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The opinions expressed herein are the views of the authors and do not reflect the official position of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), SAMHSA, CSAT or the ATTC Network. No official support or endorsement of DHHS, SAMHSA, or CSAT for the opinions of authors presented in this e-publication is intended or should be inferred.

ATTC Region 2: Preparing and Managing Natural Disasters

Published: 08/05/2020
Robert Peralta De Jesus, MA, MHS Northeast & Caribbean ATTC The Institute of Research, Education and Services in Addiction at the Universidad Central del Caribe, School of Medicine has provided various trainings for first responders, community leaders and healthcare providers. In early January of this year, with the atmospheric events that occurred in Puerto Rico, […]
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Northwest ATTC: Tech Transfer in Action Blog Series

Published: 07/15/2020
David Jefferson, MSWDirector of Training and Technical Assistance Northwest ATTC Over the past three years, in collaboration with the Northwest ATTC, I have led a large technical assistance project to support implementation of Motivational Interviewing (MI) for 200+ members of the behavioral health workforce employed at social service agencies in Whatcom County, Washington. During the […]
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Addressing the Syndemic of Addiction, COVID-19, and Structural Racism by Strengthening the Workforce

Published: 07/02/2020
By Sara Becker  New England ATTCAccording to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 105,000 Americans have died and at least 1.7 million Americans have been infected with the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Social distancing measures put in place to contain the spread have decimated entire sectors of the United […]
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How to Reduce No-shows to Virtual Appointments

Published: 06/24/2020
Todd Molfenter, Ph.D. Director, Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC Is this a familiar scenario for your organization? Day 1: Stay-at-home order: Your agency enacts social distancing guidelines. Day 3: Your agency has switched in-person counseling to telephonic or video-based counseling. Day 12: Virtual services, particularly telephone, have increased engagement rates! Day 30: The honeymoon […]
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South Southwest ATTC: Implementing Remote Technology In a Time of Crisis

Published: 06/17/2020
Maureen NicholsDirector, South Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer CenterHHS Region 6 The recent COVID-19 health pandemic has accelerated the implementation of behavioral health services via remote technology, including telephone and video conferencing. In March 2020, as behavioral health treatment and recovery organizations prepared to continue critical services while implementing social distancing guidelines needed to keep patients […]
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Share Your Perspectives about Opioid Use Disorder among People with Disabilities from Minority Backgrounds

Published: 06/10/2020
Share Your Perspectives about Opioid Use Disorder among People with Disabilities from Minority Backgrounds.Please click or cut and paste survey link below to participate: We are pleased to invite substance, mental health service and vocational rehabilitation professionals (e.g., counselors, clinicians, directors) from across the country that provide to participate in a national study on […]
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How social isolation, loneliness, and insecurity affect people in recovery from addiction and mental illness during COVID-19; and what to do about it

Published: 06/03/2020
By Pierluigi Mancini, Ph.D.Project Director, National Hispanic and Latino ATTC We are going through a difficult period, together, and we are all going through it in our own way. What COVID-19 has done to us as a society is traumatic and the impact of untreated trauma can be subtle, insidious, or outright destructive. The American […]
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Great Lakes ATTC: Helping Build Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care

Published: 05/20/2020
Implementation, the final phase of the ATTC Technology Transfer Model, moves an innovation into routine practice in real-world settings. For the Great Lakes ATTC, implementing Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care in real-world settings has been a particular focus since the concept first began to take shape. (See related blog post: Building a Science of Recovery: The […]
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Mid-America ATTC: Creation of Intensive technical assistance manual for trauma informed care (TIC)

Published: 05/06/2020
The Mid-America Addiction Technology Transfer Center (a collaboration between Truman Medical Center Behavioral Health and the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Nursing and Health Studies) developed an intensive technical assistance manual to be used by Technology Transfer Centers to facilitate trauma informed care (TIC) implementation in substance use and recovery service settings. The manual […]
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Learning from Crisis: PDSA in Times of Challenge

Published: 04/23/2020
Mat Roosa, LCSW-R NIATx Coach Crisis requires that we triage the most urgent matters, and take rapid action to address them. Crisis demands that we limit our analysis to the critical data points. Crisis demands that we try new and untested strategies, and rapidly respond to the results of our efforts. Crisis is dangerous, chaotic, […]
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The World in our Hearts: A Message from the ATTC and NIATx Networks

Published: 04/15/2020
Contributed by the Southeast ATTC Dawn Tyus, Director Pamela Woll, Product and Curriculum Development Consultant Greetings from the makeshift offices we’ve set up in our kitchens and basements and spare bedrooms. The world outside our windows looks like a normal, pretty Spring day, but the world that lives in our hearts is going through some strange, difficult […]
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Traditional Ways of Sharing Modern Knowledge: Peer-to-Peer Learning Communities

Published: 04/08/2020
Jeff Ledolter Program Manager of the Tribal Opioid Response TA ProgramNational American Indian and Alaska Native ATTC Image posted with permission of all participants.  In February 2020, the National American Indian and Alaska Native ATTC hosted a regional technical assistance meeting in Oklahoma City for recipients of the Tribal Opioid Response grant. It was similar to […]
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DEBUNKED Podcast launched to Debunk Myths about Harm Reduction

