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Product Type: Curriculum Package

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Target Audience
The purpose of this introductory training is to provide HIV clinicians with a detailed overview of the neurobiology of addiction, the impact of HIV on the brain and central nervous system (CNS), and the detrimental impact of the intersectionality of multiple stigmatized identities. This training is a companion to, and can be conducted in conjunction with the “How Change Happens: Substance Use Disorders and HIV/AIDS” training curriculum.
Published: July 23, 2018
The purpose of this training is to provide HIV clinicians with an overview of the challenges and strategies for change in working with individuals living with HIV/AIDS and a diagnosis of a substance use disorder. This training is a companion to and can be conducted in conjunction with the “Nature of Addiction and HIV” training curriculum.
Published: July 23, 2018
This is a curriculum developed to address the professional standards that guide the community corrections professional's role as change agent, the specific competencies associated with reducing risk and the common knowledge, skills and attitudes for community corrections professionals.
Published: October 1, 2015
3-hour, self-paced course designed to enhance professional knowledge of MAT and build skills related to educating clients about MAT.
Published: October 1, 2016
The Short-term Opioid Withdawal Using Buprenorphine (Bup Detox) Blending Team designed a training package to instruct treatment providers on the administration of aBup Detox Brochure Cover unique,13-day Buprenorphine taper intervention for opioid dependent patients. Research conducted in both inpatient and outpatient settings by the NIDA Clinical Trials Network demonstrated that, in contrast with the clonidine treatment group, patients receiving Buprenorphine provided more opioid-negative urine samples upon completion of the intervention. This training assumes some basic prior information about what Buprenorphine is and how it is used.            
Published: January 1, 2018
Treatment Strategies for Prescription Opioid Dependence is a package of tools and training resources for substance use disorders treatment providers. The results of the study have implications for the treatment of adults dependent on prescription opioids. The POATS Blending Team (BT) package is designed to help treatment providers incorporate study findings and recommendations into their practice.          
Published: January 1, 2018
The Buprenorphine Treatment for Young Adults Blending Team designed a training package which highlights the findings of the NIDA CTN study that compared longer term versus short-term buprenorphine/naloxone treatment in an outpatient setting. The 3-hour training program examines the prevalence of and treatment admission rates for nonmedical use of opioids among young adults; provides an overview of opioid use among young adults; explores and increases understanding of the results of new research on using buprenorphine to treat opioid addiction in young adults; and describes the implications of these findings for the treatment of opioid addiction in young adults.        
Published: January 1, 2018
Opioid abuse and addiction (e.g., heroin, OxyContin) remains a critical national public health concern. In 2002, tablet formulations of the medication Buprenorphine were approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of opioid addiction. In order to prepare the field to effectively integrated this new treatment, the Buprenorphine Treatment Blending Team developed an awareness training to disseminate information and enhance awareness among multidisciplinary (non-physician) addiction professionals about Buprenorphine treatment. This training is designed to provide a broad overview of the medication, its effects, and the role of non-physician practitioners in providing and supporting the treatment of individuals receiving this medication.      
Published: January 1, 2003
This interactive two-part webinar series will review the risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption, impact of alcohol on the body, population based differences in drinking patterns, and the importance of using evidence-based screening tools and culturally informed approaches when using harm reduction strategies to address risk behavior. We will also review a case study for participants to explore and practice potential strategies to apply.
Published: August 29, 2018
There have been important advancements in the field of HIV, which will change the lives of persons with HIV/AIDS. This course will review the basics of HIV/AIDS; discuss information about treatment adherence and the importance of following the medication regimen. It will also describe the newest information for people with HIV/AIDS: U=U (Undetectable vs. Untransmittable).
Published: August 21, 2018
Working with persons from diverse backgrounds in any discipline requires that professionals engage in a culturally responsive manner that can enhance the clinical processes used to provide individualized treatment and health care. This interactive two-part webinar (90 minutes each) will present on the importance of acknowledging our own values & beliefs.
Published: July 6, 2018
Crystal methamphetamine use has increased among MSM of Color in New York City in the past few years. This webinar will introduce participants to crystal methamphetamine use among MSM. This webinar will introduce participants to crystal methamphetamine use among MSM. It will describe crystal meth, reasons why MSM of Color are using it, the effect of crystal meth on HIV, routes of administration, pharmacology, and treatment options.
