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Tips for Using Videoconferencing to Deliver SUD Treatment and Recovery Services

Tips for using videoconferencing to deliver SUD treatment and recovery services


Past Events and Resources

Where to Begin… Essential Tips for Using Videoconferencing to Deliver SUD Treatment and Recovery Services
Hosted live on March 31, 2020, this webinar provided an overview of the essentials of videoconferencing with patients/peers to include: a clinical/support session checklist; a review of legal, ethical, and patient/peer safety concerns; and privacy/security and confidentiality issues. Click here to view the recording.

SAMHSA Resources and Information: SAMHSA  guidance and resources to assist individuals, providers, communities, and states across the country during challenges posed by the current COVID-19 situation.

TIP 60: Using Technology-Based Therapeutic Tools in Behavioral Health Services This manual assists clinicians with implementing technology-assisted care and highlights the importance of using technology-based assessments and interventions in behavioral health treatment services as well as how technology reduces barriers to accessing care.

APA and ATA Best Practices in Videoconferencing-Based Telemental Health This document represents a collaboration between the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the American Telemedicine Association (ATA) to create a consolidated update of the previous APA and ATA official documents and resources in telemental health to provide a single guide on best practices in clinical videoconferencing in mental health.

Epstein Becker & Green (Healthcare/Workforce Lawfirm)  Resources to assist providers and states across the country during challenges posed by the current COVID-19 situation with information on Telemental Health Law Updates.

Avast (Cybersecurity/free VPN) Note: This is a resource that was discussed during the presentation. The MPATTC, ATTC Network, and NFARtec do not endorse this product

National Frontier and Rural Telehealth Technology Education Center (NFARtec) houses the following resources:

  • The Telehealth Capacity Assessment Tool (TCAT) The TCAT is designed to help organizations assess their readiness to adopt telehealth technologies. The initial step in the assessment process is to determine organizational readiness. It was developed for the National Frontier and Rural Addiction Technology Transfer Center (NFAR ATTC) by Pam Waters, MEd, CAC, CPP, Leslie Schwalbe, MPA and Joyce Hartje, PhD.

  • The Technology-Based Clinical Supervision: Guidelines for Licensing and Certification Boards The purpose of this document is to provide substance use disorder (SUD) and other behavioral health professional licensing and certification boards with guidelines and associated rationale for policies regarding the implementation of technology-based clinical supervision (TBCS). It was developed for the National Frontier and Rural Addiction Technology Transfer Center (NFAR ATTC) by Tobie Barton, MA, Nancy Roget, MS, and Joyce Hartje, PhD., with contributions made by Roy Huggins, LPC, NCC.

Advancing Clinicians' Videoconferencing Skills: An Audio-Consultation Series: The Mountain Plains ATTC introduces a new product based on a series of consultation groups developed to train behavioral health professionals on the use videoconferencing to deliver clinical services. The original series, Advancing Clinicians’ Videoconferencing Skills: An Audio-Consultation Series, was developed and delivered in 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, this series offered a live platform for learning and consultation related to videoconferencing case reviews, legalities and ethics, rules and regulations, and understanding clients through the lens of the evolving digital world.

Telehealth Learning Series for SUD Tx and Recovery Support Providers The Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network, the Center for Excellence on Protected Health Information (CoE-PHI), the National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers, and the Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (CASAT) at the University of Nevada - Reno (UNR) are facilitating a FREE, national online discussion and resource sharing opportunity for substance use disorder (SUD) treatment providers and peer support specialists faced with transitioning their services to the use of telephone and videoconferencing methods in response to COVID-19 social distancing guideline

