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This second session will go into detail about newborn opioid withdrawal, how the presentation may differ from other substance exposures, and the impact of poly-substance exposure. We will discuss care and treatment of the newborn after delivery and the potential impact on longer-term outcomes.
Published: May 1, 2020
Telehealth Learning Series for SUD Treatment and Recovery Support Providers. To view the PowerPoint Presentation, click here. To read the transcript, click here.  
Published: April 30, 2020
Sandes Boulanger, LCSW, MCAP, the Vice President of Clinical Services for Operation Par, Inc., located in Florida, shares her top five tips for running group sessions and support via telehealth during COVID-19. To view the PowerPoint Presentation, click here. To read the Transcript, click here.
Published: April 30, 2020
The Center for Excellence for Protected Health Information presents key points around privacy, HIPAA, and confidentiality when providing telehealth beheavioral health and addiction services, with Jacqueline Seitz, JD; CoE-PHI, Christine Khaikin, JD; CoE-PHI, and Michael Graziano. To view the PowerPoint Presentation, click here. To read the Transcript, click here.
Published: April 30, 2020
Mary Ellen Evers,  LCSW, CAADC, a registered telebehavioral health clinician for mental health and addiction services and a telebehavioral health trainer for the Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies shares her top five clinical best practices for providing services via telehealth platforms. Click here to read the Transcript. To view the PowerPoint Presentation, click here.  
Published: April 30, 2020
The Mountain Plains ATTC introduces a new product based on a series of consultation groups developed to train behavioral health professionals on the use videoconferencing to deliver clinical services. The original series, Advancing Clinicians’ Videoconferencing Skills: An Audio-Consultation Series, was developed and delivered in 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, this series offered a live platform for learning and consultation related to videoconferencing case reviews, legalities and ethics, rules and regulations, and understanding clients through the lens of the evolving digital world. In addition, it explored a variety of topics and activities that promoted learning about the potential successes, challenges, and pitfalls of using videoconferencing to offer clinical services in a behavioral health setting, as well as enhancing participants’ videoconferencing skills. Highlights are now available as eleven separate audio-recorded excerpts from the original series, including the PowerPoint slides, that can be downloaded. Accompanying slides for each session can be downloaded above.   Session 1 Topic/Title: The ins and outs of reimbursement in today’s virtual world Description: Learn about the process of getting reimbursed for providing videoconferencing services.   Session 2 Topic/Title: Thinking outside the virtual box Part I: Appropriate documentation when providing videoconferencing services to clients Description: Explore documentation related to: Client Rights, Informed Consent, Treatment Agreements\   Session 3 Topic/Title: Thinking outside the virtual box Part II: Appropriate documentation when providing Clinical Supervision Description: Social Media and Telehealth-Specific Policies and Procedures, and Electronic Communication Consent Forms will be highlighted and discussed.   Session 4 Topic: Choosing a videoconferencing platform: What you need to know prior to committing to a service Description: Facilitators will review key questions to ask and factors to consider when choosing a HIPPA compliant platform.   Session 5 Topic: Managing an emergency when providing videoconferencing services: Role play Description: Facilitators and/or participants will role play what to do when an emergency arises and explore proactive steps and real time measures to handle the situation.   Session 6 Topic: Employing our “virtual eye”: Taking an objective look around your office before a videoconferencing session Description: During this interactive session, participants and facilitators will provide feedback to each other on the visible office environment, including lighting, sound, and ambiance.   Session 7 Topic: Digital immigrants and digital natives: Understanding our clients through the cultural lens of today’s digital world Description: Interactive discussion of the concept of digital immigrants vs. digital natives and how these concepts tie into behavioral health provider and client experiences using technology.   Session 8 Topic: Avoiding landmines: Understanding HIPAA/42CFR Part 2, texting, emailing, and synchronous vs. asynchronous communication Description: This session will present two - three hot topic scenarios for discussion and improved understanding in dilemmas that may arise as a behavioral health provider offering videoconferencing services.   Session 9 Topic: Using technology when working with adolescents Description: Interactive participant discussion on tips, dos and don’ts, when working with children and adolescents.   Session 10 Topic: So, you love groups: Using videoconferencing to provide group counseling sessions Description: Role play and practice with facilitators using a videoconferencing platform in a group setting.   Session 11 Topic: Providing videoconferencing services: How to implement in your agency and gain provider “buy-in”. Description: Discussion of participant’s own experiences in this area. Facilitators and agency representatives dialogue about potential barriers and challenges and how to work these into the change process.
