You are visiting us from Ohio. You are located in HHS Region 5. Your Center is Great Lakes ATTC.

Past Events

This training is for KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health doctors and nurses. Those who attend this training in Motivational Interviewing will gain knowledge and skills to promote behaviour change related to risky drug and alcohol use and to improve HIV and MDR-TB treatment outcomes through strategies such as increased HIV adherence, reduced alcohol use, and reduced drug use.
This training is for Health Systems Trust (HST) health professionals. Attendees will gain knowledge around cultural competencies to better conceptualise the circumstances and care of their patients in order to improve HIV treatment outcomes through strategies such as increased detection and intervention of co-occurring mental illness, alcohol and other drug use disorders among adolescent girls and young women.
This training is the fifth of six trainings for health professionals and lay workers at the Denis Hurley Centre. The Denis Hurley Centre serves thousands of homeless, refugees, and people living with HIV and TB. Attendees of this training will gain knowledge about treatment and management of common illnesses and issues associated with HIV/AIDS. Those who attend this training will learn how to interpret the results of screening tools in order to improve HIV treatment outcomes through detection and intervention of HIV and other co-occurring illnesses.
Clinical Supervision Foundations is a 14-hour, self-paced course designed to introduce the terms, topics, and resources essential to clinical supervision. This course is required to participate in the ATTC Network's face-to-face training, Clinical Supervision Foundations Part II.
A set of skills that helps service providers offer community residents care for their families, friends, neighbors, and themselves by providing basic psychological support in the aftermath of traumatic events.
The CABHP Clinical Supervision Refresher program is meant to serve as a refresher course and day of training designed to meet the training requirements for licensure and/or certification for those needing to update their clinical supervision skill sets.
Describes the effects of alcohol and cannabis use in the brain and behavioral, cognitive consequences. Medication assistance treatments for the use of alcohol and alternative behavioral treatment for cannabis use will be discussed.
This 3 hour training will review trauma informed care principles and explore trauma induced behavioral indicators as red flags that encourage screening and assessment. Included are practice skills with PC-L tool, discussion on how to create safe environment, and provider self care strategies.
Behavioral Health and Hearing Voices - for SWS students. This curriculum has been developed and piloted for a wide range of mental health professionals including: inpatient/outpatient psychiatric nurses, psychiatrists, social workers, psychologists, family members, first responders, direct care workers in residential, day treatment and psycho-social rehabilitation programs, mental health administrators, policy makers, police officers, academic faculty, and students. Learning Goals To empathize more deeply with the challenges voice hearers face To reduce the fear and stigma surrounding the voice hearing experience To learn to teach self-help skills to voice hearers
This webinar is part of a series on research-based integrated health care topics. Current and timely subjects of interest to American Indian and Alaska Native behavioral healthcare issues are presented using evidence-based information by nationally recognized speakers who are experts in their field. This series offers one-hour sessions on the 4th Wednesday of each month. 1-2 pm Eastern; 12-1 pm Central; 11-12 pm Mountain; 10-11 am Pacific; 9-10 am Alaska.
Will highlight digital health technologies related to recovery support services for individuals with substance use disorders, thereby helping behavioral health peer recovery, clinical and administrative staff become familiar with and develop/increase their digital health technology skills
Face-to-Face Training
Compassion Fatigue is a state characterized by a gradual lessening of compassion over time. It is common among individuals that work directly with trauma victims such as nurses, psychologists, and first responders. However, sufferers can exhibit several symptoms including hopelessness, a decrease in experiences of pleasure, constant stress and anxiety, sleeplessness or nightmares, and a pervasive negative attitude. We find in the behavioral health arena it has a significant presence and can lead to negative outcomes for the helpers. Self-Care is all about learning how to take care of yourself and identify those issues that trigger you to act in a negative manner. This is where the real work begins
This training is for Harney District Hospital providers only. This Introduction to Motivational Interviewing workshop is designed to increase providers’ capacity to deliver evidence based practices and operate from a recovery oriented system of care perspective. Participants of this training will have a number of opportunities for practice and skills development through the use of role-plays, real-plays, and interactive group exercises. Video and live demonstrations will also be used to enhance the learning process. The training is designed for professionals working in education, corrections, mental health, substance abuse, and case management.
This 3 hour training will review trauma informed care principles and explore trauma induced behavioral indicators as red flags that encourage screening and assessment. Included are practice skills with PC-L tool, discussion on how to create safe environment, and provider self care strategies.
** This event is currently closed. To request a similar training or TA, please go to our online request form and let us know your needs: ***
Learn how to apply motivational interviewing strategies in real world practice to increase your effectiveness in identifying risk behaviors and counseling adolescents toward positive behavior changes.
This curriculum is designed to develop provider skills in delivering culturally responsive prevention and treatment services for the LGBT population, especially those dealing with co-occurring substance use, mental health disorders (COD), and/or physical health disorders.
This workshop will help clinicians self-evaluate their emotional response as a result of their work with trauma survivors in the aftermath of critical incidents such as the events on October 1 at the Route 91 Harvest Festival. Participants will learn to identify the symptoms of burn-out, compassion fatigue, and secondary trauma, assess personal functioning, and review self-care skills to ensure more resilience. Attendees will leave with practical skills to apply to their professional and personal lives in order to recover from trauma work and prepare for the next critical incident.
This four-day event gives addiction professionals the opportunity to combine in-depth study of an area of special interest with the opportunity to learn in a wilderness setting. The program includes advanced clinical and administrative skilled-based treatment in best practices and evidence-based practices treatment approaches, as well as a current and emerging best opioid treatment practices, clinical supervision and management training.
This training is the fourth of six trainings for health professionals and lay workers at the Denis Hurley Centre. The Denis Hurley Centre serves thousands of homeless, refugees, and people living with HIV and TB. Attendees of this training will gain knowledge about treatment and management of substance use disorders and mental illnesses. Those who attend this training will learn how to screen for mental health and substance use disorders and interpret the results of screening tools in order to improve HIV treatment outcomes through detection and intervention of co-occurring alcohol and other drug use among people living with HIV.
In this interactive one day workshop we'll prepare staff to deliver SBIRT in public health and primary care settings. This interactive training day will challenge participants to learn the necessary knowledge and skills needed to screen patients accurately, provide non-judgmental feedback, deliver motivationally based brief interventions, and make patient centered recommendations.
The South Africa HIV ATTC is hosting a meeting in Cape Town on August 23rd to explore ways to scale up and sustain research-driven training in Screening and Brief Interventions (SBIRT) for substance use disorders (SUDs). This meeting is particularly focused on facilitating the overlap of SBIRT trainings with PEPFAR's 90-90-90 targets by addressing SUDs as a psychosocial determinant of adherence in multi-drug resistant TB and HIV. On August 24th the South Africa HIV ATTC will host an SBIRT intensive training course for health professionals. Attendees will gain knowledge and skills in assessment, screening, brief interventions, and referral to treatment for people living with HIV. After this training, attendees will be able to apply these skills to the care of their patients in order to improve HIV treatment outcomes through strategies such as increased detection and interventions.
This training is for King County providers only. This King County sponsored course describes the foundation of CBT as related to the treatment of substance use and co-occurring disorders. Strategies to teach individuals about the connection between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors will be presented. Participants will learn the process for effective facilitation of a functional analysis of substance-using behavior along with other skillbuilding modules.
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