eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.
The September 2022 issue celebrates National Recovery Month and the start of National Hispanic Heritage Month (observed Sept.15-Oct.15). This issue also features new products, such as the Alcohol Is Still a Drug webinar series flipbook and the MHTTC Network's Cultural Inclusiveness and Equity WISE companion training series. Don't miss SAMHSA Assistant Secretary, Dr. Miriam Delphin-Rittmon's video address in honor of National Recovery Month. You will also find links to all the upcoming events and trainings for the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.
Published: September 5, 2022
Print Media
This issue will bring awareness to the National Recovery Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and National Suicide Prevention Week. Our Executive Director, Mr. Fred Sandoval shared more details about the work NLBHA is doing in collaboration with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. We are also providing more details about our upcoming National Latino Behavioral Health Conference.
Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more.
In This Issue
Our Mission
Dicho of the Quarter
Page 01
A reflection by our Director
Page 02
NLBHA and AFSP: National Suicide Prevention Week Awareness
Page 03
Story time: meet our team member, Ana L. Chavez-Mancillas, MSW
Page 06
Highlighting the experts, Quarterly Highlights and Celebrations
Page 07
Article by Eva Moya, PhD
Page 08
Media Corner
Page 10
Conference Highlights
Page 11
NHL Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program
Page 12
Community Campaigns: National Suicide Prevention Week, National Recovery Month, Hispanic Heritage Month
Page 10
Staff Contact information
Page 15
Esta Publicación: Conexiones: Honrando La Cultura Y La Aceptación Del Cambio
Esta Edição: Conexões: Honrando a Cultura e Abraçando Mudanças
Published: September 2, 2022
This is part 2 of the Northwest ATTC's 3-part summer webinar series: Innovative and Successful Approaches to Staff Recruitment and Retention. Find information on all 3 parts here.
The current behavioral health workforce emergency is nothing new in the culturally and linguistically specific communities in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Traditional recruitment strategies by dominant culture organizations often fail due to a variety of systemic and cultural barriers that are largely invisible to the established behavioral health systems. Executive Director Fernando Peña with NW Instituto Latino operates a culturally specific SUD Recovery Community Organization that despite the ongoing behavioral health workforce emergency is fully staffed with culturally and linguistically specific staff and routinely has multiple applicants for each open position as one becomes available. In this session, Fernando shared his understanding of the systemic barriers that impact Latinx communities when it comes to the behavioral health workforce as well as some strategies he has used to recruit, retain and support their respective teams.
Watch recording (no slides were presented with this session)
Published: September 1, 2022
In today’s video, we would like to discuss harm reduction and its importance and break down some of the stigma often associated with this topic.
La reducción de daño
En el video de hoy, vamos a platicar sobre la reducción de daño y su importancia al igual que desbaratar el estigma que comúnmente acompaña a este tema
Redução de danos
No vídeo de hoje, gostaríamos de discutir a redução de danos, sua importância e quebrar um pouco do estigma frequentemente associado a esse tópico.
Published: August 16, 2022
The National Latino Behavioral Health Association (NLBHA), the National Hispanic and Latino PTTC, and the Strategic Prevention Framework - Connecting our Voices Program, joined efforts today to present you this video about Marijuana Prevention, with the goal to increase the awareness among youth.
Conscientização sobre o uso de cannabis entre os jovens
NLBHA, os Centros e o Programa Conectando nossas Vozes se uniram para apresentar a vocês este vídeo educativo sobre Prevenção da Maconha, com o objetivo de aumentar a conscientização entre os jovens.
Published: August 16, 2022
Click Here to Download Webinar Handouts
Webinar Handouts
This was Part 1 of a 3-Session Virtual Learning Community.
This series on Understanding, Going Through, and Managing Loss, Grief, and Bereavement takes a critical look at
how Latino men manage and go through loss, grief, and bereavement during this Covid-19 pandemic.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the overall impact of loss and differentiate between grief and bereavement
Describe the pandemic in regard to the type of deaths (unattended, for example), social changes, the sheer volume, and displacement (new roles imposed on people due to loss)
Understand the specific ways that Latino men are affected by death and loss in the context of cultural expectations that they must be strong and evaluate their own (or loved ones) behavior in this regard
Having a different perspective on the “the fear of death”
Integrate the possibility that Latino men can apply lessons from understanding their own grief journeys in order to play a proactive role (and find heroic meaning) by becoming grief leaders for their families, loved ones, friends, and society at large.
