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The National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center and the National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center are pleased to announce Latinos Con Voz. A podcast that will highlight the important work being done by our subject matter experts who are Latino and/or Latino serving. Through this podcast our team hopes to provide a dose of hope, clarity on behavioral health topics, the normalization of these conversations in our communities, and to move from awareness to action.   Episodes July 2023 - Pathways to Recovery English Episode In this episode Christina Mancebo-Torres, interviews Ana Chavez-Mancillas, MSW and Co-Director of the National Hispanic Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center. In this episode, we talk about the different pathways to recovery from a substance use disorder and focus on how there is no one-size-fits-all approach to recovery, and how all pathways to recovery are valid and important. Spanish Episode: Vías de Recuperación En este episodio Christina Mancebo-Torres, entrevista a Ana Chavez-Mancillas, MSW y Codirectora del Centro Nacional Hispano Latino de Capacitación y Asistencia Técnica en Adicción. En este episodio, hablamos de las diferentes vías para la recuperación de un trastorno por consumo de sustancias y nos centramos en cómo no existe un enfoque único para la recuperación, y cómo todas las vías para la recuperación son válidas e importantes. April 2023 - Moving Forward Together English Episode In this episode of Latinos Con Voz Podcast, Christina Mancebo-Torres interviews Maria Aponte, Pastor and Licensed Mental Health Counselor, about the impact of trauma in our communities and on our personal wellbeing, ways to promote healing, and how we can prevent future trauma from occurring. Spanish Episode: Avanzando Juntos Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** Christina Mancebo-Torres entrevista a María Aponte, Pastora y Consejera Licenciada en la Salud Mental, sobre el impacto del trauma en nuestras comunidades y nuestro bienestar personal, maneras de promover la sanidad, y como podemos prevenir que ocurra el trauma en el futuro. March 2023 - The Value of Intersectionality / El Valor de la Interseccionalidad English Episode In this episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Dr. Jana Spalding interviews Lucila Beaton, a recent graduate of the National Hispanic and Latino Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program and an independently licensed clinical social worker, about how the intersectionality of being Afro-Latino can impact behavioral health professionals both personally and professionally. Spanish Episode Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** La Dra. Jana Spalding entrevista a Lucila Beaton, una graduada reciente del Programa Nacional de Liderazgo Ejecutivo Hispano y Latino y una trabajadora social clínica con licencia independiente, sobre como la interseccionalidad de ser Afro-Latina puede impactar a profesionales de la salud del comportamiento de forma personal y profesional. February 2023 - Breaking the Silence: SUD and Stigma English Episode **DISCLAIMER: This episode talks about death and grief, and it may be upsetting to some listeners.** This English episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Christina Mancebo-Torres interviews Dr. Cristina Rabadan-Diehl, Associate Director for Clinical Trials at Westat, on the impact of stigma on individuals facing opioid use disorder and their families. Spanish Episode  - Rompiendo el Silencio Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** Ramon Mancebo entrevista a Lorenzo Pina en una plática sobre el machismo, salud del hombre, el estigma y más. February 2023 - Know Your Rights! Understanding ADA for SUD This English episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Christina Mancebo-Torres interviews Dr. Oce Harrison, Project Director of the New England ADA Center, on the rights individuals with substance use disorder have under the Americans with Disabilities Act. June 2022 - Men’s Behavioral Health English Episode This English episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Lorenzo Pina interviews Jorge Gonzalez on the topic of Men’s Behavioral Health. Spanish Episode  Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** Ramon Mancebo entrevista a Lorenzo Pina en una plática sobre el machismo, salud del hombre, el estigma y más. Portuguese Episode Ítalo César Coelho entrevista Franco Raphael Zago em um papo sobre machismo, saúde do homem, paternidade e mais. May 2022 - Alcohol Substance Use Disorder English Episode This English episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Dr. Susie Villalobos interviews Maxine Henry, Director of the National Hispanic Latino Prevention and Addiction Technology Transfer Centers on the topic of Alcohol Substance Use Disorder among our Latino populations, services available, and valuable skills and strategies encouraging treatment and recovery. Spanish Episode  Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** Ruth Yáñez entrevista a Javier Alegre y tienen una conversación sobre los riesgos del consumo de alcohol, y hablan estrategias que podemos seguir para crear conciencia sobre el tema, creando comunidades más