The Recovery is Health, Health is Recovery Lunch & Learn Series is sponsored by the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare in partnership with Recovery Idaho, Idaho Harm Reduction Project, and the Northwest ATTC.
In this session, Marcial Angula of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Public Health, will provide an in-depth discussion on Idaho’s initiatives for preventing HIV transmission.
About the presenter: Marcial Angulo, born and raised in Nicaragua, worked for five years as a Medical Case Manager for a Part C Ryan White Clinic in Boise. Marcial moved to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare about 5 months ago to work as a Health Program Specialist for the HIV Prevention Program. Marcial is a passionate professional that seeks the well-being and equal opportunities for the community. His goal is to keep providing resources and monitoring funded agencies/health centers to ensure they have what they need to reduce HIV transmission.