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Latinos Con Voz

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The National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center and the National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center are pleased to announce Latinos Con Voz. A podcast that will highlight the important work being done by our subject matter experts who are Latino and/or Latino serving. Through this podcast our team hopes to provide a dose of hope, clarity on behavioral health topics, the normalization of these conversations in our communities, and to move from awareness to action.

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July 2023 - Pathways to Recovery

English Episode

In this episode Christina Mancebo-Torres, interviews Ana Chavez-Mancillas, MSW and Co-Director of the National Hispanic Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center. In this episode, we talk about the different pathways to recovery from a substance use disorder and focus on how there is no one-size-fits-all approach to recovery, and how all pathways to recovery are valid and important.

Spanish Episode: Vías de Recuperación

En este episodio Christina Mancebo-Torres, entrevista a Ana Chavez-Mancillas, MSW y Codirectora del Centro Nacional Hispano Latino de Capacitación y Asistencia Técnica en Adicción. En este episodio, hablamos de las diferentes vías para la recuperación de un trastorno por consumo de sustancias y nos centramos en cómo no existe un enfoque único para la recuperación, y cómo todas las vías para la recuperación son válidas e importantes.

April 2023 - Moving Forward Together

English Episode

In this episode of Latinos Con Voz Podcast, Christina Mancebo-Torres interviews Maria Aponte, Pastor and Licensed Mental Health Counselor, about the impact of trauma in our communities and on our personal wellbeing, ways to promote healing, and how we can prevent future trauma from occurring.

Spanish Episode: Avanzando Juntos

Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** Christina Mancebo-Torres entrevista a María Aponte, Pastora y Consejera Licenciada en la Salud Mental, sobre el impacto del trauma en nuestras comunidades y nuestro bienestar personal, maneras de promover la sanidad, y como podemos prevenir que ocurra el trauma en el futuro.

March 2023 - The Value of Intersectionality / El Valor de la Interseccionalidad

English Episode

In this episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Dr. Jana Spalding interviews Lucila Beaton, a recent graduate of the National Hispanic and Latino Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program and an independently licensed clinical social worker, about how the intersectionality of being Afro-Latino can impact behavioral health professionals both personally and professionally.

Spanish Episode

Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** La Dra. Jana Spalding entrevista a Lucila Beaton, una graduada reciente del Programa Nacional de Liderazgo Ejecutivo Hispano y Latino y una trabajadora social clínica con licencia independiente, sobre como la interseccionalidad de ser Afro-Latina puede impactar a profesionales de la salud del comportamiento de forma personal y profesional.

February 2023 - Breaking the Silence: SUD and Stigma

English Episode

**DISCLAIMER: This episode talks about death and grief, and it may be upsetting to some listeners.** This English episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Christina Mancebo-Torres interviews Dr. Cristina Rabadan-Diehl, Associate Director for Clinical Trials at Westat, on the impact of stigma on individuals facing opioid use disorder and their families.

Spanish Episode  - Rompiendo el Silencio

Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** Ramon Mancebo entrevista a Lorenzo Pina en una plática sobre el machismo, salud del hombre, el estigma y más.

February 2023 - Know Your Rights! Understanding ADA for SUD

This English episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Christina Mancebo-Torres interviews Dr. Oce Harrison, Project Director of the New England ADA Center, on the rights individuals with substance use disorder have under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

June 2022 - Men’s Behavioral Health

English Episode

This English episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Lorenzo Pina interviews Jorge Gonzalez on the topic of Men’s Behavioral Health.

Spanish Episode 

Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** Ramon Mancebo entrevista a Lorenzo Pina en una plática sobre el machismo, salud del hombre, el estigma y más.

Portuguese Episode

Ítalo César Coelho entrevista Franco Raphael Zago em um papo sobre machismo, saúde do homem, paternidade e mais.

May 2022 - Alcohol Substance Use Disorder

English Episode

This English episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Dr. Susie Villalobos interviews Maxine Henry, Director of the National Hispanic Latino Prevention and Addiction Technology Transfer Centers on the topic of Alcohol Substance Use Disorder among our Latino populations, services available, and valuable skills and strategies encouraging treatment and recovery.

Spanish Episode 

Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** Ruth Yáñez entrevista a Javier Alegre y tienen una conversación sobre los riesgos del consumo de alcohol, y hablan estrategias que podemos seguir para crear conciencia sobre el tema, creando comunidades más saludables.

Portuguese Episode

Priscila Giamassi entrevista a Dra. Liz Paola Domingues sobre conscientização do consumo de álcool, a ação do álcool no cérebro e fatores culturais das nossas comunidades que podem nos ajudar na prevenção e recuperação, além de fortalecer nossa resiliência.

April 2022 - Problem Gambling Awareness

English Episode

This English episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast, Dr. Susie Villalobos interviews Tana Russell from the Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling.

Portuguese Episode

Portuguese Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This is episode is only available in Portuguese ** Priscila Giamassi entrevista a Dra. Anna Carolina Ramos emu ma conversa esclarecedora sobre dependências, com foco em jogo problemático.

March 2022

English Episode 1

Episode 1 of Latinos Con Voz podcast. Dr. Susie Villalobos interviews Dr. Camila Pulgar to learn about her path in leadership as a Latina.

English Episode 2

Episode 2 of Latinos Con Voz podcast. Dr. Villalobos interviews Dr. Denise Hernandez to hear her journey in becoming a Latina leader.

Spanish Episode 

Spanish Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This episode is only available in Spanish** Ruth Yáñez entrevista a la reina Victoria Ortega para conocer su trayectoria como mujer trans y defensora de la comunidad. Juntas discuten maneras de elevar, apoyar y orientar a otras mujeres en su camino.

Portuguese Episode

Portuguese Episode of Latinos Con Voz podcast. **This is episode is only available in Portuguese ** Priscila Giamassi entrevista Ana Tomazelli para conversar sobre sua trajetória como mulher e profissional e compartilhar estratégias para apoiar outras mulheres em suas jornadas.


April 30, 2023
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