What happens in counseling?
William Glasser was in training to be a classical psychoanalyst in the spirit of Sigmund Freud. Glasser worked in the Vienna School for Girls (similar to a juvenile detention center in the U.S.). A 13-year-old girl was having a tantrum, and her behavior was having a negative impact on the entire facility. Traditional psychoanalysis would ask the girl the why question: "Why are you acting up?" Or "Why are you having a tantrum?" Instead, Glasser said to the girl, "Your behavior needs to stop. Your being in pain does not give you the right to negatively affect other people."
Glasser's statement was the beginning of his development of Reality Therapy (Corey, 2016). Reality therapy avoids the why questions and works to hold clients responsible for their behavior. Glasser would document client’s charts progress notes in alignment with psychoanalysis, but he was actually developing Reality Therapy. While the Glasser example is an outlier, supervisors have no idea of what's happening in counseling without observation and feedback.
Evidence-Based Practices and Observations in Clinical Supervision
We are in the era of Evidence-Based Practices. Yet, approximately one-third of Substance Use Disorder counselors across the country receive no clinical supervision at all (Newby, 2018). Therefore, it is close to impossible to implement Evidence-Based Practices without observation and feedback from clinical supervisors.
Not so fast! Trust and rapport before observations and feedback
Supervisor observation and feedback can lead counselors to feel uncomfortable and defensive. It is essential to build trust and rapport first. Below is a list of things you can do as a supervisor to build trust and rapport before observation and feedback.
Observations and feedback
Once trust and rapport have been established, it is time to observe. Supervisor observation requires client approval. It is recommended that the agency create a form that clients voluntarily sign, giving permission for the supervisor to observe the session. The counselor should tell the client that the purpose of the supervisor observing the session is to provide feedback to the counselor to improve their work with clients. It is amazing how little most clients focus on the presence of the supervisor once the session begins. Below is a list of 7 methods of observation.
How to Give Feedback.
After observations, it's time for feedback.
You can ask the individual you supervise:
According to behaviorists, in giving feedback it’s often helpful to begin with the positive. Then couch the remainder of the feedback in recommendations to improve the session in the future.
Quality supervision mirrors good counseling. Just as it is helpful for counselors to incorporate timely client feedback into clinical practice, it’s also helpful for observation and feedback to be incorporated into clinical supervision. Also, just as counseling sessions are frequent, usually once a week, we recommend weekly clinical supervision sessions.
Corey, G. Theory and Practice of Counseling of Counseling and Psychotherapy. (2016). Cengage Learning. Boston, MA.
Newby, M. H. (2018). Addiction counselor's Perceptions of Clinical Supervision Practices. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) dissertation, Counseling, and Human Services, Old Dominion University, DOI: 10.25777/979e-me-65 https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/chs_etds/20