Published: April 3, 2020
This webinar provides background information on substance use disorders and mental health conditions in women of child-bearing age and how these conditions may impact the woman and her fetus during pregnancy, the newborn, and long-term outcomes. Presentations and discussions focus on the practical, clinical application of the material when caring for the substance-exposed newborn and the family.
Published: April 23, 2020
Learn how one Wisconsin school district partners with the county restorative justice program to to engage with youth caught vaping on school grounds. Featured presenters: Tim Wavrunek, Eau Claire County Restorative Justice Program, and Kim Koller, Director of Administrative Services, Eau Claire School District.
Published: April 21, 2020
In 2018, one in five high school students and one in 20 middle school students reported that they had “vaped” in the past 30 days, a substantial increase from the previous year. In this webinar, we outline exactly what E-cigarettes are, explore the youth vaping epidemic, and introduce CATCH My Breath as one possible solution. CATCH My Breath is a youth E-cigarette and Juul prevention program developed by the University of Texas Health Science Center. The program provides up-to-date information to teachers, parents, and health professionals to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about the use of E-cigarettes, including JUUL devices. CATCH My Breath uses a peer-led teaching approach and meets national and state health education standards. And best of all, it’s FREE!! Speakers:  Megan Piper, is an associate professor in the University of Wisconsin Department of Medicine and the associate director of research at UW-CTRI. Abby Rose is a Program Manager for CATCH Global Foundation, where she is responsible for   the development and dissemination of nutrition education, physical activity, youth vaping   prevention  and health promotion programs
Published: April 21, 2020
** This is a SPANISH Language Webinar. Pre-recorded versions are available in English and Portuguese ** Presentation Slides Español English Portuguese   Additional Recordings English Portuguese   En su charla TED titulada "Todo lo que crees que sabes sobre la adicción es incorrecto", el cual ha sido visto más de 15 millones de veces, el periodista británico Johann Hari analiza la investigación disponible sobre las causas subyacentes de la adicción y concluye, de manera brillante, que lo contrario de la adicción no es la sobriedad, es la conexión. COVID-19 ha interrumpido esa conexión y nos ha afectado de formas que quizás no habíamos experimentado antes, o de formas que pueden ser peligrosas para nuestra recuperación. Ha hecho más difícil el tener el apoyo a nuestra recuperación de la forma que funcionaba para nosotros y nos ha forzado a que cambiemos y aprendamos nuevas herramientas para mantener nuestra recuperación. Este seminario web analizará cómo nuestra recuperación ha sido afectada durante estos tiempos del COVID-19 y qué podemos hacer para mantenerla y fortalecerla. Los participantes: Aprenderán cómo el aislamiento social, la soledad y la inseguridad afectan a las personas en recuperación Entenderán los pasos para la recuperación y la resiliencia de la pandemia Discutirán soluciones prácticas para fortalecer la recuperación durante el aislamiento social. Presentador Pierluigi Mancini, PhD, MAC Project Director @National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center and Prevention Technology Transfer Center Pierluigi Mancini, PhD, MAC is the Project Director for the National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center and the National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center. Both SAMHSA funded centers are housed at the National Latino Behavioral Health Association ( located in New Mexico. With over 30 years of experience in culturally and linguistically appropriate behavioral health treatment and prevention, Dr. Mancini is one of the most sought after national and international consultants and speakers on mental health and addiction, his areas of expertise is immigrant behavioral health and health disparities. Dr. Mancini founded Georgia’s first Latino behavioral health program in 1999 to serve the immigrant population by providing cultural and linguistically appropriate services in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Pierluigi Mancini, PhD, MAC es el Director del Centro Hispano Latino de Capacitación y Asistencia Técnica en Adicción (NHL-ATTC) y del Centro Hispano Latino de Capacitación y Asistencia Técnica en Prevención (NHL-PTTC). Ambos centros financiados por la agencia federal SAMHSA son parte de La Asociación Nacional Latina de Salud Mental y Adicciones (NLBHA por sus siglas en inglés ubicada en Nuevo México. Con más de 30 años de experiencia en el tratamiento y la prevención de la adicción y la salud mental con sensibilidad cultural y lingüísticamente apropiadas, el Doctor Mancini es uno de los consultores y oradores nacionales e internacionales más solicitados. Sus áreas de especialización son la salud mental del inmigrante y las disparidades de salud. El Doctor Mancini fundó el primer programa de salud mental y adicciones para latinos en el estado de Georgia en el año 1999 para brindar servicios en inglés, español y portugués.
