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This interactive learning community conversation explores the strategy of developing discrepancy. The intentional use of this strategy sparks contemplation, supports forward movement and stops circular conversations about behavior change.  Participants will reframe their frustration-in-moment as an opportunity for insight that can inform and reshape their next steps in the conversation. Demonstrations, practice opportunities and feedback will be used to illustrate the practical application of this effective engagement/conversation strategy. This training was approved for two renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and two initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses were granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity.
Published: September 11, 2024
SBIRT is considered an evidence-based practice that uses a preventive public health approach to identify and intervene with persons whose pattern of use puts them at risk for, or are experiencing substance-related health problems, and facilitate referrals to specialty care for persons with a high potential for substance use disorders. Many people who do not meet the criteria of an alcohol or substance use disorder are potentially impacting their health and wellness. SBIRT addresses a person’s risky behavior and as a practice model, can be integrated into health care and behavioral health settings. This course will review validated instruments to screen for substance use, how to provide a brief intervention, essential components of successful facilitation of referrals to specialized care, and billing criteria for qualified professionals. Participant Criteria: This SBIRT 4-hour course met NYS OASAS training requirement for Qualified Health Professionals (i.e., Licensed Social Workers, occupational therapists, physicians, PAs, RNs, licensed psychologists, certified rehabilitation counselors, therapeutic recreation specialists, licensed marriage and family therapists, and licensed mental health counselors), who intend to bill for SBIRT services in their settings. This training was approved for 4 renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and 4 initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses are were reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity.
Published: August 14, 2024
Stigma of substance use can impede appropriate and preventive care that is critical for older adults and their wellness. Biased perceptions of substance use can often dismiss health related impacts of substance use and impede prevention efforts with the aging community. The webinar will explore how stigma of substance use with older adults underscores the lack of screening and tailored prevention. Content will further inform and educate on age-related challenges that increase substance misuse, medication adherence, and person-centered brief intervention approaches. This training was approved for two renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and two initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses were granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity
Published: July 10, 2024
Presented by: Rebecca Rossom, MD, MS and Stephanie Hooker, PhD, MPH In this session, Drs. Rossom and Hooker discussed the design and implementation of Opioid Wizard, a clinical decision support tool embedded in the EHR for primary care clinicians and developed as part of NIDA Clinical Trials Network protocol CTN-0095. The goal of the tool is to help clinicians identify, screen, diagnose and treat opioid use disorder (OUD). They also discussed one of the supplements to CTN-0095, which tested a training to reduce stigma towards people with OUD among primary care clinicians. This session was sponsored by the Northwest and Pacific Southwest ATTCs and the Western States Node of the NIDA Clinical Trials Network. Download the slides | Watch the recording
Published: June 26, 2024
The New England ATTC, in partnership with RICARES, held the next monthly installment of the Recovery Science and Harm Reduction Reading Group series. We discussed a paper titled, “Makeshift medicine is a response to US health system failures,” by Kelly and colleagues. A summary of the discussion is available for download. Article link:
Published: April 20, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
Third & Fourth Quarter Updates: April 2023 - September 2023 The goals of this newsletter are to share Regional Best Practices with regard to training and technical assistance (TA) initiatives, provide updates on regional strategic initiatives and curriculum development, and facilitate ongoing collaboration among state partners and programs. Please click here to view our collaborators over the prior reporting period. View the Newsletter!
Published: March 31, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
  The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The December 2023 issue shares recorded content on wound care and xylazine, social media basics for preventionists, an infographic on providing behavioral healthcare to people living with HIV, and SAMHSA's tips for supporting your mental health through the holidays. As always, you will also find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!   Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list, so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter and thank you for reading!
Published: December 7, 2023
The New England ATTC, in partnership with RICARES, held the next monthly installment of the Recovery Science and Harm Reduction Reading Group series. We discussed a paper titled, “Mobile low-threshold buprenorphine integrated with infectious disease services” by Rosecrans and colleagues. A summary of the discussion is available for download.
Published: October 31, 2023
Print Media
The purpose of the listening sessions was to gather information from family members and loved ones of people with substance use challenges to better understand family members’ experiences supporting and seeking support for their loved one who is using substances; to ask what questions family members have about supporting their loved one who is using substances; to ask who or what is providing support for family members; and the unmet needs for support for family members. This report describes the process and findings of the first phase of this consultation process: listening sessions with family members and loved ones of people who use substances. This project is in collaboration with the African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence and National Hispanic and Latino ATTC.
