eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.
The June 2024 issue features content celebrating Pride Month, PTSD Awareness Month, and Intersection of Addiction and Racism: A Curated Bibliography‒a new comprehensive resource created by AMERSA, the ATTC NCO, and the PTTC NCO. You will also find links to upcoming trainings focused on the therapeutic benefits of humor in treatment and recovery, prevention efforts in rural communities, and trauma-informed care for transition-age youth.
Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: June 6, 2024
We recognize that the holidays are a difficult time for many. Mid-America ATTC developed a holiday toolkit: How to Thrive During the Holiday Season. It includes tips for people in recovery and for those who support people in recovery, harm reduction techniques for those who want to cut back during the holidays, self-care ideas, LGBTQ+ and recovery resources, and more!
Author: Darla Belflower
Editors: Bree Sherry, Catie Holmes, and Jenny Ho
Published: December 12, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.
The December 2023 issue shares recorded content on wound care and xylazine, social media basics for preventionists, an infographic on providing behavioral healthcare to people living with HIV, and SAMHSA's tips for supporting your mental health through the holidays. As always, you will also find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!
Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list, so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter and thank you for reading!
Published: December 7, 2023
Print Media
*Also Available in Spanish!*
This issue will bring a reflection by our Program Director, highlighting some of our accomplishments of the year and the 2022 National Latino Behavioral Health conference. Our Executive director wrote an article bringing awareness on Achieving Latino Behavioral Health Equity in America. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more.
Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more.
In This Issue
Our Mission
Dicho of the Quarter
Page 01
A reflection by our Director
Page 02
NLBHA Highlights
Page 04
Highlighting the experts
Page 05
Quarterly Highlights and Celebrations
Page 06
Article by Dr. Richard Cervantes, PhD
Page 07
NHL Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program
Page 10
Media Corner
Page 12
Staff Contact information
Page 13
[Español] Cimentando Las Bases Para un Año Saludable y de Buena Cosecha
Esta edición traerá una reflexión de nuestro Director de Programa, destacando algunos de nuestros logros del año y la Conferencia Nacional de Salud Conductual Latina de 2022. Nuestro director ejecutivo escribió un artículo para generar conciencia sobre Lograr la Equidad en la Salud Mental de los Latinos en América. Lea para obtener más información sobre los recursos que destacamos este trimestre, nuestros próximos eventos y proyectos, y más.
Lea para obtener más información sobre los recursos que destacamos este trimestre, nuestros próximos eventos y proyectos, y más.
El “Dicho” del Trimestre
Página 01
Una Reflexión de Nuestra Directora
Página 02
Puntos Destacados de NLBHA
Página 04
Destacando a los Expertos
Página 05
Puntos Destacados del TrimestreyCelebraciones
Página 06
Artículo por el Dr. Richard Cervantes
Página 07
Programa Nacional de LiderazgoyBecas para Ejecutivos Hispanos Latinos
Página 10
Rincón de los Medios
Página 12
Información de Contacto del Personal
Página 13
Published: December 21, 2022
Presenter: Ann Marie Roepke, PhD
December 2020
These are strange and frightening times. The global outbreak of COVID-19 has impacted daily life in profound ways. An economic recession, political strife, and the toxic impacts of racism weigh heavily on many. And those of us who work in the “helping professions” have the honor and the burden of caring for others in the midst of all these challenges. More than ever, we need the skills and the relationships that help us to be resilient: to make it through hard times with the least suffering and the greatest well-being possible. In this webinar, we will explore strategies for building up our resilience as we manage the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and associated challenges. Topics we will cover include reconnecting with values, meaning, and purpose; finding self-compassion during tough times; and maintaining motivation to take care of ourselves in the ways that work for us.
Please note: This webinar is offered for educational and informational purposes only, and it not intended as a healthcare service, medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or establishment of a doctor/patient relationship.
Download slides | Watch recording
Webinar category: Workforce support
Published: March 29, 2022
Print Media
The Tip card provides a brief review of information that providers need to know about traumatic brain injury and behavioral health/substance use disorders. It summarizes the key points from the TBI toolkit that is also available on the website.
Published: March 15, 2022
Print Media
The Client Workbook for Substance Use and Brain Injury was developed by the SUBI Project Team Second Edition (2021) Carolyn Lemsky, PhD, CPsych, ABPP/ABCN, Tim Godden, MSW, RSW, Advanced Practice Clinician and Maria Crowley, MA, CRC-Consultation, Editing, and Design, the National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (NASHIA). It is available online for free and it can be used in conjunction with the TBI Toolkit developed in collaboration with Region 7 Mid-America ATTC.
Published: March 1, 2022
Happy New Year!
This month, our theme for our video is “A Healthy New Year”
We want to encourage you to look at 2022 with hope, healing, recovery, and schedule time to re-charge and take care of your wellbeing.
