current and future trainings of the South Africa HIV ATTC with KZN Health and plans for implementation of SBIRT skills into health care practice and delivery.
Published: May 1, 2019
Presentation Slides
This presentation was given by CEO of TB HIV Care, Professor Harry Hausler at the 2nd National Advisory Board Meeting for the South Africa HIV ATTC on March 1, 2019. This presentation details the partnership between TB HIV Care and the South Africa HIV ATTC, including the success and growth of this collaboration.
Published: May 1, 2019
Presentation Slides
This presentation details the Year 1 outcomes and successes of the South Africa HIV ATTC and plans for Year 2 operations. It was presented by the South Africa HIV ATTC's Training and Curriculum Coordinator for substance use disorders, Shaheema Allie at the 2nd Annual National Advisory Board and Strategic Planning Meeting on March 1, 2019.
Published: May 1, 2019
This training is led by the co-founder of Motivational Interviewing (MI), Professor Stephen Rollnick. This video will allow viewers to gain insight into MI as an approach to promote behavior change. MI can be applied to encourage behavior change in the context of harmful substance use, HIV initiating and adherence, mental health management, and more. Applying MI skills in the health care setting is expected to improve HIV treatment outcomes through improved identification and treatment of co-occurring alcohol or drug use disorders and improved antiretroviral adherence.
**The content of this video represents the work of the South Africa HIV ATTC and does not necessarily represent the official views of PEPFAR or SAMHSA.
Professor Rollnick also led a small group section for South Africa HIV ATTC staff and additional providers routinely contracted by the ATTC in MI techniques and training models in order to promote behavior change related to substance use disorders, HIV and mental health. This small group section was designed as technical assistance to enhance the high-quality training offered by the ATTC staff.
Published: May 1, 2019
Presentation Slides
James E Campbell, LPC, LAC, MAC, CACII
Be provided with information regarding the prevalence of Substance Use Disorders in the general population
Enhance understanding of both points of tension and common themes of the faith and treatment/recovery communities
And Explore potential ways the faith community helps to meet the needs of individuals with substance use disorders
Published: April 30, 2019
Presentation Slides
Presenter: Rev. Robin Barnet (February 13th, 2019) Webinar Power Point Presentation
Communities of Faith and community organizations identify their commonalities in
order to collaborate and serve individuals with substance use disorders.
Increase faith communities understanding of substance use disorders as a disease
that adversely affects an individual's’ mental, physical and spiritual being.
Increase faith communities knowledge of the distinction between Pastoral Care and
Mental health/Substance use Treatment
Increase the cultural sensitivity awareness of Providers and Communities of Faith,
who serve individuals with mental health issues and substance use disorders.
Published: April 30, 2019
Presentation Slides
Presenter: Dr. Tracey Nichols (March 13th, 2019)
´Learn the benefits of Spirituality in recovery.
´Learn how to implement Spirituality through recovery.
´Learn different ways of embracing Spirituality.
´Learn how to connect to your higher power within you.
Published: April 30, 2019
Presentation Slides
This training is an introduction to the evidence-based clinical method of Motivational Interviewing, an effective approach in the care of challenging clients, and will provide participants with an opportunity to explore creative ways of integrating these approaches. Motivational Interviewing is a client-centered, evidence-based, directive method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence. After orientation to the underlying spirit, structure, and principles of Motivational Interviewing, practical exercises will help participants strengthen empathy skills, recognize and elicit patient change talk, and roll with resistance.
Published: April 24, 2019
This webinar re-examined compassion fatigue and self-care in light of neuroscience research and offered practical tools for professionals to use to mitigate their own compassion fatigue and strengthen their resilience.
Presenter: Troy Montserrat-Gonzales, LPC, LMHC, Multnomah County Health Department
Published: April 24, 2019
In partnership with an NIAAA funded project awarded to researchers at Rhode Island Hospital, we developed an intensive TA curriculum to promote the implementation of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment into pediatric trauma centers. The curriculum includes an online orientation video, three self-paced webinars, self-paced submission of role plays with standardized case vignettes, and monthly coaching calls. Materials are currently being actively piloted and will be available in the ATTC Network once finalized.
Published: April 23, 2019
Professional boundaries set the parameters of effective and appropriate interaction between professionals and the persons they serve. They protect clients or patients as well as the provider. This course will discuss professionalism and ethics, dual relationships, how to build a safe working environment and maintain professional boundaries that are essential for practice and achieving client goals.
Agenda - Part One
Module 1 - Training Overview and Introductions - Roles & Responsibilities of a Peer Advocate.
Module 2 - Code of Ethical & Professional Conduct.
Define peer advocate responsibilities.
Describe the difference between peer advocates, counselors and sponsors.
List at least 4 categories in the Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct.
Watch a Live Webinar Recording (Part One) at:
Agenda - Part Two
Module 3 - Boundaries
Module 4 - Professionalism
Module 5 - Dual Relationships
Module 6 - General Guidelines
Define Boundaries
Describe the difference between peer advocates, counselors and sponsors.
List at least 4 guidelines for professionals in the workplace.
Define the term "dual relationships" and describe at least 5 dangers of dual relationships.
State at least 3 guidelines for social media best practices on the job.
Watch a Live Webinar Recording (Part Two) at:
Published: April 18, 2019
This webinar, sponsored by the Northwest ATTC and the Western States Node of the NIDA CTN, summarized what makes women's treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) or other substance use disorders unique from men's treatment, and highlighted key issues when providing treatment to pregnant and parenting women with opioid use and other SUDs.
Presenters: Hendree Jones, PhD (Executive Director, UNC Horizons; Professor OBGYN, UNC Chapel Hill) and Carl Seashore, MD (Professor of Pediatrics, UNC Chapel Hill)
Download slides | Watch recording
Webinar category: Specific populations
Published: April 18, 2019
The National CLAS Standards are intended to advance health equity, improve quality, and help eliminate health care disparities. This webinar will discuss how health care organizations need to ensure that awareness, adoption, and implementation of the National CLAS Standards are incorporated to have a more inclusive definition of culture in order to better adolescents.
Highlight enhanced CLAS Standards that contribute to positive health outcomes for Black/African immigrants and Persons of African and Caribbean descent
Increase awareness of the health and lifestyle attitudes for Afro Caribbean and immigrants
Understand the importance of Intergenerational family education and support for this population
Increase emphasis on:
health beliefs and practices
cultural tailoring service delivery
resiliency factors
Certified Professional Coach
Founder and CEO of P.E.A.C.E. of Mind, LLC
Published: April 17, 2019
eNewsletter or Blog
Electronic newsletter featuring news and updates on events. April 2019 issue includes a feature article by Todd Molfenter and Matt Roosa on implementing evidence-based practices, resources for Alcohol Awareness Month, a recap of the NIATx Change Leader Academy in Minnesota.
Published: April 15, 2019