saludables. Portuguese Episode Priscila Giamassi entrevista a Dra. Liz Paola Domingues sobre conscientização do consumo de álcool, a ação do álcool no cérebro e fatores culturais das nossas comunidades que podem nos ajudar na prevenção e recuperação, além de fortalecer nossa resiliência. April 2022 - Problem Gambling Awareness English Episode This English episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Dr. Susie Villalobos interviews Tana Russell from the Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling. Portuguese Episode Portuguese Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This is episode is only available in Portuguese ** Priscila Giamassi entrevista a Dra. Anna Carolina Ramos emu ma conversa esclarecedora sobre dependências, com foco em jogo problemático. March 2022 English Episode 1 Episode 1 of Latinos Con Voz podcast. Dr. Susie Villalobos interviews Dr. Camila Pulgar to learn about her path in leadership as a Latina. English Episode 2 Episode 2 of Latinos Con Voz podcast. Dr. Villalobos interviews Dr. Denise Hernandez to hear her journey in becoming a Latina leader. Spanish Episode  Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** Ruth Yáñez entrevista a la reina Victoria Ortega para conocer su trayectoria como mujer trans y defensora de la comunidad. Juntas discuten maneras de elevar, apoyar y orientar a otras mujeres en su camino. Portuguese Episode Portuguese Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This is episode is only available in Portuguese ** Priscila Giamassi entrevista Ana Tomazelli para conversar sobre sua trajetória como mulher e profissional e compartilhar estratégias para apoiar outras mulheres em suas jornadas.  
Published: April 30, 2023
Pregnant/Parenting Women and Substance Use Webinar Series: Part 2 In this session, Dr. Susan Stoner of the Washington State Parent-Child Assistance Program will provide an overview of this award-winning, evidence-informed, 3-year case management intervention and present practice-based evidence of its effectiveness in supporting the recovery of pregnant and parenting women and preventing future substance-exposed births.   Presenter: Susan Stoner, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist, Research Scientist at the University of Washington Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, Clinical Instructor in Psychology at the University of Washington, and the Director of the Washington State Parent-Child Assistance Program. Download slides | Watch recording Webinar category: Recovery support, Specific populations
Published: February 28, 2021
When working with Hispanic and Latino populations, clear language should never be a linear process, particularly for a collectivist society that defines and interprets experiences within a cultural context. Latino values such as ‘machismo and personalismo’ can be very insightful, but when defined and understood through an American perspective, we wonder why we feel a ‘disconnect’ with the Hispanic client/patient we need to provide prevention services to. This interactive presentation will inform on Latino cultural nuances that can reframe communication for Hispanic individuals with substance use and/or mental health problems and discuss prevention strategies to support “recuperación” (recovery).
Published: March 29, 2022
Cultural Competence is a life-long process requiring personal awareness, education, sharing of power and intentional actions to extend social justice and equity to all. This interactive training invites learners to reflect on their cultural identities, history, and experiences, and to actively consider how each of these elements can impact outcomes with clients. Participants were engaged in individual, small and large group activities focused on Anti-Oppression and Anti-Racist outcomes.
Published: March 29, 2022
Cultural Competence is a life-long process requiring personal awareness, education, sharing of power and intentional actions to extend social justice and equity to all. This interactive training invites learners to reflect on their cultural identities, history, and experiences, and to actively consider how each of these elements can impact outcomes with clients. Participants were engaged in individual, small and large group activities focused on Anti-Oppression and Anti-Racist outcomes.
Published: March 29, 2022
Recording of TOR Regional Meeting: Oklahoma Region. These meetings are intended to allow grantees to share ideas, discuss difficulties, and learn from experts on managing your grant. We will also have open discussions on topics, issues, and questions that you are most interested in related to your TOR grant/program, so please let us know what you would like to discuss! This event took place on March 15th, 2022. 
Published: March 24, 2022
This 120-minute Behavioral Health webinar will provide viewers with follow-up information on Indigenous traditional ways of wellness, healing, behavioral health. Ms. Sault-Brill will continue her discussion on various topics related to Indigenous culture, spiritual ways of connection, self understanding/ awareness, and revisiting trauma responses/victim programming. Also joining the discussion this month, Dan Foster, PsyD, will share some of his perspectives and thoughts on how these issues impact Indigenous cultural ways of living today.