Published: 04/04/2020
By Dr. Sandra H. Sulzer The Tribal and Rural Opioid Initiative of Utah State University has launched a podcast to debunk myths around harm reduction. The first two episodes are already released with a pending special episode on COVID-19 myths in production. While harm reduction strategies such as syringe distribution and naloxone education are the […]
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Using Text Messages to Improve Substance Use Disorders Treatment Outcomes

Published: 03/18/2020
Nancy Roget, MS, MFT, LADC Co-Director, Mountain Plains ATTC Annually, the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) conducts a survey called the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). This survey interviews almost 68,000 individuals across the nation regarding their use of alcohol, prescribed medications, and illicit drugs. In 2019, the NSDUH survey […]
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Changing Practice Through Collaboration, Art, and Science

Published: 03/04/2020
Respectfully submitted by Holly R. Ireland, LCSW-C The Central East ATTC serving Health and Human Reserves Region 3 has been managed by the Danya Institute for nearly 20 years. Danya’s tagline is “Changing Communities Through Changing Practice” and collaboration has always been a central core value to our work. Workforce development and capacity building changes […]
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NIATx Tools: What I Learned From My First Walk-through Exercise

Published: 03/02/2020
Julia Parnell Alexander, Ph.D. Co-Director, Great Lakes PTTC State Project Manager, Indiana, for the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC My first NIATx walk-through exercise happened when I was a staff member at a recovery community organization (RCO) in Minnesota. Through this experience, I quickly learned the difference between theory and practice. I thought I […]
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Tech Transfer in Action Blog Series: Infusing Evidence-Based Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Information into Existing U.S. College and University Curricula

Published: 02/19/2020
Beth Rutkowski, MPH Co-Director, Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center, HHS Region 9 Developing a competent, highly skilled multidisciplinary workforce to provide effective treatment and recovery services to individuals living with a substance use disorder is a cornerstone of the training and technical assistance occurring throughout the SAMHSA-funded Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network. To be […]
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Hepatitis C Prescriber Toolkit

Published: 02/12/2020
Laura W. Cheever, MD, ScM Associate Administrator for HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau Although advances in HIV care and treatment result in longer life expectancy for people with HIV, those who are coinfected with HIV and hepatitis C have a high risk of liver-related illness and death. Viral hepatitis progresses faster and causes more liver-related health problems […]
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Supporting the “MI Spirit” Through an Intensive TA Process: Clinical Supervisory Staff Improve Their Communication Skills For Use with Clients and Each Other

Published: 02/01/2020
Laura Cooley Northwest ATTC Technology Transfer Specialist How would you rate your skill level in motivational interviewing (MI)? On the first day of a two-day MI workshop, 35 behavior analysts were asked this question about their perceived skill and confidence level in using MI. The behavior analysts, all of whom work as clinical supervisors at […]
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NIATx: Promising Practices to Increase Engagement in Treatment

Published: 01/31/2020
Maureen Fitzgerald Great Lakes ATTC/NIATx NIATx Principle 1, "Understand and Involve the Customer," comes alive when a change team conducts a walk-through of their agency or one of its processes.  For many change teams, the first walk-through focuses on the customer's first contact with the agency: the intake and admission processes. A walk-through of first […]
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ATTC Region 2: Increasing Capacity for the Drug Courts in Puerto Rico

Published: 01/16/2020
The Institute of Research, Education and Services in Addiction at the Universidad Central del Caribe, School of Medicine has been providing various trainings to the Drug Courts of Puerto Rico. Drug Courts is a program that seeks the recovery of people with substance use disorders through a continuous and intensive judicial follow up. It applies […]
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2020 Vision: What Will You Improve in the New Year?

Published: 01/06/2020
Mat Roosa, LCSW-R NIATx Coach With the start of a new year, many organizations resolve to tackle long-standing issues, such as high no-show rates. In this post, NIATx coach Mat Roosa shares his vision for reducing no-shows: Offer walk-in hours. Walk-ins “The best way to get rid of no-shows for appointments is to get rid […]
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Published: 01/02/2020
By The New England ATTC and Stephen Andrew, LCSW, LADC, CCS, CGP  The New England ATTC is collaborating with the Health Education & Training Institute in an effort to implement Motivational Interviewing (MI) systems-wide throughout Tri-County Mental Health Services of Maine. Tri-County Mental Health Services provides integrated behavioral health care for clients with substance use […]
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Make it Quick! NIATx Principle #5: Use Rapid-Cycle Testing

Published: 12/05/2019
Maureen Fitzgerald Editor, NIATx and Great Lakes ATTC  The fifth principle of the NIATx model is rapid-cycle testing, structured around what’s known as the PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) Cycle. In rapid-cycle testing, the executive sponsor, change leader, or team comes up with ideas for changes to test and then tests each of those changes in quick succession […]
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