Draw from the information given, options to identifying their personal losses and identify options on how to manage their experience.
About the Presenter:
Elizabeth Robles, LPC, CT, EOLD
Elizabeth Robles works in the El Paso region as a behavioral health care professional specializing in life changes, trauma, grief, and loss. Elizabeth is Certified in Thanatology: Death, Dying & Bereavement through the Association of Death Education Counseling (ADEC). Her treatment approach offers patients the hope and strategies to facilitate continuous emotional renewal in the face of life’s constant changes. In addition to her private practice, Elizabeth serves as Clinical Director for the MYC Institute of Integrative Health, an El Paso nonprofit organization which advocates for body/mind/spirit approaches to wellbeing. In 2020, Elizabeth became a Certified End of Life Doula.
Published: August 11, 2022
Click Here to Download Webinar Handouts
This was Part 2 of a 3-Session Virtual Learning Community.
This series on Understanding, Going Through, and Managing Loss, Grief, and Bereavement takes a critical look at
how Latino men manage and go through loss, grief, and bereavement during this Covid-19 pandemic.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the overall impact of loss and differentiate between grief and bereavement
Describe the pandemic in regard to the type of deaths (unattended, for example), social changes, the sheer volume, and displacement (new roles imposed on people due to loss)
Understand the specific ways that Latino men are affected by death and loss in the context of cultural expectations that they must be strong and evaluate their own (or loved ones) behavior in this regard
Having a different perspective on the “the fear of death”
Integrate the possibility that Latino men can apply lessons from understanding their own grief journeys in order to play a proactive role (and find heroic meaning) by becoming grief leaders for their families, loved ones, friends, and society at large.
Draw from the information given, options to identifying their personal losses and identify options on how to manage their experience.
Additional Resources
Spanish Translation
Portuguese Translation
About the Presenter:
Elizabeth Robles, LPC, CT, EOLD
Elizabeth Robles works in the El Paso region as a behavioral health care professional specializing in life changes, trauma, grief, and loss. Elizabeth is Certified in Thanatology: Death, Dying & Bereavement through the Association of Death Education Counseling (ADEC). Her treatment approach offers patients the hope and strategies to facilitate continuous emotional renewal in the face of life’s constant changes. In addition to her private practice, Elizabeth serves as Clinical Director for the MYC Institute of Integrative Health, an El Paso nonprofit organization which advocates for body/mind/spirit approaches to wellbeing. In 2020, Elizabeth became a Certified End of Life Doula.
Published: August 11, 2022
Click Here to Download Webinar Handouts
This was Part 3 of a 3-Session Virtual Learning Community.
This series on Understanding, Going Through, and Managing Loss, Grief, and Bereavement takes a critical look at
how Latino men manage and go through loss, grief, and bereavement during this Covid-19 pandemic.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the overall impact of loss and differentiate between grief and bereavement
Describe the pandemic in regard to the type of deaths (unattended, for example), social changes, the sheer volume, and displacement (new roles imposed on people due to loss)
Understand the specific ways that Latino men are affected by death and loss in the context of cultural expectations that they must be strong and evaluate their own (or loved ones) behavior in this regard
Having a different perspective on the “the fear of death”
Integrate the possibility that Latino men can apply lessons from understanding their own grief journeys in order to play a proactive role (and find heroic meaning) by becoming grief leaders for their families, loved ones, friends, and society at large.
Draw from the information given, options to identifying their personal losses and identify options on how to manage their experience.