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Este mes, el tema de nuestro video es “Un Año Nuevo Saludable”
Nos gustaría alentarlos a mirar el año 2022 con esperanza, sanación interna, recuperación y un tiempo para recargarse y cuidar de su bienestar.
Feliz ano novo!
Este mês, o tema do nosso vídeo é “Um Ano Novo Saudável”
Queremos te encorajar a olhar para 2022 com esperança, cura, recuperação e reservar um tempo para recarregar as energías e cuidar do seu bem-estar.
Published: January 4, 2022
In a trauma-informed organization, the clinical and peer workforce ensures trauma-informed clinical best practices address the effects associated with trauma while honoring the core principles of trauma-informed care. It is an organization’s clinical work that gets to the core of shifting the focus from What is wrong with you to What happened to you.
This virtual presentation is sponsored by the Southeast ATTC Regional Center and will focus on the many facets of providing trauma-informed clinical best practices. Explore key components to trauma-informed clinical practice, the core competencies of a trauma-informed practitioner, and what it means to apply trauma-informed principles across all stages of treatment. Learn more about trauma-specific, evidence-based, and emerging best practices, including interventions, focused on the mind/body connection in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina.
1. Be aware of trauma-informed practitioner core competencies
2. Increase understanding of how to apply trauma-informed principles across all stages of treatment, from universal screening through treatment planning and discharge.
Karen Johnson, principal at Trauma-Informed Lens Consulting, partners with organizations, systems and communities to promote individual and organizational resilience, using her knowledge and experience from 26 years working in behavioral health, community services and child welfare. During her 5½ years on the National Council for Behavioral Health’s trauma-informed services team, Karen led the initiative with Kaiser Permanente, Trauma-Informed Primary Care: Fostering Resilience and Recovery, to create a change package for advancing trauma-informed approaches within primary care. Karen is certified in Dr. Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead and Daring Way and is trained in Dr. Bruce Perry’s Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. She also developed numerous community-based programs during her 19 years at SaintA in Milwaukee, WI. Karen combines the newest science around adversity and resilience to infuse hope and connection into every client engagement, moving organizations and individuals forward in their healing journey.
Published: June 7, 2021
Print Media
The National Hispanic and Latino Addiction and Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (NHL-ATTC and PTTC) are happy to provide new Fact sheets on Gambling Awareness in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Click here to download the files:
Published: March 25, 2021
This virtual presentation is sponsored by the Southeast ATTC Regional Center and will focus on emphasizing not only our mandate to "do no harm" in working with those who have previously been wounded but also will focus on ways to help re-establish a sense of empowerment to those who may have come to feel disempowered and who are at risk for negative life experiences in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina. Treatment providers, peer support communities, and community-based organizations in Region 4 are encouraged to register for free.
1. Utilize and interpret the results of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire,
2. Articulate at least three adverse experiences covered in the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire,
3. Identify at least three negative outcomes correlated with experiencing adverse childhood experiences,
4. List at least three experiences that are correlated with greater resiliency in individuals,
5. Verbalize two practical steps they can take to help mitigate adverse childhood experiences and foster greater resiliency in those they serve.
James E. Campbell, LPC, LAC, MAC, CACII has worked professionally in the human services field for over twenty-five years in a wide range of clinical settings, currently serving as the Training and Technical Assistance Manager for Southeast Addiction Technology Transfer Center. His passion is helping individuals and families heal and build on the strengths they possess. He’s a member of both NAADAC and ACA and is a past president of APSC/SCAADAC. James is a nationally recognized, author and speaker.
Published: March 20, 2021
The pandemic has brought challenges and disruption to substance use disorder services along with opportunities. The presentation will examine these new opportunities and “how to get there.”
Participants will:
Recognize some of the opportunities that have resulted from the pandemic.
Explore the role of resilience in responding to service needs during the pandemic, and as a path to opportunities.
Sheila Weix, MSN, RN, CARN
During her tenure as a leader in SUD treatment, Sheila Weix has been involved with emergencies related to the HIV epidemic, 9/11, and the 2008 economic collapse. She is currently applying this experience in an outpatient treatment service that includes medication-assisted treatment in rural Wisconsin during the COVID19 pandemic.
Video: Substance Use Disorder Services in the Days of a Pandemic (Part 1)
Video: Substance Use Disorder Services in the Days of a Pandemic (Part 2)
Published: February 19, 2021
Print Media
This series of posters is designed to help you promote awareness of your programs and services in your community! They can be customized by adding your logo, information, and adding a translation of the message in your own language.
These were designed by Jessamine Jackson from JBS International, a partner of the ATTC.
Published: December 16, 2020
Print Media
This Holiday Resource Guide provides a one-stop-shop for approaching the holiday season in the midst of a pandemic. Learn to address grief and loss, social isolation, and other mental health concerns unique to the pandemic era, as well as celebrate with friends and family virtually or in small gatherings in accordance with CDC guidelines, utilize technology to host a virtual celebration, and devise creative strategies for celebrating with family virtually.
