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New Paths for Advancing Adolescent Substance Use Research (webinar)

October 20, 2023

This webinar, sponsored by the Northwest and Pacific Southwest ATTCs and the Western States Node of the NIDA Clinical Trials Network, will provide an interactive learning experience for attendees to explore adolescent substance use and new paths for research. Presenter Niranjan Karnik, MD, PhD will review recent data trends related to the prevalence of substance use among teens, describe current treatment approaches, and talk about the pros and cons of social media and digital mental health interventions. 

Niranjan S. Karnik, MD, PhD, is the director of the Great Lakes Node of the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN). His research focuses on data science, technology, and community-based interventions for vulnerable populations with psychiatric and substance use disorders.  

Learning objectives

At the conclusion of the webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Identify at least two (2) recent data trends related to the prevalence of substance use among adolescent populations.
  • Specify at least three (3) current treatment approaches for adolescent substance use.
  • Describe at least two (2) potentials and two (2) pitfalls of social media and digital mental health interventions.

1.5 CME or CE credits available. See flyer for more information about available credit types.

Register here!

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