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Alcohol Awareness Flyer

American Indians and Alaska Natives are less likely than any other racial or ethnic group to use alcohol at all. At the same time, alcohol is the most-used substance among Native peoples. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 3 in 10 Native American young adults (age 18-25) report binge drinking (consuming five or more drinks in 2 hours); 1 in 11 report heavy alcohol use (binge drinking on 5 or more days in the past month); and 1 in 10 have an alcohol use disorder (2018). Moreover, 1 in 6 Native youth (age 12-17) engage in underage drinking, the highest rate of alcohol use of all racial/ethnic groups (SAMHSA, 2019).

The high prevalence of alcohol use among Native Americans is attributed to factors stemming from colonization, including poverty, historical and intergenerational traumas, and health inequities. The era of boarding schools has also contributed to higher and long-term alcohol use disorders with AI/AN
populations (2012).

April 19, 2023
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