The Northwest ATTC is hosting a 3-part summer webinar series on innovative and successful approaches to workforce recruitment and retention. Featured presenters will offer experienced perspectives concerning relevant state-level initiatives, successful efforts of behavioral health organizations that provide culturally-responsive services to underserved populations, and methods of applying organizational change and process improvement strategies to challenges of staff recruitment and retention. Find the complete set of sessions here.
Mat Roosa, LCSW-R (Founding member of NIATx and consultant)
All human service systems are struggling to recruit, hire and retain the staffing that they need to provide quality care. And most of these systems respond to this struggle by spending ever increasing resources with ever diminishing returns. The application of process improvement tools and principles to the hiring process can help organizations to rethink hiring and achieve results. The NIATx rapid cycle PDSA process improvement model has had a huge impact on the quality improvement efforts of substance use and mental health services throughout the county. Join NIATx founding member Mat Roosa, LCSW-R, to learn how to use these powerful tools to understand the hiring process, and make data driven improvements that yield measurable results.