You are visiting us from Ohio. You are located in HHS Region 5. Your Center is Great Lakes ATTC.

Past Events

The NIATx CLA is a one-day face-to-face workshop followed by three months of peer networking and support from a NIATx coach. The CLA trains change leaders in the NIATx model of process improvement: a structured, team-based approach to change management for organizations large and small. In this interactive training session. attendees will learn the four essential NIATx tools and develop a clear plan for a change project. Note: This event is for Wisconsin participants only.
This two-day training will equip participants with the skills necessary to train individuals to provide Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT). You’ll be prepared to deliver training on an evidence-based approach that has been shown to work. SBIRT is a comprehensive, integrated, public health approach to the delivery of early intervention and treatment services for persons with substance use disorders, as well as those who are at risk at of developing these disorders. In order for SBIRT to work, the interventionists have to do it with fidelity to the model. This course will prepare you to train successful interventionists. Additional information will be forthcoming.
In this workshop, participants will get an overview of the recent epidemiology of opioid (pharmaceutical and heroin) abuse and addiction as well as a quick review of the signs and symptoms of the acute and chronic use of opioids and withdrawal symptomatology. The bulk of the presentation will focus on the details of use of and patient response to the various FDA approved medications for the treatment of opioid addiction – buprenorphine, methadone and naltrexone.
This training event is for MSF medical staff (doctors, nurses, counsellors) working in Khayelitsha with people living with HIV and MDR-TB. This practical training event will allow attendees to improve their knowledge and skills in screening and interpreting results in order to improve HIV and MDR-TB outcomes through increased detection, intervention or referral to treatment for alcohol and other substance use disorders.
Telebehavioral health and recovery support can assist with the expansion of services and improve client outcomes. It is essential to ensure that professionals providing services using videoconferencing mediums obtain comprehensive and specific training and supervision in order to offer best quality of care. This series will provide a 20-hour curriculum that covers topics essential to practicing in an online environment utilizing blended activities of group and self-study. Participants must be available for all eight (8) sessions in the series.
Face-to-Face Training
Through collaborative efforts with the Arizona State University - Center for Applied Behavioral Health Policy, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System announces the staging of the 2018 MAT Symposium. The event will provide information on clinically effective prevention and treatment strategies that best serve those being impacted by the opioid epidemic. The symposium will also include additional discussions on current state initiatives being implemented to combat this rapidly emerging crisis. The attendees focus will be geared towards MAT providers, substance use disorder treatment providers, physical health providers, harm reduction organizations, justice system partners and concerned community members.
This webinar will provide an overview of the Substance Use Disorders Initiative, a program developed at Massachusetts General Hospital to improve the quality, clinical outcomes, and value of addiction treatment by implementing a chronic disease model of care across the system. The Initiative includes inpatient and outpatient clinical services, SUD specific treatment services in the ED, integration of addiction services into primary care, education/training efforts across the hospital, and collaboration with community-based treatment organizations. Dr. Wakeman and Dr. Kane will share outcomes to date as well as challenges, lessons learned, and guidance for replication of the model. The Great Lakes ATTC presents this webinar in collaboration with the New England ATTC, the Northwest ATTC, the Pacific Southwest ATTC, and the Western States Node of the Clinical Trials Network.
The Central East ATTC has partnered with the Region III - Title X Family Planning Program to build capacity for five provider agencies to develop screening tools, provide targeted counseling and when appropriate, refer patients to treatment. Through training and technical assistance (T/TA), the Central East ATTC will work with Title X staff to enhance understanding, knowledge and skills to screen for substance use disorders throughout Region 3. *** This is a closed event. To request a similar training or TA, please go to our webpage: ***
Learn to help others along the path to recovery. As a recovery coach, you help individuals find reasons for sobriety, harm reduction, detox, treatment, family supports, and using resources. This free one-day training is presented by Mark Sanders of On the Mark Consulting and Dora Dantzler Wright of the Chicago Recovering Communities Coalition.
Given that opioids have been shown to be neither highly effective nor safe for treating pain, this presentation will discuss opioids’ shortcomings as well as non-opioid treatments, separated into treatments for acute and for chronic pain. Topics covered will include medications, interventional procedures, physical therapy, behavioral health, and integrative medicine approaches.