Additional Resources
Spanish Translation
Portuguese Translation
About the Presenter:
Elizabeth Robles, LPC, CT, EOLD
Elizabeth Robles works in the El Paso region as a behavioral health care professional specializing in life changes, trauma, grief, and loss. Elizabeth is Certified in Thanatology: Death, Dying & Bereavement through the Association of Death Education Counseling (ADEC). Her treatment approach offers patients the hope and strategies to facilitate continuous emotional renewal in the face of life’s constant changes. In addition to her private practice, Elizabeth serves as Clinical Director for the MYC Institute of Integrative Health, an El Paso nonprofit organization which advocates for body/mind/spirit approaches to wellbeing. In 2020, Elizabeth became a Certified End of Life Doula.
Published: August 11, 2022
Print Media
This snapshot of information is intended to provide a quick resource to individuals, parents, professionals, and providers on Harm Reduction Awareness for the Latino population.
Esta reseña tiene como objetivo proporcionar recursos a individuos, padres, profesionales y proveedores sobre como crear conciencia de la Reducción de Daños en la población Latina.
Esta síntese de informações destina-se a fornecer recursos para indivíduos, pais, profissionais e provedores sobre Conscientização para Redução de Danos para Latinos
Published: August 1, 2022
Print Media
This snapshot is intended to provide awareness to individuals, parents, professionals, and providers about problem gambling among the Latino population in the United States.
Esta reseña infomativa tiene como objetivo proporcionar recursos a individuos, padres, profesionales y proveedores sobre la adiccion al juego en los Latinos en Estados Unidos.
Esta síntese de informações destina-se a fornecer recursos a indivíduos, pais, profissionais e provedores de saúde sobre o vício em jogos entre latinos nos Estados Unidos.
Published: August 1, 2022
Print Media
This snapshot is intended to bring awareness to individuals, families, professionals, and providers about the serious substance use disorder problem among the Hispanic and Latino Veteran population.
Esta reseña infomativa tiene como objetivo proporcionar recursos a individuos, padres, profesionales y proveedores sobre el grave problema del trastorno por uso de sustancias en la población de Veteranos Hispanos y Latinos
Esta síntese de informações destina-se a fornecer recursos para indivíduos, familiares, profissionais e provedores sobre o grave problema de transtorno por uso de substâncias entre a população hispânica e latina veterana.
Published: August 1, 2022
Print Media
The National Hispanic and Latino ATTC and PTTC are proud to share this infographic, bringing awareness to Men's Health Month. Please take a look on this information that was carefully prepared by our centers and learn more about Hispanic Men's Health And Hispanic Men's Mental Health, the challenges, the strengths, risk and protective factors, cultural considerations, tips to live healthier and longer lives and several resources. We encourage you to share with your family, friends and colleagues. Thank you!
Los Centros Nacionales Hispanos y Latinos ATTC y PTTC se enorgullecen de compartir esta infografía, creando conciencia sobre el Mes de la Salud del Hombre. Por favor lea esta información que fue preparada cuidadosamente por nuestros centros y aprenda más sobre la Salud de los Hombres Hispanos y la Salud Mental de los Hombres Hispanos, los desafíos, las fortalezas, los factores de riesgo y de protección, las consideraciones culturales, los consejos para vivir una vida más larga y saludable y varios recursos. Te animamos a compartir con tu familia, amigos y compañeros. ¡Gracias!
Os Centros Nacionais Hispânico-Latino ATTC e PTTC têm o orgulho de compartilhar este infográfico, trazendo conscientização sobre o Mês da Saúde do Homem. Por favor, dê uma olhada nestas informações que foram cuidadosamente preparadas pelos nossos centros e saiba mais sobre Saúde do Homem Hispânico e Saúde Mental do Homem Hispânico, os desafios, pontos fortes, fatores de risco e proteção, considerações culturais, dicas para viver uma vida mais saudável mais longa e vários recursos. Nós encorajamos você a compartilhar com sua família, amigos e colegas.
Published: June 30, 2022
Print Media
This Issue: Planting Seeds of Love, Light and Respect to Harvest Equity
This issue celebrates Pride month and we are celebrating the diversity, beauty, resilience of and contributions by our LGBTQAI2S+ community members. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, NLBHA’s upcoming events and projects, and more.