Published: February 27, 2023
About this series: The Great Lakes ATTC and MHTTC are excited to offer these introductory training videos on the use of SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment). This series includes three simulated patient recordings with each portraying a realistic scenario focusing on one part of the SBIRT screening process (brief intervention, initiating brief treatment, referral to treatment).   The Great Lakes ATTC and MHTTC also offer live virtual trainings on SBIRT and Motivational Interviewing (MI). These trainings take place on a recurring basis throughout the year, and they are perfect for those who are new to MI and SBIRT, as well as practitioners who are interested in refreshing their knowledge and skills in an interactive virtual learning environment. Check out our 2023 Motivational Interviewing and SBIRT Training Schedule landing page for more information and to register!     Watch the Introduction to Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Training Video. (57 min.)     Watch the Introduction to SBIRT for FQHCs Training Video. (18 min.) This video presents supplementary introductory information specific to FQHCs. It is recommended everyone watch the full intro video first.      Watch the SBIRT: A Brief Intervention for Alcohol & Cannabis Use Simulated Patient Training. (15 min.)     Watch the SBIRT: Initiating Brief Treatment for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Simulated Patient Training Video. (18 min.)     Watch the SBIRT: Referral to Treatment Simulated Patient Training Video. (18 min.)     Don't forget to subscribe to the official YouTube channel of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC, The Great Lakes Current! We upload brand new content and resources every week that help support the SUD, behavioral health, mental health, and prevention workforces of our region. Be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so that you can be the first to access new content as soon as it's available!  
Published: November 21, 2022
Print Media
The term “Gender Diverse” encompasses a broad universe of gender identities and expressions. “Transgender” is often used as an umbrella term for the community, though not all gender expansive individuals consider themselves to be Transgender. Other terms in common use include Nonbinary, 2Spirit (used by Indigenous people only) Enby, Genderqueer, Gender Fluid, Agender, and Pangender, among many others. This infographic factsheet provides statistics and prevalence of SUD diagnoses among U.S. Transgender and Cisgender adults, risk factors, steps organizations can take to be welcoming to gender diverse individuals, and recommendations for treatment programs.
Published: July 22, 2022
This webinar, presented by Gail D'Onofrio, MD, focused on the crucial role of the emergency department (ED) in recognizing and treating opioid use disorder (OUD) patients with evidence-based medications for addiction treatment. The opioid epidemic combined with the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly escalated the need to mitigate the morbidity and mortality associated with rising rates of fentanyl use. Dr. D'Onofrio shared data supporting the use of buprenorphine in the ED and discussed the consequences of not initiating treatment, barriers to implementation of ED buprenorphine, and components of successful integration of an ED program with community partnerships. She also shared current research by emergency physicians regarding innovative strategies like high-dose induction and use of an extended release 7-day formulation of buprenorphine. Sponsored by the Northwest and Pacific Southwest ATTCs and the Western States Node of the NIDA Clinical Trials Network. Download slides | Watch recording
Published: June 30, 2022
Print Media
Harm reduction is any action that reduces risk and increases personal and public safety. Harm reduction approaches have proven to prevent death, injury, disease, overdose, prevent substance misuse or disorder and most of us practice harm reduction techniques daily. For example, when we wear a seatbelt or apply sunscreen we are using harm reduction strategies.  Fentanyl strips, naloxone, and needle exchange programs are also examples of harm reduction.  This poster identifies some of the most common harm reduction methods in an attempt to normalize the term "harm reduction" and broaden the definition.   The Spanish translations were prepared by consultants for the Mountain Plains ATTC. While reasonable efforts are made to provide accurate translations, acknowledging the diversity of Spanish and English Language, some words/phrases may differ.   The poster can be downloaded in multiple formats directly from the MPATTC website. This product was designed for display as an 11x17 sized poster in a location most visible and accessible to behavioral health providers, educators, and/or peer recovery specialists but is also available in an 8.5x11 format for in-house printing. In addition, hard copies may be requested from the MPATTC by emailing us at [email protected] (posters can be mailed within the continental United States). Please click on the link below for more information.   To request an 11x17 "What is Harm Reduction?" poster to be mailed directly to you, please click "REQUEST A HARD COPY".  
