You are visiting us from Ohio. You are located in HHS Region 5. Your Center is Great Lakes ATTC.

Past Events

Webinar/Virtual Training
The 4th Edition of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) hardcopy and digital versions are now available for purchase. Treatment providers and program evaluators use patient placement criteria to ensure that clients receive the appropriate level of care based on person-centered needs. This 2-hour overview webinar will highlight changes in the 4th Edition. The content will explore the updated ASAM 6-dimensions and the revised and updated Continuum of Care. Level of care updates will be provided and how level of care will be determined utilizing the new criteria. Important Note: The ASAM 4th Edition was developed only for adults, adolescent and criminal justice versions will be available later this year.
Webinar/Virtual Training
The New England ATTC in partnership with the Health Education & Training Institute is providing targeted TA in “Foundational Motivational Interviewing” on 3/19/24 and 3/28/24 with nationally renowned motivational interviewing (MI) trainer Stephen Andrew. MI is a client-centered, evidence-based method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence. This two-day training will introduce how to use MI with patients with substance use and mental health diagnoses. Participants will have extensive opportunities to practice integrating MI techniques into a range of therapeutic interventions. [This is a private, targeted technical assistance (TA) event.  If you are interested in similar TA please contact [email protected]]
Webinar/Virtual Training
The New England ATTC, in partnership with The Substance Use and Mental Health Leadership Council of Rhode Island is providing a targeted technical assistance workshop titled “Anger Management in Treatment with Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Clients” on 3/18/24 and 3/25/24 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm with subject matter expert Myra Paull. Participants will learn about recognizing the distinction between anger and rage experienced by their clients/consumers and how Stages of Change and pertinent interventions can be used in treatment that are related to the client’s awareness of the anger issues and readiness/willingness to change behaviors. Participants will learn about managing high-risk situations related to clients who are experiencing anger vs. rage. Conflict resolution strategies will be shared to use in the workplace in addition to engagement and intervention strategies that support their work with “difficult” clients.  Participants will also learn about strategies that will support safety for themselves and for their clients in the workplace.
Virtual TA Session
Virtual service delivery in the substance use and mental health treatment fields is here to stay, according to Meurer-Lynn (2023) and other notable researchers (Aafies- van Doom, et al., 2023; Shore, 2021; etc.). As such, how to blend in-person and virtual service (hybrid) delivery becomes an important question. Hybrid service delivery is a mixture of in-person sessions with videoconferencing sessions and may include phone check-ins. Hybrid service delivery models are known for providing flexibility, especially to clients with access issues, such as clients living in rural areas or those with transportation issues. Join the online consultation session every third Friday of the month to ask questions and discuss/share hybrid service delivery tips for practitioners. Examples of topics that can be discussed are: how to determine the right combination/ratio of virtual and in-person sessions; leveraging in-person and virtual (video and phone) sessions; negotiating a schedule with clients that will increase engagement, attendance, and adherence to treatment; what clinicians and administrators need to consider when initiating hybrid delivery services (e.g., reimbursement, privacy/security issues, staffing, telephone policies). To join Hybrid Service OtS use the Zoom login below on the scheduled time and day: Step 1: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Step 2: Join by Telephone (ONLY if device doesn't have a microphone built in): Phone: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 994 7973 1969 Continuing education hours are not provided. 
Virtual TA Session
Need assistance applying and/or integrating the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria? Join On-the-Spot the 3rd Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m. MT / 11:00 a.m. CT for a one-hour session with an ASAM professional who will answer and discuss questions related to: program development; 6-dimensional assessment and treatment planning; and continued service, transfer and discharge management.  Participants will have the opportunity to share case studies and receive guidance on how to use ASAM to make informed decisions with the client across the continuum of care. OtS is an open forum guided by the participants at each session. We look forward to meeting you and providing guidance on using ASAM. No registration required, join anytime within the hour.   Join ASAM Integration and Application OtS anytime during the scheduled day/time using the Zoom login below: Step 1: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Step 2:  Join by Telephone (ONLY if device does not have a microphone built in) Dial: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 761 231 872
Webinar/Virtual Training
Description: Data sources estimate that between 25 to 75% of people who survive different forms of abuse and/or a violent trauma develop issues related to substance use. Despite the prevalence of trauma, it often goes undetected particularly in people already dealing with life challenges and at high risk of substance use, misuse, and mental health problems. This interactive training will review variations of trauma and potential impacts on the mind, and how self-regulation techniques can help address traumatic reactions. The content will further discuss practice specific opportunities for integration of trauma-informed care principles and during various points of client interactions. Providers will learn how trauma-informed care provides a preventive approach to engagement and supports person-centered care.   Credits: This training meets the requirements for 3 renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and 3 initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses are granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offer reciprocity - please check with your accrediting agency. Participants are required to attend the entire session, turn on their video cameras, and actively participate in order to receive a certificate of completion.
