You are visiting us from Ohio. You are located in HHS Region 5. Your Center is Great Lakes ATTC.

Past Events

Exclusive statewide event in NH for behavioral healthcare providers and organizations, including mental health and substance use disorders.
This training event, requested by PR SSA The Mental Health and Anti-Addiction Services Administration, will discuss the effects on survivors of a natural disaster such as the two hurricanes that hit PR during last September. The audience are responders and disaster relief workers that will work with communities that could experience a broad range of physical, psychological, behavioral, spiritual reactions that could cause enough distress to interfere with coping and recovery. Participants will aquire a broad comprehension of the causes and effects of trauma.
Face-to-Face Training
This training will present facts regarding:the history of opioid treatment in the United States, changes in the laws regarding treatment of opioid addiction and the implications for the treatment system, how medication will benefit the delivery of opioid treatment and the types of medications used to treat opioid use disorder.
This training is designed to help providers increase their capacity to incorporate elements of Hispanic culture when using the cultural formulations framework with Hispanics and Latinos with substance use disorders. Content is informed by current research findings on the impact of cultural factors on substance use disorders, client's treatment and recovery process. Discussions include the benefits of an intercultural relationship, activities using case studies and skills practice with the cultural formulation interview (CFI) tool, and review of effective culturally informed interventions for when working with Hispanic and Latino populations
This half-day course will introduce participants to crystal methamphetamine use among MSM, which has increased recently in New York City among MSM of color. It will describe crystal meth, routes of administration, reasons why people use it, and some treatment options.
Face-to-Face Training
Motivational Interviewing is a collaborative, goal-oriented method of communication with particular attention to the language of change. It is intended to strengthen personal motivation for & commitment to a change goal by eliciting and exploring an individuals own arguments for change. This evidenced-based practice is used in numerous settings including: addictions & mental health care, primary care, emergency rooms, public health care, criminal justice, street outreach & shelters, and child welfare.
Due to advances in medical treatment, HIV is now a chronic manageable condition. This half-day course will review the basics of HIV/AIDS, outline the changes in medications and medication management, and look at how these changes affect clients today. The course will review the co-existing disabilities of substance use, mental health, and hepatitis C and provide information on HIV prevention today.
This series aims to make Baltimore healthier by informing, educating and providing training to clergy and faith leaders about behavioral health care needs and strategies. Topics to be discussed: Managing HIV for; how to sustain faith and health care; and medications and their use. Speakers are Dorcas Baker with Johns Hopkins School of Nursing and Dr. Keith Crawford with PharmD, NIH.
The 14th Annual Statewide Integrated Care Conference will be held in Universal City, California, at the Hilton Universal Hotel on October 25-26, 2017. This year's conference theme is Integrating Substance Use, Mental Health, and Primary Care Services: Resilience in a Changing Environment. This year, we have created thematic tracks that recognize the importance of addressing the needs of specific populations and of system transformation. Attendees may follow tracks (including LGBT issues, primary healthcare, children and transition-age youth, and criminal justice, among others) through the breakout sessions, or mix and match content to meet their own needs. All workshop presenters will address how their specific topic area relates to the theme of integration from the ground up. For more information and to register, please visit:
Face-to-Face Training
You may know CPR. You can call 911. But can you administer first aid in a mental health crisis? Mental Health First Aid is an 8 hour course where you can learn how to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. You will learn to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and addictions.
Face-to-Face Training
The Annual Candlelight Celebration is hosted by the ASU Center for Applied Behavioral Health Policy & Mental Health Awareness Coalition to recognized and honor people who live with mental illness and come together to reduce the associated stigma.
Face-to-Face Training
This 1.5 day event will present the Healing of the Canoe life skills curriculum to participants representing 10 regional tribes. Originally developed by Dr. Dennis Donovan in collaboration with the Suquamish and Port Gamble S'Klallam tribes and colleagues at the University of Washington Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute (ADAI), the curriculum employs the Canoe Journey as a metaphor, providing youth with skills needed to navigate their journey through life without being pulled off course by alcohol or drugs -- with tribal culture, tradition, and values as a compass to guide them, and anchor to ground them.
