This video demonstrates a patient-centered, non-punitive team meeting occurring at an Opioid Treatment Program (OTP). Savannah is an established patient at the OTP, and she meets with two people on her team: her counselor, Monique, and an OTP clinical supervisor, Hazel. The purpose of the meeting is to better understand Savannah’s ongoing methamphetamine use, understand Savannah’s goals, and collaboratively develop a plan. The team approach is effective in facilitating collaboration and new ideas, as well as communicating to the patient that the whole team is dedicated to helping. The meeting demonstrates how to support a patient whose opioid use has stabilized, but who is using methamphetamine. After an introduction to the meeting, the OTP Treatment Team starts by getting information about why Savannah is using methamphetamine, which she explains is to have enough energy to take care of her family. The Treatment Team elicits information about her goals, which include earning program “take home” medication, improving mood, and changing her social contacts. The Treatment Team discusses resources and goes on to jointly develop a plan with Savannah for next steps.
Characters: Counselor “Monique” played by Monica Harris, SUDP, Lead Counselor at Evergreen Treatment Services; Clinical Supervisor “Hazel” played by Hannah Farmer, MA, SUDP, Clinical Supervisor at Evergreen Treatment Services; and OTP Patient “Savannah” played by Andrea Ishem, SUDPT, Counselor at Evergreen Treatment Services