Published: March 22, 2022
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, cannabis use rates increased in 2020, with almost 50 million individuals 12 or older reporting use of cannabis in the past year. This increase is reflected in the state-specific data for HHS Region 8 in five of the six states (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah).   Learning Objectives: After attending this webinar, attendees will be able to better understand marijuana/cannabis use among older adults with respect to: Recreational and medical marijuana use and use frequency Cannabis use disorder rates; other substance use & use disorders Stressors, social support, mental disorders & suicidal thoughts Risks for DUI, ED visits, & healthcare service use Poison control center calls related to marijuana Marijuana treatment admissions   Cannabis Webinar Series: Cannabis Use Among Older Adults   This webinar is part of a series on the current science of cannabis, for more information on the other webinars in the series view the series homepage.  
Published: March 9, 2022
Durante el adiestramiento se describe el patrón del uso de sustancias entre los estudiantes de escuelas públicas y privadas del nivel intermedio y superior, analizando las tendencias temporales en el uso de estas desde el 2018 al 2020, mediante encuesta de Consulta Juvenil. Se describen los comportamientos de violencia, salud mental, suicidio y sexualidad de los estudiantes en los grados de 7mo hasta 12mo de escuelas públicas y privadas; además de la identificación de los factores de riesgo y protección asociados al uso de sustancias en el individuo, familia, pares, escuela y comunidad.
Published: March 15, 2022
La navegación del paciente es un modelo de prestación de servicios de atención médica centrado en el paciente. En esta presentación se discute este enfoque que establece promover el movimiento oportuno de un paciente a través de un continuo de atención médica. El viaje de un individuo comienza en la comunidad donde vive, se mueve a un entorno médico donde se detecta una condición, se hace un diagnóstico y luego se realiza el tratamiento. El viaje continúa desde la recuperación y la sobrevivencia hasta el final de la vida.
Published: March 15, 2022
SBIRT es un enfoque de salud pública basado en la evidencia, comprensivo e integrado para la prestación de servicios de identificación, intervención temprana y tratamiento para personas con trastornos por uso de sustancias, así como para aquellos que están en riesgo de desarrollarlos. Este adiestramiento discute la importancia y el propósito de SBIRT desde el contexto de los adolescentes, reconociendo la importancia de la detección e intervención temprana.
Published: March 15, 2022
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, cannabis use rates increased in 2020, with almost 50 million individuals 12 or older reporting use of cannabis in the past year. This increase is reflected in the state-specific data for HHS Region 8 in five of the six states (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah). With this data in mind, the Mountain Plains ATTC is sponsoring a ten-part webinar series that will address and review the latest science for cannabis including: prevention and treatment issues; public policy; medical marijuana; and special populations and cannabis (adolescents, women and maternal health, older adults, and individuals with Serious Mental Illness).   Cannabis Webinar Series: The Green Adolescent Brain     This webinar is part of a series on the current science of cannabis, for more information on the other webinars in the series view the series homepage.  
Published: February 23, 2022
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, cannabis use rates increased in 2020, with almost 50 million individuals 12 or older reporting use of cannabis in the past year. This increase is reflected in the state-specific data for HHS Region 8 in five of the six states (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah).   Learning Objectives: Identify three maternal/fetal physiological concerns associated with cannabis use during the perinatal period Recognize two of the most common reasons why pregnant and postpartum people use cannabis during the perinatal period Discuss the current recommendations regarding cannabis use during pregnancy and lactation Consider the potential impact of cannabis legalization on the pregnant and postpartum people   Cannabis Webinar Series: Perinatal Cannabis Use     This webinar is part of a series on the current science of cannabis, for more information on the other webinars in the series view the series homepage.  
Published: February 23, 2022
The New England ATTC is proud to partner with the New England PTTC and New England Association of Recovery Court Professionals to host the webinar, "Cannabis in the Era of Commercialization" for criminal justice professionals.  View the recording from the Cannabis in the Era of Commercialization by clicking on the view resource button above. More information about the event can be found here. 