In Syndemics: Part 1, Dr. Westergaard reviewed data describing the overlapping epidemics of opioid use disorder, HIV and hepatitis C virus infection in the Great Lakes Region. In the second webinar in this series, Dr. Westergaard will discuss clinical issues related to the management of patients with infectious diseases and addiction, including important drug interactions, adherence support, and care coordination strategies. Learn: • How addiction and infectious disease interact • Recommendations for treating and managing infectious disease affecting people with substance use disorders • The role that substance use disorder treatment and recovery organizations can play in screening for infectious disease
This event is for TB/HIV Care lay workers who work with prevention, identification, and treatment of HIV and TB in the general population as well as key populations such as sex workers and people who inject drugs. This event is a mental health and substance use disorders training to identify other mental disorders and infectious diseases that frequently occur alongside substance use disorders. Lay workers who attend this training will learn how to screen for mental health and substance use disorders and interpret the results of the screening tools in order to improve TB and HIV outcomes through the detection and intervention of co-occurring alcohol and other drug use.
Motivational interviewing is a therapeutic model for evoking and enhancing people's intrinsic motivation to change unhealthful behaviors that are inconsistent with their values and goals. In this workshop, participants will learn the techniques of motivational interviewing and how to apply them in their clinical work, particularly in the context of substance abuse treatment.
This training is for King County providers only. Developing Clinical Supervision Skills I is for the beginning supervisor as well as those who have experience in clinical supervision. Participants will have an opportunity to learn a model of Clinical Supervision that includes observation of counselors, providing feedback, rating counselor performance, and writing a professional development plan to improve counselor performance. Training methods will include lecture, role play, and group assignments. The goal of this model is to improve counselor performance, structure clinical supervision, and provide a combination of teaching, training, and mentoring for counselors. Behavioral health professionals will find this training applicable in many clinical settings.
Please join us in the second webinar in the series on Implementation Science, "How to Implement Evidence-Based Practices Using Implementation Science" Learn: • Overview of key implementation-related frameworks and models. • Research on implementing the Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA). • Research on implementing a motivational intervewing-based brief intervention for substance use within HIV service settings.
Motivational interviewing is a therapeutic model for evoking and enhancing people's intrinsic motivation to change unhealthful behaviors that are inconsistent with their values and goals. In this workshop, participants will learn the techniques of motivational interviewing and how to apply them in their clinical work, particularly in the context of substance abuse treatment.
Face-to-Face Training
A consistent sell-out, Summer Institute has a 19-year history of providing excellent messaging platforms for new and emergent state and federal policies and programmatic approaches. Agency and nonprofit managers, supervisor, and practitioners from the fields of mental health, substance abuse, child welfare, and criminal justice will find a diverse array of nationally recognized speakers, 48 breakout sessions, and other activities earning up to 19.25 CEU hours for your participation.
Face-to-Face Training
To prescribe buprenorphine, one of three medications approved by the FDA for the treatment of opioid use disorder, physicians are required to complete 8 hours of training in order to apply to the Drug Enforcement Agency for a waiver. This course will provide prescribers with the first 4 hours of required MAT training. Following completion of the course, attendees will be given a link to complete the remainder of the training at no cost from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS). Nurse Practitioners (NP) and Physician assistants (PA) are required to complete 24 hours of training including the 8 hour MAT training.
This event is for TB/HIV Care lay workers who work with prevention, identification and treatment of HIV and TB in the general population as well as in key populations such as sex workers and people who inject drugs. Attendees will gain knowledge around cultural competencies to better conceptualise the circumstances and care of their patients in order to improve TB and HIV treatment outcomes. Strategies discussed in training include increased detection and intervention of co-occurring mental, alcohol and other drug use disorders.
*** This is a closed event. To request a similar training or TA, please go to our webpage: ***
With significant changes in addiction studies occurring in Virginia, session topics will address the movement of these challenging times. Training tracks will feature adolescents, cultural competency, basic core competencies, skills training, prevention, recovery, healthcare reform, and clinical supervision. There will also be an opportunity to enjoy professional development and meaningful participation, as well as access to a large variety of networking opportunities with other professionals, allowing participants to attain resources to assist in treatment planning for success. ***** The Central East ATTC is providing speakers for several sessions.
This training is for MSF (Doctors without borders), an international humanitarian medical non-government organisation. Doctors and nurses who attend this training in Motivational Interviewing will gain knowledge and skills to promote behaviour change related to risky drug and alcohol use. Attendees will be using this knowledge and skills to promote behaviour change in order to improve HIV and MDR-TB treatment outcomes through strategies such as increased treatment adherence and reduced alcohol and drug use.
Substance use disorders are pervasive and chronic conditions that can impact the lives of any person regardless of ethnicity, race, culture, religious preference, sexuality, gender or any other individual or group factor. Learning how to approach each individual who asks us for help with humility and a willingness to accept those individual differences is crucial to provide effective treatment for successful outcomes. This lecture and panel discussion will help participants define cultural humility and begin to raise awareness of cultural factors that can have an impact on treatment retention and outcomes. Using the most current research and incorporating real world clinical examples, the presentation will demonstrate the importance of incorporating cultural humility into practice.
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