In This Issue
Our Mission
Dicho of the Quarter
Page 1
A reflection by our Program Director
Page 2
Story time: meet our team member, Christina
Page 3
Highlighting the experts
Quarterly Highlights
Page 4
NLBHA Highlights
Page 5
Article by Luis Cornejo MS, LMFT
Page 6
Media Corner
Page 8
Staff Contact information
Page 9
Esta Publicación: Plantando Semillas de Amor, Luz y Respeto Para Cosechar Equidad
Esta Edição: Plantando Sementes de Amor, Luz e Respeito Para Colher Equidade
Published: June 3, 2022
The National Hispanic and Latino PTTC is happy to share with you this resource from the Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity (CoE LGBTQ+ BHE). Our center supported the CoE LGBTQ+ BHE and we are proud to share these resources are now available in Spanish and Portuguese.
This animated video, reviews basic terminology that is important to know when working with people who have diverse sexual orientations or gender identities. This terminology includes sex assigned at birth, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and more.
This glossary of terms related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression (SOGIE) is a resource for behavioral health practitioners to better understand language commonly used in LGBTQ+ communities. It should be noted that people use terms in different ways, and the best practice is always to honor language an individual uses to identify themselves.
We invite you to visit the CoE LGBTQ+ BHE webpage to learn more: https://lgbtqequity.org/resources/
Published: June 1, 2022
Print Media
This Issue: Growing Our Own: Planting Seeds for the Future of Latino Behavioral Health
This issue highlights the work of the National Hispanic and Latino ATTC & PTTC and NLBHA to move the behavioral health needle towards impactful change. This issue focuses on "Planting Seeds for the Future of Latino Behavioral Health". Read and learn about the E-compendium guide, meet our Executive Director, Fredrick Sandoval, MPA and see who and what we are highlighting this quarter!
In This Issue
Our Mission
Dicho of the Quarter
Page 01
NLBHA Highlights
Page 02
Story time: meet our team member, Dr. Susie Villalobos
Page 04
Highlighting the experts
Quarterly Highlights
Page 05
NLBHA’s e-compendium and Guide Article
Page 06
Media Corner
Page 9
Staff Contact information
Page 10
Esta Publicación: Creciendo a los Nuestros: Plantando Semillas para el Futuro de la Salud Mental Latina
Este número destaca el trabajo de los Centros Nacionales Hisapano y Latino ATTC y PTTC y NLBHA para mover la aguja de la salud mental hacia un cambio impactante. Este número se centra en "Plantando Semillas para el Futuro de la Salud Mental Latina". ¡Lea y aprenda sobre la guía de E-compendium, conozca a nuestro Director Ejecutivo, Fredrick Sandoval, MPA y vea a quién y qué estamos destacando este trimestre!
Esta Edição: Crescendo Nossos Próprios: Plantando Sementes Para O Futuro Da Saúde Mental Latina
Esta edição destaca o trabalho dos Centros Nacionais Hispânico-Latino de Treinamento e Assistência Técnica em Abuso de Substâncias e de Prevenção e NLBHA para fazer a diferenca na saúde mental, com o objetivo de gerar uma mudança impactante. Esta edição se concentra em "Plantando Sementes para o Futuro da Saúde Mental Latina". Saiba mais sobre o eCompêndio e Guia da NLBHA, conheça nosso Diretor Executivo, Fredrick Sandoval, MPA e veja quem e o que estamos destacando neste trimestre!
Published: April 26, 2022
Print Media
The National Hispanic and Latino ATTC and PTTC are proud to announce the publication of our first newsletter!
This product has been a labor of love. An idea that sprouted out of a commitment to find additional ways to honor our culture, call out disparities that persist, celebrate successes in our communities and amplify the contributions being made by Latinos in behavioral health. Each issue will focus on topics which span the behavioral health spectrum, from prevention to treatment and recovery. Our goal is to offer a diversified suite of products meant to meet the unique preferences of community members. We hope that providers, researchers, peers, promotores, administrators, family members, teachers and other community members will be able to learn and gain from the contents of our newsletter. We hope you enjoy it!
