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Embracing Change: How to Infuse Technical Assistance with NIATx Process Improvement Principles

Polaroid images of three men. Close up headshots of them smiling

ATTC Embracing Change blog series post from Great Lakes ATTC

One of the greatest aspects of NIATx process improvement is the adaptability of this model. Over the past several years, the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC have developed hybrid training series integrating NIATx principles with other in-demand technical assistance (TA) and intensive technical assistance (ITA) offered by our centers. Some of the special focus topics featured in these series are the National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards, suicide prevention, school-based mental health, recruitment and retention, telehealth services, and supporting the COVID-19 workforce. Behavioral healthcare and prevention professionals from our region who have participated in these hybrid courses consistently report greater success in implementing and applying the skills learned during training thanks to the inclusion of NIATx principles.  

In the spirit of embracing change, I sat down with Alfredo Cerrato, Scott Gatzke, and Mat Roosa–three of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC's subject matter experts and most experienced trainers–to better understand their considerations, planning processes, and experiences when it comes to "infusing" our TA and ITA content with NIATx principles and the Change Leader Academy (CLA) curriculum.

Read the full article by clicking on the 'View Resource' button above.

December 1, 2022
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