Webinar/Virtual Training
This is a three-part videoconference via Zoom: March 14, 18, and 22 Motivational interviewing is an evidence-based, conversation model for evoking and enhancing intrinsic motivation to change behaviors. In this video-conversation, participants will discuss the core components of this model and practice using the skills of Motivational Interviewing, particularly in the context of substance use behavior change(s). Prior knowledge of Motivational Interviewing is not required. This learning community is open to everyone engaging in conversations about behavior change - educational degrees or credentials are also not required. Trainer: Paul Warren, LMSW Credits: This training meets the requirements for six renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and six initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses are granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offer reciprocity - please check with your accrediting agency. Participants are required to attend all three sessions in their entirety, turn on their video cameras, and actively participate to receive credit.
Face-to-Face Training
Mid-America ATTC consultants are providing a 2-hour CLAS training for Johnson County Mental Health Center in Kansas on January 30, February 28, and March 14, 2024. Building Cultural Awareness with CLAS will provide a basic introduction to the CLAS standards and explore ways to apply and integrate the standards in practice. The overall goal is to improve service delivery and yield compassionate outcomes that are inclusive, diverse, and respectful to marginalized populations. Please note this is a closed training, email Kreasha Williams at [email protected] for more information.
Webinar/Virtual Training
The New England ATTC in partnership with the Health Education & Training Institute is providing targeted technical assistance in "Motivational Interviewing - Deepening the Practice" on 3/14/24 and 3/21/24 with nationally renowned motivational interviewing (MI) trainer Stephen Andrew. This training deepens skills learned in Motivational Interviewing Foundations. Learners are presented with more in-depth and advanced concepts of motivational interviewing and are given the opportunity to participate in exercises to practice these concepts in order to increase their knowledge and confidence in applying them effectively in their work. Register now!!
Virtual TA Session
Are you looking to discuss how you apply Motivational Interviewing to your work or enhance your MI Skills in general? Join us every 2nd Monday of the month from 1-2pm PT to learn from other practicing professionals and receive consultation from a member of MINT (Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers). These monthly consultation sessions will be open to all workforce members within Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington) without registration. We do ask that individuals joining these sessions have attended, at minimum, an Introduction to MI training (8-12 hours). Each session will provide a space for a brief didactic review of core MI concepts or techniques for approximately 10-15 minutes and the remainder of the hour will be reserved for consultation or general discussion. Register here!
Webinar/Virtual Training
The New England ATTC in partnership with the Health Education & Training Institute is providing targeted TA in “Foundational Motivational Interviewing” on 3/11/24 and 3/14/24 with nationally renowned motivational interviewing (MI) trainer Stephen Andrew. MI is a client-centered, evidence-based method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence. This two-day training will introduce how to use MI with patients with substance use and mental health diagnoses. Participants will have extensive opportunities to practice integrating MI techniques into a range of therapeutic interventions. Register now!!
Webinar/Virtual Training
  Professional boundaries set the parameters of effective and appropriate interaction between professionals and the people they serve. Boundaries protect clients and patients as well as providers. This interactive course will discuss professionalism and ethics, dual relationships, and how to build a safe working environment. Trainer: Paul Warren, LMSW Credits: This training meets the requirements for two renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and two initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses are granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offer reciprocity - please check with your accrediting agency. Participants are required to attend the training in its entirety, turn on their video cameras, and actively participate to receive credit. NOTE: As of January 1, 2018, CASACs are required to complete a continuing, 6-hour requirement for OASAS approved ethics training. This training meets 2 of the 6 hours required for CASAC renewal.  