Published: March 11, 2022
This 3-part webinar series was held in summer 2019 and sponsored by the Northwest ATTC and the Great Lakes ATTC. Part 1: Strategies to Address Cocaine and Methamphetamine Richard Rawson, PhD, UCLA School of Medicine, University of Vermont June 11, 2019 This presentation provided an overview of the current knowledge on the problem of stimulant (cocaine and methamphetamine) use in the U.S., including a review of the extent and geography of use, the clinical syndromes provided by acute and chronic use, a review of behavioral treatments with evidence of efficacy for the treatment of stimulant use disorders, and an overview of the current status of pharmacotherapy research on treatments for stimulant use disorders. Download slides | Watch recording Part 2: Provider Perspectives on Effective Strategies for Treating People with Stimulant Use Disorders Michelle Peavy, PhD, Dominick DePhilippis, PhD, Regina Fox, BS, CSAC July 18, 2019 This webinar featured a panel of providers presenting their experiences with effective treatment strategies and evidence-based practices for working with individuals with stimulant use disorders. Michelle Peavy, PhD, of Evergreen Treatment Services, addressed challenges and strategies of working with individuals with comorbid opioid use and stimulant use disorders Dominick DePhilippis, PhD, presented on use of contingency management with this population in the VA system Regina Fox, BS, CSAC discussed use of the Matrix Model of treatment in a community-based treatment organization Watch recording   Part 3: Implementing Evidence Based Practices to Address Stimulant Use Disorders Todd Molfenter, PhD, Bryan Hartzler, PhD, Denna Vandersloot, MEd August 15, 2019 While the first two installments of this webinar series focused on effective treatment strategies and models for addressing stimulant use disorders, this last installment featured three presenters discussing change management strategies for successfully implementing evidence-based practices (EBPs). Todd Molfenter, PhD, provided an overview on how implementation science informs successful uptake of EBPs. Bryan Hartzler, PhD, presented tips for community-based implementation of contingency management. Denna Vandersloot, MEd, shared lessons learned from implementation efforts involving the Matrix Model of treatment. Watch recording
Published: March 7, 2022
Talking To Change: A Motivational Interviewing Podcast, hosted by Glenn Hinds and Sebastian Kaplan, is a series of conversations exploring Motivational Interviewing (MI) and its influence on supporting individuals and groups as they make positive health and lifestyle changes. Talking to Change: An MI Podcast. MI in Primary Care Part 2, with Mats Hogmark, MD In this episode, Glenn and Sebastian talk to Dr. Mats Hogmark, a Swedish physician specializing in family medicine, about the use of MI in a primary care setting. Dr. Hogmark describes the idea of the physician as an “assistant” and how to “sit on one’s hands,” how to become a better listener through reflections, how MI can save time, and his own model for MI in the clinical setting: the patient, doctor, and mutual roles exploring Ideas, Concerns, and Expectations. The episode ends with a role play with Mats and Glenn followed by a debrief about how to attend to the physical and emotional needs of the patient.    
Published: March 7, 2022
Objectives for this session: Gain a better understanding of Evidence-Based practices, best practices and promising practices Gain a better understanding of the importance of the treatment alliance Become familiar with commonly used evidence-based and best practice approaches Better understand Co-occurring Disorders and integrated care Explore medication-assisted treatment (Buprenorphine) 1-2:30 ET . 12-1:30 CT . 11-12:30 MT . 10-11:30 PT . 9-10:30 AKT
Published: March 7, 2022
Alcohol is STILL a Drug: An Exploratory Webinar Series: March 1, 2022, Recording   The Great Lakes A/MH/PTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.     DESCRIPTION  Alcohol is STILL a drug.  The opioid crisis, increase in stimulant misuse, and marijuana legalization dominate the news— yet alcohol remains the number one substance causing health, social, legal and financial problems throughout the US.    While this series will focus on the hopefulness of recovery from alcohol use disorder, we’ll also take a deep dive into what we know about the full impact of alcohol overuse and the ways it affects every person in the US.   This session will provide an introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) including general information about the risks of alcohol intake during pregnancy, the negative impact on the developing fetus, as well as how to prevent it.     SERIES LEARNING OBJECTIVES These are the overall learning objectives for the full 10-session series:  Summarize the current impacts of problematic alcohol use in various/special populations, including pregnant women, youth, rural, and minority populations.  Assess and prioritize alcohol reduction efforts in targeted settings.  Describe the current efforts to curb problematic alcohol use, including best practices in providing treatment.        TRAINER     Lisa Rahm, BS, CMP Lisa Rahm is the Special Initiatives Manager for Prevention First. She has 28 years of experience in the education and human services fields with the last 21 years at Prevention First. In her current position, she has developed, implemented, and evaluated special initiatives such as FASD Screening and Brief Intervention Project, and Statewide FASD Project as well as overseeing conferences, meeting planning, and special events. Rahm holds a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership from Greenville College and holds the certification as a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP).