In This Issue
Our Mission, and Dicho of the Quarter -Page 01
A reflection by our Program Director -Page 02
Story time: Meet our team member, Priscila Giamassi - Page 03
Highlighting the Experts, Quarterly Highlights, and Celebrations - Page 04
Article by Anna Nelson, LCSW, PhD Candidate - Page 05
Media Corner -Page 07
NLBHA Highlights - Page 08
Staff Contact information - Page 09
¡Los Centros Nacionales Hispano y Latino ATTC y PTTC están orgullosos de anunciar la publicación de nuestro primer boletín!
Esta publicación ha sido un producto del amor. Es una idea que surgió como un compromiso por encontrar formas adicionales para honrar nuestra cultura, informar sobre las disparidades que persisten, celebrar los éxitos en nuestras comunidades y resaltar las contribuciones de los latinos en el campo de la salud mental y adicciones. En cada edición se tratarán temas que abarcan todo el espectro de la salud mental y adicciones, desde la prevención hasta el tratamiento y la recuperación. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer un conjunto diversificado de productos destinados a satisfacer las preferencias únicas de los miembros de la comunidad. Esperamos que los proveedores, los investigadores, los compañeros, los promotores, los administradores, los familiares, los profesores y otros miembros de la comunidad puedan aprender y beneficiarse del contenido de nuestro boletín. Todo ello con el fin de que cada uno encuentre lo que necesita. ¡Esperamos que lo disfruten!
Os Centros Nacionais Hispânico-Latino de Treinamento e Assistência Técnica em Abuso de Substâncias e de Prevenção têm o orgulho de anunciar a publicação de nosso primeiro boletim informativo!
Este produto tem sido um trabalho de amor. Uma idéia que surgiu do compromisso de encontrar formas adicionais de honrar nossa cultura, chamar a atenção para as disparidades que persistem, celebrar os sucessos em nossas comunidades e ampliar as contribuições feitas pelos latinos na saúde comportamental. Cada edição se concentrará em tópicos que abrangem o espectro de saúde mental, da prevenção ao tratamento e recuperação. Nosso objetivo é oferecer um conjunto diversificado de produtos destinados a atender às preferências únicas dos membros da comunidade. Esperamos que provedores, pesquisadores, pares, promotores, administradores, familiares, professores e outros membros da comunidade possam aprender e se beneficiar do conteúdo de nosso boletim informativo. Esperamos que você goste!
Published: March 6, 2022
In March, we raise awareness to Problem Gambling. The 2022 Problem Gambling Awareness Month theme is “Awareness + Action”. If you feel you need support, you may contact the National Council on Problem Gambling operates the National Problem Gambling Helpline Network at 1-800-522-4700.
En marzo, creamos conciencia a la Ludopatía. El tema 2022 del mes de la Concienciación sobre el Juego Problemático también conocido como ludopatía es "conciencia + acción". Si necesita ayuda, le animamos a ponerse en contacto con el Consejo Nacional de Problemas de Juego quienes operan la Línea de Ayuda de la Red Nacional de Problemas al 1-800-522-4700.
Em março, queremos aumentar a conscientização sobre o jogo problemático. O tema do Mês de Conscientização sobre Jogo Problemático em 2022 é “Consciência + Ação”. Se você sentir que precisa de apoio, você pode entrar em contato com a Linha de Ajuda do Conselho Nacional de Jogo Problemático, pelo telefone 1-800-522-4700.
Published: February 25, 2022
Happy New Year!
This month, our theme for our video is “A Healthy New Year”
We want to encourage you to look at 2022 with hope, healing, recovery, and schedule time to re-charge and take care of your wellbeing.
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Este mes, el tema de nuestro video es “Un Año Nuevo Saludable”
Nos gustaría alentarlos a mirar el año 2022 con esperanza, sanación interna, recuperación y un tiempo para recargarse y cuidar de su bienestar.
Feliz ano novo!
Este mês, o tema do nosso vídeo é “Um Ano Novo Saudável”
Queremos te encorajar a olhar para 2022 com esperança, cura, recuperação e reservar um tempo para recarregar as energías e cuidar do seu bem-estar.