Published: April 14, 2020
Presented By: Dr. Randall Brown MD, PhD, DFASAM   This presentation provides an overview of the challenges experienced by service providers managing office-based opioid recovery treatments, as well as best practices and alternative approaches to safely managing substance use disorder treatments under the current restrictions of COVID-19. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Transcript
Published: April 16, 2020
Currently, women’s involvement in correctional and substance use disorders (SUD) treatment systems is rapidly outpacing men. Most of these programs are based upon gender-neutral services, meaning that their programs were designed with men in mind. Specifically, many of these programs address why men use drugs and alcohol and how to reduce recidivism with little emphasis placed on the treatment needs of women. This is especially worrisome for women in correctional or treatment settings with stimulants as their drug of choice. Statistics demonstrate that women make up more than half of the clients treated for methamphetamine and other stimulants in the majority of SUD treatment programs. As such, a recent study indicated that five times the percentage of females than males attributed initial methamphetamine use to a desire to lose weight and more females than males reported using meth to get more energy. Stimulant use by women often leads to high rates of eating pathologies and compensatory behaviors, body dissatisfaction and preoccupation with body shape, binge eating, nutritional deficiencies, and weight gain among women in treatment for SUDs and in correctional settings.    This webinar will address core issues that are unique to female SUD treatment clients in comparison to their male counterparts regarding weight and energy as a driving mechanism to use, triggers for relapse, trends in drug use for women and the complexity of health-related complications and psychosocial needs, prescription medication and over-the-counter drug manipulation. Finally, gender-responsive approaches to augment and enhance existing treatment services will be discussed. This webinar is based on the Healthy Steps to Freedom program.   Presenter: Anne R. Lindsay, Ph.D. is Associate Professor and Extension Specialist at the University of Nevada, Reno. Her research focuses on gender-responsive approaches to women under correctional supervision for SUDs, particularly those related to nutrition, physical activity, eating pathology, body image, weight and other health-related topics.   
Published: March 13, 2020
This 90-minute web training will provide an overview of the various formulations of buprenorphine (including tablet, film, implantable, and injectable) for the treatment of opioid use disorder.  Larissa Mooney, MD, and David Grelotti, MD, will discuss the differences in the delivery of each formulation as well as provide their clinical practice experiences with each formulation. A consumer will discuss finding the right formulation for his treatment.
Published: April 15, 2020
In this Telehealth Learning Series podcast, learn more about the top five clinical best practices for treatment with Telehealth from MaryEllen Evers, LCSW, CAADC. To read the Transcript, click here. To view the PowerPoint presentation, click here.  
Published: April 13, 2020
The Center for Excellence for Protected Health Information presents key points around privacy, HIPAA, and confidentiality when providing telehealth beheavioral health and addiction services, with Jacqueline Seitz, JD; CoE-PHI, Christine Khaikin, JD; CoE-PHI, and Michael Graziano. Read the Transcript here. To view the PowerPoint presentation, click here.  
Published: April 13, 2020
Learn more about the Top 5 Best Clinical Practices for Treatment with Telehealth by Maryellen Evers LCSW,CAADC. To view the PowerPoint Presentation, click the Download button now. To read the transcript, click here.    
Published: April 13, 2020
This webinar will provide an in-depth examination of the stigma women with substance use disorders (SUDs) who are pregnant and/or parenting encounter when seeking healthcare services. Strategies to reduce barriers related to stigmatizing attitudes and practices will be addressed.      
Published: April 10, 2020
This presentation by Sheila Weix, MSN, RN, CARN was recorded on April 1, 2020 and is a follow-up to her PART 1 presentation released on March 20, 2020. Viewers will be provided with updated information on the ever-changing challenges facing healthcare providers under the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as best practices for reducing exposure risks, maximizing limited resources, and safely managing treatment during this difficult time.   Additional Resources: Transcript_SUD in a Pandemic_ Bigger Boat Part 2  
Published: April 7, 2020
Presenters: Sandnes S. Boulanger, LCSW, MCAP, Clinical Director, Operation PAR, Inc. Maryellen Evers, LCSW, CAADC   Given recent public health concerns and the importance of social distancing, substance use disorders (SUDs) treatment and recovery support providers are seeking viable alternatives to in-person service delivery. The use of technology through a web-based videoconferencing platform in a synchronous manner (often called telehealth or telemental health) offers one solution. Recent research confirms high levels of patient satisfaction with mental health and substance abuse services delivered via videoconferencing, along with positive treatment outcomes. Most importantly, the skills and knowledge required for delivering treatment and recovery services through videoconferencing are different than those used for conducting business meetings online. This webinar will provide an overview of the essentials of videoconferencing with patients/peers, including: a clinical/support session checklist;  a review of legal, ethical, and patient/peer safety concerns; and  privacy/security and confidentiality issues.   Webinar Resources: Using Videoconferencing to Deliver SUD Treatment & Recovery Services Slides PAR Working from Home Safety Checklist PAR Checklist