Face-to-Face Training
This training is designed to provide participants with an overview of the moral concepts of goodness, right, and obligation, and the ways in which they operate in society, religion, and law. These concepts are further enhanced during the classroom discussions and group work. Videos and self-assessments will be utilized to encourage participation.
Face-to-Face Training
CABHP is proud to exhibit and present at the INAPS 11th Annual National Peer Support Conference (NON-CABHP Event/Exhibiting/Presenting Empowering & Educating the Peer Workforce Through Community Collaboration)
Face-to-Face Training
CABHP is proud to exhibit and present at the 4th Annual Arizona Health Equity Conference. The conference gathers over 300 professionals throughout Arizona, interested and working in the Health disparities field. It touches on all populations and disease topics, and connects research, prevention, clinical, and policy arenas.
On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. Providers need to understand the dynamics of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), and how to support victimized clients. This interactive course is designed to inform on how to recognize IPV behavior and cycles of abuse, common myths, responses and vicarious trauma. Content will focus on impact of IPV within African American, Hispanic, and LGBTQA communities and the importance of trauma informed care with persons who've experienced IPV.
Face-to-Face Training
Conference on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Face-to-Face Training
Arizona is currently in the midst of an opioid epidemic, with record numbers of overdose deaths and other drug-related harms occurring. This crisis spans across all age and socioeconomic groups, and has the largest impact on people who use prescription opioid painkillers. Medication has proven to be an indispensable tool in reducing preventable overdose death, both as treatment for opioid use disorders, and as an emergency response tool when an overdose occurs. This workshop will discuss the various medications used in substance abuse treatment, and will also teach participants how to educated patients and clients on opioid safety and overdose prevention, recognition of an overdose, and use of naloxone to revive and overdose victim. Steps for incorporating overdose prevention programming in your agency and streamlining naloxone distribution for patients and clients will be discussed. Free naloxone kits will be made available at the end of the workshop.
An inspiring day of personal stories and informative panels to help break stigmas and eliminate barriers to initiating and sustaining recovery.
An inspiring day of personal stories and informative panels to help break stigmas and eliminate barriers to initiating and sustaining recovery.
Face-to-Face Training
This course is a new full-day training, which is intended for any providers in contact with LGBT individuals (including MH and SUD clinicians, HIV providers, State, Local and County governments employees, Primary care providers, Public health practitioners, Prevention specialists, Community based organizations, School teachers and counselors). The full-day curriculum consists of seven training modules, beginning with an introduction to key terms followed by a module on cultural considerations, and concluding with treatment considerations for clinical work. The other four modules address the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals.
Face-to-Face Training
For some, the intersecting aspects of culture and gender identity of Hispanic LGBTQ persons can incur practitioner discord and consequently impede the participants' recovery process in treatment. Culturally sensitive approaches are often considered challenging to practice within restrictive criminal justice environments. It becomes more complicated by generation specific issues that need to be addressed along with substance use, mental health disorders and other psychosocial concerns. Studies show that ensuring 'safety' is key to engaging and retaining Hispanic LGBTQ persons to promote program completion. This interactive training will explore overlapping aspects of Latino influences, behavioral and psychological issues for youth and older persons of this community, the impact of minority stress, and provide culturally informed strategies for practice within judicial parameters.
CABHP is proud to partner Arizona Coalition to End Homelessness to bring you the 24th Annual Conference: #takeactionAZ. The conference unites current and future integrated healthcare professionals and entrepreneurs from across the state to share ideas and opportunities and hear expert speakers on current topics in the efforts to end homelessness. This spring, the conference will bring together national leaders in integrated behavioral health and offer a plethora of information in various fields relating to the homeless population.
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