Published: January 4, 2022
Interactive Resource
This month, our National Hispanic and Latino ATTC and PTTC would like to celebrate World AIDS Day. The theme for World AIDS Day in 2021 is “Ending the HIV Epidemic: Equitable Access, Everyone’s Voice”. To learn more, please watch this video and access the links below.
Sources and Resources:
En Diciembre, nuestros Centros Nacionales Hispano y Latino ATTC y PTTC desean honrar el Día Mundial del SIDA. El tema del Día Mundial del Sida en 2021 es "Poner fin a la epidemia del VIH: acceso equitativo, la voz de todos". Para obtener más información, visite:
Fuentes y recursos:
Neste mês, nossos Centros Nacionais Hispânico-Latino ATTC e PTTC gostariam de celebrar o Dia Mundial da AIDS. O tema do Dia Mundial da AIDS em 2021 é “Acabar com a epidemia de HIV: Acesso equitativo, voz de todos. Para obter mais informações, por favor assista esse video e acesse os links abaixo.
Fontes e recursos:
Published: December 1, 2021
The National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center (NHL ATTC) and The National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center (NHL PTTC), both housed at The National Latino Behavioral Health Association (NLBHA), are pleased to deliver an incredible toolkit with several resources around the El Día De Los Muertos/Day of the Dead, Grief and Loss.
Our goal with this toolkit is to not only normalize grief and offer options for healthy coping mechanisms, but also to help our communities to find support and healthy outlets to express their pain and grief. This is an extensive directory of resources that our team carefully prepared for you. You will find articles, webinars, fact sheets, support groups, books recommendations, videos, movies, and resources to approach the topic with children.
Some of the resources are available in all three languages (English, Spanish and Portuguese). We hope these resources are useful for you and for your healing process. Please share it with your family, friends, and colleagues.
Stay safe, healthy, and remember we are all in this together.
Thank you. ¡Gracias! Obrigado.
Los Centros Nacionales Hispano y Latino de Asistencia Técnica en Adicción y Prevención, ambos ubicados dentro de la Asociación Nacional Latina de Salud Mental y Adicciones, se complace en entregar esta increíble caja de herramientas con varios recursos alrededor de El Día de Los Muertos/Día de Muertos, Duelo y Pérdida.
Nuestro objetivo con esta caja de herramientas es no sólo normalizar el duelo y ofrecer opciones para mecanismos de afrontamiento saludables, sino también ayudar a nuestras comunidades a encontrar apoyo y salidas saludables para expresar su dolor y pena.
Este es un extenso directorio de recursos que nuestro equipo preparó cuidadosamente para usted. Encontrará artículos, seminarios web, hojas informativas, grupos de apoyo, recomendaciones de libros, videos, películas y recursos para abordar el tema con los niños.
Algunos de los recursos están disponibles en los tres idiomas (inglés, español y portugués). Esperamos que estos recursos sean útiles para usted y para su proceso de curación. Por favor, compártalo con su familia, amigos y colegas.
Mantente a salvo, saludable, y recuerda que estamos todos juntos en esto.
Gracias. ¡Gracias! Obrigado.
O Centro Nacional Hispânico-Latino de Treinamento e Assistência Técnica em Abuso de Substâncias (NHL ATTC) e o Centro Nacional Hispânico- Latino de Treinamento e Assistência Técnica em Prevenção (NHL PTTC), ambos sediados na Associação Nacional Latina de Saúde Mental e Abuso de Substâncias (NLBHA), têm o prazer de oferecer este kit de ferramentas incrível com diversos recursos sobre o Dia de Finados, Luto e Perda.
Nosso objetivo com este kit de ferramentas é não apenas normalizar o luto e oferecer opções para mecanismos de enfrentamento saudáveis, mas também ajudar nossas comunidades a encontrar apoio e formas saudáveis para expressar sua dor e sofrimento.
Este é um extenso diretório de recursos que nossa equipe preparou cuidadosamente para você. Você encontrará artigos, webinars, folhetos educativos, grupos de apoio, recomendações de livros, vídeos, filmes e recursos para abordar o assunto com crianças.