Published: June 17, 2022
Online Course
SBIRT for Health and Behavioral Health Professionals: How to Talk to Patients about Substance Use is a 3 hour, self-paced course for health, oral health, and behavioral health students and professionals. Learners will watch video demonstrations of brief interventions performed by other clinicians and even practice themselves with a patient through a situational branching exercise. Participants will apply and test their knowledge through quizzes following each module. The goal of this course is to help participants develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities in using SBIRT as an intervention with patients. 3 Hours Continuing Education Available, CNE, NASW, NAADAC
Published: March 10, 2022
Happy New Year! This month, our theme for our video is “A Healthy New Year” We want to encourage you to look at 2022 with hope, healing, recovery, and schedule time to re-charge and take care of your wellbeing.     Español  ¡Feliz año nuevo! Este mes, el tema de nuestro video es “Un Año Nuevo Saludable” Nos gustaría alentarlos a mirar el año 2022 con esperanza, sanación interna, recuperación y un tiempo para recargarse y cuidar de su bienestar.     Português Feliz ano novo! Este mês, o tema do nosso vídeo é “Um Ano Novo Saudável” Queremos te encorajar a olhar para 2022 com esperança, cura, recuperação e reservar um tempo para recarregar as energías e cuidar do seu bem-estar.
Published: January 4, 2022
This session is designed for professionals who work with those at risk for contracting Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). An overview of HCV: risk; transmission; symptoms; testing; and treatment options will be provided. In addition, a discussion of harm reduction strategies and support/linkages to care will be included.   At the end of the webinar participants will be able to: Appreciate the importance of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) screening and confirmatory testing in multiple health and behavioral health settings. Recognize risk factors for HCV Describe harm reduction strategies that minimize the risk of contracting HCV List treatment options available for people with HCV. Discuss strategies to link persons with HCV to HCV-focused health care services      
Published: August 18, 2021
These Telehealth MOUD Video Demonstrations show distinct clinical interactions common across the medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) modality. Except for the first two videos listed (Buprenorphine Induction and Re-induction to Buprenorphine), which show the same mock patient at two stages along his treatment trajectory, the videos in this collection are independent depictions showcasing different settings, patient situations, and provider types. The common thread for these videos is that each patient portrayed has an opioid use disorder and is considering or engaged in medication treatment. This set of videos may be useful for individuals entering the MOUD workforce or for MOUD patients and family members curious about what happens at various points in treatment.  Produced by the Northwest ATTC (SAMHSA grant no. TI080201), in co-sponsorship with Southeast ATTC (SAMHSA grant no. TI080215) and the ATTC Network Coordinating Office (SAMHSA grant no. TI080205). We thank the clinicians involved for their conceptual contributions to the development of these characters and the clinical scenario.
Published: August 12, 2021
Description: This presentation is focused on specific considerations in the treatment of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) in people with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)   Learning Objectives: Understand the role of assessments in treating those with SUD and TBI Describe the implications of specific cognitive challenges Examine the executive dysfunction and the process of applying standard SUD treatment to people with executive function difficulty   Presenter Information Dr. Sparadeo began his career as the Director of the Mayor’s Task Force on Substance Abuse in the City of Providence, R.I. and he was also the Director of Substance Abuse Services for the Providence Mental Health Center at that same time. After creating a system of clinical services for the City of Providence he was appointed as CEO of Talbot House. Talbot House was the largest residential substance abuse treatment facility in New England. Dr. Sparadeo then completed his doctoral studies with a residency at the Boston V.A. Medical Center followed by a 2-year fellowship at Brown University and Rhode Island Hospital (RIH). The focus of his clinical training was neuropsychology and chronic pain. He completed his fellowship and was appointed to the Brown University School of Medicine faculty and the Rhode Island Hospital medical staff in the position of Director of Rehabilitation Psychology. Dr. Sparadeo trained numerous interns and fellows at Brown University. As Director of Rehabilitation Psychology, Dr. Sparadeo created the first comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation program for survivors of traumatic