Published: July 8, 2018
The purpose of this introductory training package is to provide clinicians from a variety of work and educational backgrounds with a detailed overview of synthetic drugs, including substances known on the street as K2, Spice, and Bath Salts. The presentation seeks to raise awareness by defining key terms, describing the main classes of synthetic drugs commonly available, presenting available data on the extent of use, providing information on how to identify and assess individuals using them.
Published: December 10, 2013
This revision of the March 2012 face-to-face version of the Pacific Southwest ATTC’s SBIRT curriculum was prepared by the National Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment ATTC. The goals of the training remain the same: to help participants to develop skills related to SBIRT, and to begin a conversation around implementation of SBIRT in standard practice. The revised curriculum expands the format and presents the trainer with the opportunity to focus on any 1 of 4 option.
Published: March 1, 2014
The purpose of this half-day, introductory training is to provide HIV clinicians (including, but not limited to physicians, dentists, nurses, and other allied medical staff, therapists and social workers, and counselors, specialists, and case managers) with an overview of medical marijuana, its use among individuals living with HIV, and strategies on how to work with HIV patients who are using medical marijuana.
Published: August 9, 2013
The purpose of this introductory training is to provide HIV clinicians (including, but not limited to physicians, dentists, nurses, and other allied medical staff, therapists and social workers, and counselors, specialists, and case managers) with a detailed overview of screening patients for at-risk alcohol and other drug use and conducting a brief intervention with patients to reduce their at-risk substance use.
Published: July 2, 2013
El propósito del Paquete de Entrenamiento de Integración de VIH es para proveer a especialistas del VIH (incluyendo, pero no limitado a doctores, dentistas, enfermeras, y otros empleados médicos, terapistas, trabajadores sociales, y consejeros, especialistas, y manejadores de casos) con una visión general de tratamiento integral para las personas que viven con el VIH.
Published: February 8, 2013
Self-paced online course that contains six modules of instruction covering topics related to Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Model. Topics include: understanding the scope of alcohol and drug abuse/dependence; research why dentists need to understand SUDs; and an overview on how to implement the SBIRT model in dental settings.
Published: April 2, 2012
The purpose of the HIV Integration Training Package is to provide HIV clinicians (including, but not limited to physicians, dentists, nurses, and other allied medical staff, therapists and social workers, and counselors, specialists, and case mangers) with an overview of integrated treatment for individuals living with HIV. The main focus of the training is the integration of mental health and substance use disorder treatment services with HIV care.
Published: August 1, 2012
The purpose of this introductory training curriculum is to provide HIV clinicians (including, but not limited to physicians, dentists, nurses, and other allied medical staff, therapists and social workers, and counselors, specialists, and case managers) with an overview of alcohol and HIV. Also included the training product is a detailed trainer guide and 2-page fact sheet for HIV clinicians.
Published: July 31, 2012
The goal of this training course is teach participants how to develop their skills to deliver Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT). The assumption in designing this course is that participants have already completed the self-paced online course (Foundations of SBIRT) that introduced the topic of SBIRT. The aim of this training course is to help participants to (1) develop skills related to SBIRT, and to (2) begin a conversation around implementation of SBIRT.
Published: July 31, 2014
The Faith-Based Education and Training Series features five curricula that were developed through a partnership between PSATTC, AAAOD/LAM, and FRI. Each curriculum includes fully articulated trainer notes.
Published: June 30, 2014
Seven week course designed to enhance knowledge and abilities in addiction training.
Published: February 1, 2007
The 1.5 hour self-paced, online course is designed to introduce key terms, topics, and resources essential to SBIRT. SBIRT is a comprehensive, integrated, public health approach to the delivery of early intervention and treatment for persons with substance use disorders, as well as those who are risk of developing these disorders. The course provides an introduction to SBIRT, including the rationale for and efficacy of implementation in various settings.
Published: November 1, 2011
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The ATTC Network understands that words have power. A few ATTC products developed prior to 2017 may contain language that does not reflect the ATTCs’ current commitment to using affirming, person-first language. We appreciate your patience as we work to gradually update older materials. For more information about the importance of non-stigmatizing language, see “Destroying Addiction Stigma Once and For All: It’s Time” from the ATTC Network and “Changing Language to Change Care: Stigma and Substance Use Disorders” from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).