Webinar/Virtual Training
Research data indicate higher rates of trauma among justice-involved persons than the general population. The effects of traumatic experiences can challenge a person’s capacity for recovery and pose significant barriers to accessing services, often resulting in an increased risk of coming into contact with the criminal justice system. This interactive training instructs on what trauma is and how to avoid re-traumatizing individuals, increase safety for them and practitioners, potential to decrease recidivism, and promote and support recovery of justice-involved persons. Although this training is designed with community corrections, court personnel, and law enforcement in mind, behavioral health providers working with justice involved persons may also find it useful in understanding core issues of trauma and trauma-informed approaches. Trainer: Diana Padilla, MCPC, CARC, CASAC-T Credits: This training meets the requirements for four renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and four initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses are granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offer reciprocity - please check with your accrediting agency. Participants are required to attend the training in its entirety, turn on their video cameras, and actively participate to receive credit.
Webinar/Virtual Training
Would you like to enhance your current knowledge and practice on how to effectively use Motivational Interviewing (MI)? This online Enhanced Professional Learning (EPL) interactive series will cover topics and provide interactive practice opportunities essential to the development and/or refinement of MI skills and relational style. Emphasis is placed on the “intentional use” of MI skills to identify a change goal, resolve ambivalence, and increase motivation for change.
Webinar/Virtual Training
  The Brief Negotiated Interview is an evidence-based approach to conducting a person-centered conversation to incite behavior change. In this interactive training, the brief intervention focuses on reducing unhealthy levels of substance use or other at-risk behavior. The content is based on the brief intervention component of SBIRT (screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment) which utilizes basic Motivational Interviewing (MI) core communication skills. This workshop will review dynamics of person-centered interactions and offer practice activities to enhance provider competencies to effectively facilitate a brief intervention "conversation" and support behavior change.  
Webinar/Virtual Training
The New England ATTC in partnership with the Health Education & Training Institute is providing targeted technical assistance in Motivational Interviewing – Advancing the Practice on 3/5/24 and 3/7/24 with nationally renowned motivational interviewing (MI) trainer Stephen Andrew. This training is for learners who have completed the Motivational Interviewing Fundamentals and who want to deepen their skill and understanding of motivational interviewing. [This is a private, targeted technical assistance (TA) event.  If you are interested in similar TA please contact [email protected]]
Webinar/Virtual Training
This is a three-part training: March 5th, 12th, and 19th from 9:00am - 1:00pm Registrants must complete “Clinical Supervision Foundations I” and email their certificate to [email protected] no later than February 29th in order to attend this training. We also need your supervisor to sign off on your registration, confirming the requirements below. We will email the required form to all registrants. New guidelines from OASAS... "Pre-requisites for attending CSFII have been updated to include a CASAC with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree.  In addition, all registrants must be current clinical supervisors or currently on a career path to be in the position within one year. Registered individuals must provide proof that they meet either criterion by having their current supervisor sign off on their training registration, in addition to providing a copy of their completion certificate for the 14-hour CSFI online training." Description: This 16-hour training (12 hours of live interactive training through Zoom + 4 hours of professional development plan assignments), combined with the 14-hour online “Clinical Supervision Foundations I” training, will meet the 30-hour Clinical Supervision training requirement for the Advanced Counselor and Master Counselor status, as referenced in the OASAS Substance Use Disorder Scope of Practice. This training recognizes the crucial role that Clinical Supervision holds as the cornerstone of performance improvement at both the program and client level. Clinical Supervision, when properly implemented by competent Clinical Supervisors, improves client care, develops clinical skills, and improves the knowledge and professionalism of clinical personnel. It is also paramount in imparting and maintaining ethical standards in the addictions profession. Trainer: Paul Warren, LMSW Credits: This training meets the requirements for 16 renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and 16 initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses are granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offer reciprocity - please check with your accrediting agency. Participants are required to attend all three sessions in their entirety, turn on their video cameras, actively participate, and complete the homework assignment to receive credit. Registrants must complete “Clinical Supervision Foundations I” and email their certificate to [email protected] no later than February 29th in order to attend this training. Click HERE for more information regarding the 14-hour “Clinical Supervision Foundations I” training through HealtheKnowledge. Please note: If you are unable to register due to lack of requirements, OASAS has developed a new training for supervisees who are providing entry level counseling. This training is titled “What is Clinical Supervision”. It is a six-hour one day training for the target audience of CASAC-Trainees, CASAC Provisionals and CASACs without a bachelor’s degree. This new training has been added to OASAS’ 2024 calendar of trainings and will be provided a few times during the year.