Published: March 27, 2020
This comprehensive online course, developed by the Northwest ATTC, features separate modules for each of four common personnel roles in healthcare organizations: decision-makers, clinical supervisors, direct care staff, and administrative support staff. Healthcare organizations may utilize these training modules as means of an initial introduction to CM principles and practices for their staff; however, the primary intent of this online course is as a bridge to more intensive technical assistance—as outlined by Hartzler and colleagues in this article in the Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment (2023) (free online). All four modules include an introduction to contingency management (CM) describing: its core elements, 3 scientifically-supported systems, how it can be used in healthcare settings to have a positive impact on clients.   Each module also offers unique content on how each role can successfully integrate CM into their program.  Note: The Administrative Support Staff module is currently available here. It will be added to HealtheKnowledge (along with 1.0 CE credit) later in spring 2023. CEU Available! 1.0 Decision Makers, 2.5 Clinical Supervisors, 2.0 Direct Care Staff.  In response to SAMHSA instruction provided to State Opioid Response grantees (in FY 22 SOR Grants TI-22-005, Appendix J: Contingency Management), a set of four supplemental brief information guides have been created on targeted topics to complement the material included in this online course. These information guides provide further information on: Discussing Client Eligibility, Allowable Rewards, Drug Screening Methods, and Documentation Practices. (*Note:  The View Resource link will take you to the HealtheKnowledge platform, where the training is housed. If you do not already have an account on HealtheKnowledge, you will be prompted to set one up before you can continue on to the course site. If you register and it doesn't take you back to the course page, click "Home" in the menu and look for it under the category "Special Topics in Behavioral Health" or return to this page and click the link again. For more assistance, visit the How to Use HealtheKnowledge site or contact their support staff.)
Published: April 3, 2020
Crystal methamphetamine use is growing increasingly common among men who have sex with men (MSM) in the northeastern U.S. and is an important public health concern. This webinar, presented by Adam Viera, PhD student (Yale University), shares preliminary themes emerging from a qualitative study of MSM who use crystal methamphetamine. These themes present important lessons for treatment organizations looking to address crystal meth use among MSM. Download slides | Watch recording Webinar category: Specific populations
Published: April 3, 2020
A Different Kind of Grief: Understanding the Client Grief Process of an Overdose or Other Substance Use-Related Death is a recorded webinar presented by Gloria Englund, Founder of Recovering U. Using case examples and her own lived experience, Englund's presentation addresses the unique and complex grieving process of those effected by substance-use related death.       Additional Resources          
Published: April 2, 2020
Description: Treatment providers and program evaluators use patient placement criteria to ensure that clients receive the appropriate level of care based on person-centered needs. This webinar will provide a comprehensive presentation on using the ASAM 6-Dimensional Assessment, understanding and applying Risk Ratings, and making a level of care recommendation. A case study will be used to help participants understand the step-by-step process of completing the assessment using the ASAM Criteria. Participants will be provided a case study a week in advance of the webinar, along with some pre-webinar instructions to help maximize their training experience. Presenter: Mark Disselkoen, MSSW, LCSW, LCADC Disclaimer: “ASAM,” “American Society of Addiction Medicine,” “ASAM Logo,” the ASAM logos and taglines, are registered trademarks of ASAM, and are used with permission. Use of these terms is prohibited without permission of ASAM. Use of these trademarks does not constitute endorsement of this training, product, or practice by ASAM.   Click here to view the webinar.
Published: March 17, 2020
Providing SUD services during a pandemic requires a mix of disaster preparedness, safety precautions, telehealth, and ethics. During her tenure as a leader in SUD treatment, Sheila Weix has been involved with emergencies related to the HIV epidemic, 9/11, and the 2008 economic collapse. She is currently applying this experience in an outpatient treatment service that includes medication-assisted treatment in rural Wisconsin during the COVID19 pandemic. Webinar participants will learn about: Safety precautions How to move all services to telehealth Reimbursement contingencies Leadership actions underway to address this rapidly changing situation    Additional Resources: Transcript_SUD in a Pandemic_Bigger Boat Part 1  
Published: March 21, 2020
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The ATTC Network understands that words have power. A few ATTC products developed prior to 2017 may contain language that does not reflect the ATTCs’ current commitment to using affirming, person-first language. We appreciate your patience as we work to gradually update older materials. For more information about the importance of non-stigmatizing language, see “Destroying Addiction Stigma Once and For All: It’s Time” from the ATTC Network and “Changing Language to Change Care: Stigma and Substance Use Disorders” from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).
