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New Online Course: Contingency Management for Healthcare Settings

April 30, 2020

This online course, developed by the Northwest ATTC, features separate modules for each of the three common personnel roles in healthcare organizations: decision-makersclinical supervisors, and direct care staff. Organizations can use this training as a bridge to more intensive technical assistance.

All three modules include an introduction to contingency management (CM) describing:

  • its core elements,
  • 3 scientifically-supported systems,
  • how it can be used in healthcare settings to have a positive impact on clients.

Each module also offers unique content on how each role can successfully integrate CM into their program.

CEU Available! 1.0 Decision Makers, 2.5 Clinical Supervisors, 2.0 Direct Care Staff

Find the course on HealtheKnowledge*

CM for Healthcare Settings
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