This product was developed in collaboration with the Mid-America Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) and Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)
Author(s): Johnson, K./Mid-America MHTTC; Klepper, C./Mid-America MHTTC; Robinson, L./Mid-America MHTTC; West, H./Mid-America MHTTC; Sherry, B./Mid-America ATTC; Stilen, P./Mid-America ATTC; Closson, D./Mid-America PTTC
Published: December 14, 2020
This webinar offers participants an overview of one approach to centering self-compassion in mental health programing for Latina immigrant women.
We share our experiences implementing Amigas Latinas Motivando el Alma (ALMA)/Latina Friends Moving the Soul, a mindfulness- and self-compassion-informed community-based intervention to reduce stress, anxiety and depression amongst Latina immigrant women.
Serena Maurer, PhD
Georgina Perez, MSW, LICSW
Download Presentation
ALMA Factsheet (English)
ALMA Factsheet (Spanish)
ALMA Factsheet (Portuguese)
Published: September 2, 2020
Stigma undermines access to diagnosis, treatment, and successful health outcomes for people with substance use disorders. This session will explore techniques to eliminating the stigma that exists in systems of care and will describe opportunities and challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Published: June 4, 2020
Print Media
In response to the COVID19 pandemic, the New England ATTC team has developed products in partnership with the South Africa HIV ATTC to support our partners and constituents during this time. Our ATTC is well positioned to continue supporting people with off-the-shelf products and our virtual trainings and technical assistance remain available. This one-page activity encourages taking care of oneself, particularly in moments of great instability. Learning and practicing the activities in this product can be helpful to prevent one from becoming emotionally overwhelmed. This product was designed as a provider self-care exercise, but has broad relevance for the general population.
Published: May 27, 2020
Print Media
In response to the COVID19 pandemic, the New England ATTC team has developed products in partnership with the South Africa ATTC to support our partners and constituents. Our ATTC is well positioned to continue supporting people with off-the-shelf products and our virtual trainings and technical assistance remain available. This one-page activity can help one slow down and check in with their emotional and physical well-being. This product was designed as a provider self-care exercise, but has broad relevance for the general population.
Published: May 27, 2020
Essential Conversations in Social Services 2020 (previously called 20-Minute Tips) is a podcast intended for behavioral health (BH) and substance use disorder (SUD) providers in Region 7. During each episode, we will interview a subject matter expert on a specific topic and explore tips designed to help the BH and SUD workforce.
During this episode, we discuss the importance of self-care for BH leaders with Dena Sneed, the Director of the Center for Trauma Informed Innovation at Truman Medical Center in Kansas City, MO.
This project is a collaboration by the Mid-America Addiction and Mental Health Technology transfer centers and is funded by SAMHSA, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The content on this podcast does not necessarily reflect the views of SAMHSA.
Published: May 27, 2020
Print Media
In response to the COVID19 pandemic, the New England ATTC team has developed products in partnership with the South Africa HIV ATTC to support our partners and constituents during this time. Our ATTC is well-positioned to continue supporting people with off-the-shelf products and our virtual trainings and technical assistance remain available. This one-page activity can be used to learn new ways to cope with and relieve stress. Developing ways to soothe can be helpful to prevent one from becoming emotionally overwhelmed. This product was designed as a provider self-care exercise, but has broad relevance for the general population.
Published: May 27, 2020
Supporting Mental Health and Substance Use Providers during the crisis created by COVID-19 is imperative. This webinar focuses on how providers are coping and how to best support this critical segment of the workforce. Participants will learn how hopelessness, fatigue, stress, trauma, and social distancing are impacting the well-being of mental health and substance use practitioners. Presenters will highlight the need to practice self-compassion, holistic wellness, and self-care as essential strategies to deal with compassion fatigue, burnout. Supportive strategies and techniques to increase connection are discussed. This product was created in collaboration with the New England MHTTC.
Published: May 14, 2020
The crisis created by COVID-19 has impacted all sectors of society, including people recovering from Substance Use Disorders and/or Mental Health Issues. This webinar will focus on how isolation, stress, anxiety, trauma, financial difficulties, and physical distancing have impacted recovery processes and the well being of the recovery community. Presenters will highlight the need to understand and support the multiple pathways of recovery, wellness, resiliency, self-care, and recovery capital. Online resources and platforms will be explored as well. This product was created in collaboration with the New England MHTTC.
Published: May 7, 2020
Print Media
The recent COVID-19 health pandemic has accelerated the implementation of behavioral health services via remote technology, including telephone and video conferencing. The following is an implementation framework for behavioral health care providers that guides organizational leadership through short term practical steps for implementation of remote services via technology while including successful long-term strategies for sustaining telehealth services.
Published: May 1, 2020
Print Media
As a caregiver, taking care of yourself is essential. This is especially true in this moment of great instability when it is common
to feel uncomfortable emotions such as stress, anxiety, anger, and sadness. One way to practice self-care is by becoming still
through intentional reflection and breathing.
Published: April 30, 2020