Webinar/Virtual Training
This is a three-part training: March 5th, 12th, and 19th from 9:00am - 1:00pm Registrants must complete “Clinical Supervision Foundations I” and email their certificate to [email protected] no later than February 29th in order to attend this training. We also need your supervisor to sign off on your registration, confirming the requirements below. We will email the required form to all registrants. New guidelines from OASAS... "Pre-requisites for attending CSFII have been updated to include a CASAC with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree.  In addition, all registrants must be current clinical supervisors or currently on a career path to be in the position within one year. Registered individuals must provide proof that they meet either criterion by having their current supervisor sign off on their training registration, in addition to providing a copy of their completion certificate for the 14-hour CSFI online training." Description: This 16-hour training (12 hours of live interactive training through Zoom + 4 hours of professional development plan assignments), combined with the 14-hour online “Clinical Supervision Foundations I” training, will meet the 30-hour Clinical Supervision training requirement for the Advanced Counselor and Master Counselor status, as referenced in the OASAS Substance Use Disorder Scope of Practice. This training recognizes the crucial role that Clinical Supervision holds as the cornerstone of performance improvement at both the program and client level. Clinical Supervision, when properly implemented by competent Clinical Supervisors, improves client care, develops clinical skills, and improves the knowledge and professionalism of clinical personnel. It is also paramount in imparting and maintaining ethical standards in the addictions profession. Trainer: Paul Warren, LMSW Credits: This training meets the requirements for 16 renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and 16 initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses are granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offer reciprocity - please check with your accrediting agency. Participants are required to attend all three sessions in their entirety, turn on their video cameras, actively participate, and complete the homework assignment to receive credit. Registrants must complete “Clinical Supervision Foundations I” and email their certificate to [email protected] no later than February 29th in order to attend this training. Click HERE for more information regarding the 14-hour “Clinical Supervision Foundations I” training through HealtheKnowledge. Please note: If you are unable to register due to lack of requirements, OASAS has developed a new training for supervisees who are providing entry level counseling. This training is titled “What is Clinical Supervision”. It is a six-hour one day training for the target audience of CASAC-Trainees, CASAC Provisionals and CASACs without a bachelor’s degree. This new training has been added to OASAS’ 2024 calendar of trainings and will be provided a few times during the year.
Webinar/Virtual Training
The Brief Negotiated Interview is an evidence-based approach to conducting a person-centered conversation to incite behavior change. In this interactive training, the brief intervention focuses on reducing unhealthy levels of substance use or other at-risk behavior. The content is based on the brief intervention component of SBIRT (screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment) which utilizes basic Motivational Interviewing (MI) core communication skills. This workshop will review dynamics of person-centered interactions and offer practice activities to enhance provider competencies to effectively facilitate a brief intervention "conversation" and support behavior change.
