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September is National Recovery Month!

September 7, 2023

September is National Recovery Month! The Northwest ATTC is engaged in a number of activities this month to recognize and celebrate the strong and proud recovery community and the dedicated members of the addiction workforce who make recovery in all its forms possible.

Weekly (Monday) newsletter series, “Recovery Inclusion Revolution.”

Recovery Month logoThis year, the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare has partnered with the Northwest ATTC to bring you a weekly Recovery Month section in our newsletter. Each week, we’ll be highlighting one of SAMHSA’s Recovery Month themes and matching it with a set of on-demand webinars, online resources, and other educational opportunities that promote and support evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, with a focus on populations that are typically overlooked and underserved in our physical and mental health systems.

Check out the issues here (we’ll keep this section updated as the month progresses) or subscribe to get a copy in your inbox each week!


Recovery Café’s Resource Connection & Recovery Celebration, September 15 (12-2pm PT)

Recovery Cafe logoJoin the Recovery Café Sodo (4202 6th Ave S in Seattle) on September 15 (12-2pm PT) for a Resource Connection and Recovery Celebration featuring food, swag, supplies, support, recovery speakers, and more!

Speak Out for Recovery will take place at 1pm.

The Northwest ATTC is cosponsoring this event along with King County, the Washington Recovery Alliance, the King County Recovery Coalition, and Tutta Bella.

Northwest ATTC Webinar: Recovery Capital and Resilience: Head and Tail of the Same Coin, September 20, 2023 (12-1pm PT)

Norma JaegerBeyond sobriety, programs dealing with substance use disorders have embraced a more comprehensive goal: Recovery.  There are four recognized domains of recovery: Health, Home, Purpose, and Community.  There are a myriad of resources, both internal and external, that make up recovery capital.  As a person begins their journey, they draw on their initial store of recovery capital and as that journey continues, they gain more recovery capital.  More recovery capital, more recovery.  More recovery, more recovery capital. By assisting an individual identify their recovery capital and make plans for its increase, their recovery becomes stronger. This session, presented by Norma Jaeger, PhD (ABD), Executive Director of Recovery Idaho, will explore the many potential elements of recovery capital and how to support an individual in building more recovery capital to support their life in recovery. Learn more about the speaker | Register here!


Recovery Inclusion Revolution
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