brain injury. After 8 years in his position at RIH Dr. Sparadeo was appointed National Director of Substance Abuse and TBI rehabilitation services at New Medico Health Systems in Boston, Massachusetts. He created inpatient substance abuse treatment programs in 8 rehabilitation facilities throughout the U.S. He returned to RIH and Brown University to become the director of the Concussion Care Center in the Emergency Department at RIH. He was also the chief clinical consultant to the Trauma Center and Stepdown Unit, and he was the co-director of the Interdisciplinary Spine Center in the Neurosurgery Department at RIH for 5 years before opening a private practice specializing in the neuropsychological assessment, pain assessment and pain management. He developed a specialized substance abuse treatment program for people with both TBI and substance abuse. Eventually, he developed a specialized treatment program for people with chronic pain and opiate addiction. Over the many years of his career Dr. Sparadeo has been a consultant to many agencies and healthcare programs throughout the U.S. He has also served on numerous boards of directors. He was the founder and president of the Brain Injury Association of Rhode Island. He was also the Chairman of the Governor’s Permanent Advisory Commission on TBI. He was also a member of the national committee on substance abuse and disability at SAMHSA in Washington, D.C. Most recently, Dr. Sparadeo has been a consultant and chief trainer on a federally funded grant at the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission. Dr. Sparadeo’s career has also included the publication of many scientific papers and book chapters, and he has been on the faculty of Salve Regina University graduate program in Rehabilitation Counseling where he teaches the Neuroscience of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness, Psychopharmacology for Counselors and the Neuroscience of Opioid Abuse. Video Link This training is a collaboration between Mid-America ATTC, Mountain Plains ATTC, and NASHIA.
Published: May 12, 2021
Print Media
Stigma associated with substance use disorders (SUDs) is a significant barrier to identification and treatment efforts. Persons with SUDs who are pregnant and/or parenting are particularly impacted by stigma and may be subject to adverse encounters when seeking healthcare services. The MPATTC developed clinician-focused and client-focused posters to help address barriers associated with perinatal stigma. It is recommended the posters be displayed in locations visible to both clients and clinicians. The third poster in the series, "We've talked a lot... Now do you have questions?", is aimed at helping address stigma-related barriers by incorporating a tear-off sheet that clients can use to request more information from their clinician/provider on questions they might have (i.e., "I would like to know how alcohol and drugs may affect a baby during pregnancy" and "I would like to know which alcohol and drugs should be avoided during breastfeeding").   Please note: to maximize the impact of these products, display the 11x17 posters in a location most visible and accessible to clinicians.     To Download:  The Perinatal Stigma Prompt/Reminder Posters were designed for display as 11x17 sized posters. However, we have also created 8.5x11 desk copies for in-house printing. These packages can be downloaded and printed by clicking  above and selecting either the Perinatal Stigma Posters Package 11x17 or Perinatal Stigma Posters Package 8.5x11.   In addition to the poster packages, you can download the “Perinatal Stigma Poster Description” which includes the intent and how to use these posters.     To request 11x17 MI Prompt/Reminder Posters to be mailed directly to you, please click "Request a Hard Copy Now".   The MPATTC is available to answer questions and interested in any feedback you have regarding the posters. Please contact us anytime!
Published: March 31, 2021
This Month of February​ Latino Behavioral Health Supports ​Black History Month by ​Highlighting 3 Afro-Latinx professionals​. Join us in honoring our colleagues!​ Este mes de febrero celebramos el mes de la Historia Afroamericana Como profesionales Latinos de Adicción ​y Salud Mental,​ Nos gustaría apoyar esta ocasión destacando ​a tres Afrolatinos(as).​ ¡Acompáñenos a honrar a nuestros(as) colegas!​ Este mês de fevereiro, celebramos o mês da História Afroamericana Como profissionais Latinos Abuso de Substâncias e Saúde mental, ​ gostaríamos de apoiar esta ocasião destacando três afro-latinos(as). Junte-se a nós para homenagear nossos colegas!!​ #BlackHistoryMonth #mesdelaHistoriaAfroamericana ​#mêsdaHistóriaAfroamericana​ #NHLATTC #NHLPTTC #NLBHA
Published: February 11, 2021
Presentation Slides
JMU Substance Use Disorder Education Virtual Conference An inter-professional training in SUDE/SBIRT for faculty and community partners. Holly Ireland, LCSW-C, Co-Director of the Central East ATTC presented the presentation at the conference: Implementing SBIRT: Substance Use Disorders Education. This was a closed event.
