Conference Agenda Day 1 morning (October 23, 2019):
7:30 am—8:30 am Continental Breakfast/Registration
8:30 am—9:00 am Welcome and Introductions
9:00 am—10:30 am Plenary Session Integrated Care: Looking Beyond the Horizon Ron Manderscheid, PhD, The National Association of County Behavioral Health & Developmental Disability Directors, NARMH - The National Association for Rural Mental Health
10:30 am—11:00 am Break
11:00 am—12:30 pm Workshops A-I :
Session I A. Pediatric Pain Assessment and Management Jeffrey I. Gold, PhD, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California
B. Creating Safe Spaces for LGBT(QI) Older Adults Yelba Carrillo, M.Ed Psy, MSW, Los Angeles LGBT Center, Senior Services
C. Moral Injury: Reframing the Psychological and Spiritual Impacts of War Nathan Graeser, MDiv, LCSW, DSW, UCLA Veteran Family Wellness Center
D. Supporting the Health of People Who Use Drugs in the Primary Care Setting Leticia Cervantes Karen C. Lamp, MD, Venice Family Clinic Martha Meza Tobin D. Shelton, LCSW, MPH, Venice Family Clinic
E. Implementing Pharmacotherapy for Alcohol and Opioid Use Disorders in Mental Health Settings Elizabeth Bromley, MD, PhD, Dept of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences & Anthropology, UCLA Brian Hurley, MD, MBA, DFASAM, Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Allison J. Ober, MSW, PhD, RAND Corporation
F. Spirituality and Motivational Interviewing: Leveraging Faith while Overcoming Barriers Curtis Lehmann, PhD, Azusa Pacific University, Department of Psychology
G. Community Transition Center: A Collaborative Approach to Offender Reentry Angela Barrow, BA, County of San Diego Probation Department Eddie Head, BA, San Diego County Probation—Community Transition Center Angel Vargas, MFT, Optum– BHST
H. Overcoming Challenges to MAT in Criminal Justice Shannon Robinson, MD, California Correctional Healthcare Services, CDCR Affie Tamuno-Koko, RN, California Correctional Healthcare Services, CDCR
I. The Role of Peers in Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Programs Moderator: Keris Myrick, MBA, MS, Los Angeles County Dept of Mental Health, Peer Services Ali Britton, Los Angeles County Dept of Mental Health, Peer Services Marilynn Huff, MS, Los Angeles County Dept of mental Health, Whole Person Care Intensive Service Recipients Soo “Kris” Lee, Tarzana Treatment Centers
Conference Agenda Day 1 afternoon (October 23, 2019):
12:30 pm—1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm-1:45 pm Break
1:45 pm—3:15 pm Plenary Session What’s Culture Got to Do With It? Cheryl Grills, PhD, Loyola Marymount University, Department of Psychology
3:15 pm—3:30 pm Break
3:30 pm—5:00 pm Workshops J-R:
Session II J. Brain Stimulation in Psychiatry: An Introduction to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Other Neuromodulation Techniques Marc Heiser, MD, PhD, Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health
K. Decriminalizing Mental Illness: The Antelope Valley’s Alternative Resource Court Diversion Collaborative—Finding Success through Integration Hon. Denise McLaughlin-Bennett, JD, Los Angeles County Superior Court John L. Henderson, JD, Los Angeles County Public Defender
L. Addressing Compassion Fatigue in the Context of Service Delivery Gloria M. Miele, PhD, UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs Beth Rutkowski, MPH, UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs
M. Putting the Culture Cube into Action Cheryl Grills, PhD, Loyola Marymount University, Department of Psychology
N. Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies for Pain Katherine Bailey, PhD, West Los Angeles SUD & Pain Clinics Stephanie Taylor, PhD, VA QUERI Complementary & Integrative Health Evaluation Center
O. Caring for the Medical and Mental Health of Transgender Youth Aydin Olson-Kennedy, MSW, ACSW, Los Angeles Gender Center Johanna Olson-Kennedy , MD, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
P . Eating Disorders are Treatable: An Introduction to CBT-E Andrea D. Murray, PhD, Harbor-UCLA Outpatient Psychiatry
Q. Freedom, Recovery and Empowerment with Dogs / F.R.E.D. Jamie G. Kelley, LMFT, MS, PPS, Kern Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Elizabeth Kover, MS, Kern Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Rhonda Starr, Kern Behavioral Health and Recovery Service
R. Adolescent Substance Use: Evaluation and Treatment Scott Hunter, MD, Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health
Conference Agenda Day 2 morning (October 24, 2019):
7:30 am—8:30 am Continental Breakfast/Registration
8:30 am—9:00 am Opening Remarks
9:00 am—10:30 am Plenary Session Lying and Running Stop Signs: Addressing Stigma and Overwork in our Workplaces Elizabeth Morrison, LCSW, MAC, Elizabeth Morrison Consulting
10:30 am– 10:45 am Break
10:45 am—12:15 pm Workshops S-AA: Session III Transgender and Gender Diverse Care at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Loma Linda Ranya Garcia, PharmD, Veterans Affairs Loma Linda Healthcare System Sommer Feliciano, LVN, Transgender Veteran Health Care Program
T. The Los Angeles County Sobering Center—A Diversion Model for Complex Populations Lezlie Murch, MA, LPCC, Exodus Recovery, Inc. Ronald McCray, Exodus Recovery, Inc. Hilary Aquino, MA, AMFT, Exodus Recovery, Inc.
U. CHLA Emergency Department and Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Christina Esquibel, CATC, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Irene Lim, LCSW, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Brett McGillivray, MSW, LCSW, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
V. Resiliency Wellness Program—A Blueprint for Integrating Nonpharmacological Treatment Options in the Outpatient Mental Health Setting Francisco Navarro, MD, Mind Health Institute—Pasadena
W. Part I: Peer Work for Valley Health Associates Amy Bravo, Valley Health Associates Part II: The Role of Peer Mentors in Transitioning Patients from Addiction to Recovery Miguel Tirado, PhD, California State University, Monterey Bay
X. Substance Use in Youth Populations Rachel Gonzales-Castaneda, PhD, MPH, Azusa Pacific University– School of Behavioral and Applied Sciences
Y. Tribal Response to Opioid Epidemic with Medication and Medicine—Integrating Cultural Traditions in the Treatment of Opioid Use Grace Katie Bell, MSN, RN-BC, CARN, PHN, Telewell Indian Health MAT Project
Z. Bias, Judgment and Stigma in the Workplace: How Can we Work on Equity in our own Workplace? Elizabeth Morrison, LCSW, MAC, Elizabeth Morrison Consulting AA. Addressing Food Insecurity in Los Angeles County Dipa Shah, MPH, RD, Los Angeles County Department of public Health
Integrated Care Conference Goals:
To facilitate attendees’ ability to coordinate services to improve healthcare integration and collaboration for mental health, primary care, and substance use disorder services.
To help attendees identify the characteristics of services and providers that best support health, wellness, and recovery.
To provide access to information regarding emerging best practices for treating the complex needs of those with co-morbidities and strategies for implementation.
To provide attendees with learning opportunities that enhance their skillset and improve outcomes