Virtual TA Session
A common approach in learning any complex skill is to work with experts assisting in the development of competencies. Motivational Interviewing (MI) On-the-Spot offers an opportunity to enhance practitioners’ skills and confidence in the utilization and integration of MI into practice by providing access to subject matter experts to obtain immediate feedback during a one-hour, online, open forum. Bring your questions and join in on the dialogue to increase MI knowledge and change clinical practice approaches through the utilization of an MI style of communication.   To join Motivational Interviewing OtS use the Zoom login below on the scheduled time and day: Step 1: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Step 2: Join by Telephone (ONLY if device doesn't have a microphone built in): Phone: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 842 9841 6541
Face-to-Face Training
This is a closed training for Jacob's Well in Kansas City, MO. The purpose of the training is to support communities of faith/ non-traditional audiences to build awareness and capacity for personal resilience. Promoting self- care while taking care of others. We will provide practical resources for the faith-based organizations in attendance as they engage with communities/ individuals challenged with SUD & providing education on the implementation of TIC and TIC practices. Contact Kreasha Williams at [email protected] for more information about this training. 
Webinar/Virtual Training
Join South Southwest ATTC and our partners for the 'Invitation to Change Approach (ITC) Informational Session' In support of families with a loved one facing substance use challenges Feb. 29 | Virtual Meeting | 1-2:30 PM (Pacific), 2-3:30 pm (mountain), 3-4:30 PM (CENTRAL), 4-5:30 PM (EASTERN) What is Invitation to Change? ITC is a holistic framework based on science and kindness, designed for families and the professionals who support them. The framework includes training, materials and support to equip family members and/or professionals to sponsor a 12-week family peer support group Concepts and strategies included in ITC are also found in three evidence-based approaches—Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training (CRAFT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). This event is jointly sponsored by the Great Lakes ATTC (HHS Region 5), South Southwest ATTC (HHS Region 6), Mountain Plains ATTC (HHS Region 9), Northwest ATTC (HHS Region 10), and the ATTC Network Coordinating Office.   Upcoming Opportunity for ITC Community Support Groups Each sponsoring regional ATTC will offer 4-6 individual communities and organizations in their region an opportunity to apply to receive ITC Facilitation training and support to host ITC Recovery Support Groups in 2024-25. For those communities interested in applying to participate and host a family support group, additional details about the sponsorship application process will be shared at the information session.   Register Today! 
Online Course
Description: Define Positive Psychology Review the history of Positive Psychology Discuss the benefits that this model enhances in the participants Integrate practice exercise - role-play interventions
Webinar/Virtual Training
This webinar will focus on epidemiology of adolescent substance use before and after the COVID epidemic, and the opportunities for prevention, recovery, and increasing access to treatment. Participants can expect to receive a summary overview of research, discuss the SAMHSA principles of adolescent substance use and recovery, learn about both the benefits from treatment and the limitations of the traditional approach to SUD treatment and recovery, and the barriers to integrated treatment. The overview will also highlight the current interest in SUD prevention programs for adolescents and the opportunities advanced recovery programs present to families, schools, and communities. Special attention will be given to the challenges some new state legislative changes created to the adolescent exposure to drugs, addiction, and recovery. The presentation will conclude with discussion of the recovery of adolescents with co-occurring disorders and the related challenges and opportunities. The presentation will feature prevention as an underutilized strategy to prevent substance use disorder among adolescents. After attending this webinar, learners will be able to: 1. List the SAMHSA principles of adolescent substance use recovery 2. Identify the therapeutic benefits of prevention programs which feature food, mood, and movement 3. Describe the latest GTI program efforts that include therapeutic horticulture, cooking and nutrition, movement and fitness, and therapeutic art activities About the presenter: Jenni Guentcheva, LPC, LAC, NCACII, has worked extensively as a psychologist in Europe and a psychotherapist/addiction specialist in the United States. Since 1999, she has been a behavioral health administrator, a clinician, and a university instructor in Colorado and California and has developed multiple successful community behavioral health programs. Jenni’s clinical focus includes neurobiology, human growth and development, addiction treatment, trauma informed care, and family services. Jenni program development approach has a strong community orientation and aims at creating health equity in underserved areas and populations. She co-founded Green Thumb Initiative (GTI), a non-profit prevention, treatment, and recovery organization in 2018, and along with Brian Monahan, has been developing innovative programs to assist adolescent and their families to overcome substance use and mental health disorders through advanced behavioral health technologies, such as therapeutic horticulture, fitness, nutrition, and art. As part of SAMHSA Food and Mood coalition, GTI is assuming national leadership in adolescent SUD prevention.
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