Published: October 16, 2020
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Provide an overview of telehealth and technology-based interventions best practices, HIPAA-compliance measures, and ethical considerations. Review all applicable Federal and Maryland telehealth practice regulations and policy expectations, including those related to the global pandemic emergency declaration. Offer an opportunity for interactive, real-time exploration of the application of telehealth skills, knowledge, and policy. Provide information about additional Federal and State resources for continued learning   PRESENTER: Jay Ostrowski, MA, LPC-S, NCC, ACS, BC-TMH, is an informative and entertaining trainer and expert in Telemental Health. As the CEO of Behavioral Health Innovation, he serves as a Telemental Health trainer and consultant for SAMHSA, HRSA, Universities, State governments and healthcare organizations. He’s the founder and Director of both the Telebehavioral Center of Excellence for the University of Virginia and the Board Certification in Telemental Health. He's created 9 peer-reviewed telemental health courses and designed/developed 12 telehealth software platforms to date, including Adaptive Telehealth, the most versatile telehealth software on the market. As a research partner with Harvard Medical School, Jay keeps up with the changing state license requirements for 8 healthcare professions across all US States and DC. He also serves as the go-to person for the Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center for Telemental Health providing Telebehavioral Health training and consultations. You can connect with Jay Ostrowski on LinkedIn or through any of the above organizations.   This webinar is provided in collaboration with the Maryland Department of Health Behavioral Health Administration, Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center and Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center.   
Published: August 11, 2020
Maryland Reproductive Health Virtual Series: Implementing SBIRT: Family Planning and Reproductive Health Settings Description: The 2020 Maryland Reproductive Health Roundtable Virtual Series was a statewide, multiple sessions series spanning across three months to share education and information around reproductive health and family planning in the state of Maryland. These sessions invited public health professionals and clinical providers from city, county, and state agencies as well as health care institutions, community-based organizations, and academic partners. The topics addressed were based on priority challenges and opportunities in reproductive health care. Recordings of the sessions are below as well as corresponding resources. The 2020 Maryland Reproductive Health Roundtable Virtual Series was hosted by B’more for Healthy Babies, UChoose, Maryland Department of Health, and Morgan State University. Speakers: Holly Ireland, LCSW-C Holly is the Co-Project Director of the Central East ATTC. She has 30 years’ experience working in the behavioral health field, beginning her career as a Residential Rehabilitation Counselor while working on her undergraduate degree in psychology at Towson University. During her career, she has provided direct service in outpatient behavioral health and recovery support settings, including individual, group and family therapy for co-occurring disorders, crisis intervention, trauma treatment, Assertive Community Treatment, and advocacy. Holly also serves as adjunct faculty for Salisbury University’s Social Work Department, teaching social welfare policy and advanced practice courses.   Shelley Miller, MS Shelley Miller has worked in family planning and reproductive health for more than 35 years. She has served in a variety of roles including Director of Patient Services for a large Title X agency and Director of Training Performance Improvement for TRAINING 3, a regional training center. Shelley has provided consultation, coaching, training and technical assistance, both nationally and internationally. She currently works with the Central East ATTC as an independent consultant in its SBIRT implementation project with Title X.      
Published: July 28, 2020
Online Course
This mini-course is about documentation of medical necessity. What is it? Why do we need to document it? What tools are available to assist us? Or “How do I get those darn insurance companies to listen?” This course is part of an online 6-course series, Understanding Addiction Services in Kansas: A Mini-course Series, designed for Kansas mental health and addiction counseling professionals and organization leaders who need to know about topics essential to Kansas Substance Use Disorder (SUD) practice. Certificate of Completion Available
Published: July 24, 2020
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The ATTC Network understands that words have power. A few ATTC products developed prior to 2017 may contain language that does not reflect the ATTCs’ current commitment to using affirming, person-first language. We appreciate your patience as we work to gradually update older materials. For more information about the importance of non-stigmatizing language, see “Destroying Addiction Stigma Once and For All: It’s Time” from the ATTC Network and “Changing Language to Change Care: Stigma and Substance Use Disorders” from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).