Published: March 2, 2022
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, cannabis use rates increased in 2020, with almost 50 million individuals 12 or older reporting use of cannabis in the past year. This increase is reflected in the state-specific data for HHS Region 8 in five of the six states (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah). With this data in mind, the Mountain Plains ATTC is sponsoring a ten-part webinar series that will address and review the latest science for cannabis including: prevention and treatment issues; public policy; medical marijuana; and special populations and cannabis (adolescents, women and maternal health, older adults, and individuals with Serious Mental Illness).   Cannabis and Physical and Mental Health: What do we (think we) know?   This webinar is part of a series on the current science of cannabis, for more information on the other webinars in the series view the series homepage.  
Published: February 9, 2022
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, cannabis use rates increased in 2020, with almost 50 million individuals 12 or older reporting use of cannabis in the past year. This increase is reflected in the state-specific data for HHS Region 8 in five of the six states (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah). With this data in mind, the Mountain Plains ATTC is sponsoring a ten-part webinar series that will address and review the latest science for cannabis including: prevention and treatment issues; public policy; medical marijuana; and special populations and cannabis (adolescents, women and maternal health, older adults, and individuals with Serious Mental Illness).   Cannabis Series 5 Cannabis & Physical & Mental Health What do we (think we) know?   
Published: February 25, 2022
In March, we raise awareness to Problem Gambling. The 2022 Problem Gambling Awareness Month theme is “Awareness + Action”. If you feel you need support, you may contact the National Council on Problem Gambling operates the National Problem Gambling Helpline Network at 1-800-522-4700.     Español  En marzo, creamos conciencia a la Ludopatía. El tema 2022 del mes de la Concienciación sobre el Juego Problemático también conocido como ludopatía es "conciencia + acción". Si necesita ayuda, le animamos a ponerse en contacto con el Consejo Nacional de Problemas de Juego quienes operan la Línea de Ayuda de la Red Nacional de Problemas al 1-800-522-4700.     Português Em março, queremos aumentar a conscientização sobre o jogo problemático. O tema do Mês de Conscientização sobre Jogo Problemático em 2022 é “Consciência + Ação”. Se você sentir que precisa de apoio, você pode entrar em contato com a Linha de Ajuda do Conselho Nacional de Jogo Problemático, pelo telefone 1-800-522-4700.
Published: February 25, 2022
Please join us for this Tribal Opioid Response webinar! Joel Chisholm, MD, (Bay Mills Band of Ojibwe) Behavioral Health Medical Director at the Cherokee Indian Hospital (Eastern Band), discusses harm reduction efforts in Native communities.
Published: February 24, 2022
This interactive webinar will focus on discussion of early Spring and how this impacts behavioral health and wellbeing. This panel of Native American panelists will review and share cultural aspects of their tribal views on seasonal changes. The primary goal of this webinar is to share teachings on seasonal changes, how these changes influence daily living, impact behaviors, and shape perspectives on life and cultural values. This webinar was created to prepare the audience for attendance to the upcoming Spring Living Series airing on March 11, 2022. 1-3 ET . 12-2 CT . 11-1 MT . 10-12 PT . 9-11 AKT
Published: February 24, 2022
This interactive webinar will focus on discussion of early Spring and how this impacts behavioral health and wellbeing. This panel of Native American panelists will review and share cultural aspects of their tribal views on seasonal changes. The primary goal of this webinar is to share teachings on seasonal changes, how these changes influence daily living, impact behaviors, and shape perspectives on life and cultural values. This webinar was created to prepare the audience for attendance to the upcoming Spring Living Series airing on March 11, 2022. 1-3 ET . 12-2 CT . 11-1 MT . 10-12 PT . 9-11 AKT
Published: February 24, 2022
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The ATTC Network understands that words have power. A few ATTC products developed prior to 2017 may contain language that does not reflect the ATTCs’ current commitment to using affirming, person-first language. We appreciate your patience as we work to gradually update older materials. For more information about the importance of non-stigmatizing language, see “Destroying Addiction Stigma Once and For All: It’s Time” from the ATTC Network and “Changing Language to Change Care: Stigma and Substance Use Disorders” from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).