Alguns dos recursos estão disponíveis nos três idiomas (Inglês, Espanhol e Português). Esperamos que esses materiais sejam úteis para você e para o seu processo de cura.
Por gentileza, compartilhe com sua família, amigos e colegas. Fique seguro, saudável e lembre-se de que estamos todos juntos.
Gracias. ¡Gracias! Obrigado.
Introduction Videos
Directory of Resources
This is an extensive directory of resources that our team carefully prepared for you. You will find articles, webinars, fact sheets, support groups, books recommendations, videos, movies, and resources to approach the topic with children.
Factsheets: Día De Los Muertos, How to honor those that we lost and deal with grief?
Factsheets: Grief and Loss in Hispanic and Latino Communities
Talking about Grief and COVID-19 in the Hispanic and Latin Community: Life Experiences and Therapeutic Strategies from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy [English]
Hablando sobre el duelo y el COVID-19: experiencias de vida y estrategieas terapéuticas desde la terapie de aceptación y compromiso [Español]
Conversando sobre Luto e COVID-19 na Comunidade Hispânica e Latina: Experiências de vida e Estratégias da Terapia de Aceitação e Compromisso [Portuguese]
Webinar Q&A Followup
Published: November 1, 2021
This month, our National Hispanic and Latino ATTC and PTTC would like to celebrate El Día De Los Muertos/ The Day of the Dead, as a traditional and healthy way to cope with the loss of those we love and care for.
To learn more, please access our webpages: https://attcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-and-latino-attc/home and https://pttcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-latino-pttc/home
Nuestros Centros Nacionales Hispano y Latino ATTC y PTTC desean honrar El Día de Los Muertos como una forma tradicional y saludable de manejar la pérdida de aquellos que amamos y que son importantes para nosotros.
Para obtener más información, visite: https://attcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-and-latino-attc/home y https://pttcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-latino-pttc/home
Neste mês, nossos Centros Nacionais Hispânico-Latino ATTC e PTTC gostariam de homenagear o Dia de Finados, como uma forma tradicional e saudável de enfrentar a perda daqueles que amamos.
Para obter mais informações, visite nossas páginas: https://attcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-and-latino-attc/home e https://pttcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-latino-pttc/home/p>
Published: October 29, 2021
September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. If you or a loved one needs support, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available to you: 1-800-273-8255
We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
For resources, please visit:
Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio. Si usted o un ser querido necesita apoyo, la Línea Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio está disponible para usted: 1888-628-9454
Todos podemos ayudar a prevenir el suicidio. El Lifeline proporciona 24/7, soporte gratuito y confidencial para personas en peligro, también proporciona recursos de prevención y recursos de crisis para usted o sus seres queridos, y las mejores prácticas para profesionales.
Para obtener más información, visite:
Setembro é o Mês Nacional de Conscientização sobre a Prevenção do Suicídio. Se você ou alguém querido (a) precisa de apoio, a Linha Nacional para Prevenção do Suicídio está disponível para você: 1800-273-8255
Todos nós podemos ajudar a prevenir o suicídio. A lifeline oferece ajuda, 24 horas por dia, 7 dias da semana, suporte gratuito e confidencial para pessoas em risco, também oferece recursos de prevenção e recursos de crise para você ou seus seres queridos (as) e as melhores práticas para profissionais.
Para mais informações visite:
Published: September 23, 2021
In September we celebrate National Recovery Month!
The 2021 National Recovery Month theme is: Recovery is For Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community.
To find out what is going on in your local area, to access resources and/or to get involved we recommend you visit: rm.facesandvoicesofrecovery.org
¡En septiembre celebramos El Mes Nacional de Recuperación!
El tema del Mes Nacional de Recuperación 2021 es: La recuperación es para todos: cada persona, cada familia, cada comunidad.
Para saber qué está pasando en su área local, para acceder a recursos y/o para involucrarse le recomendamos visitar: rm.facesandvoicesofrecovery.org
Em setembro celebramos o Mês da Recuperação Nacional!
O tema do Mês Nacional da Recuperação de 2021 é: A recuperação é para todos: cada pessoa, cada família, cada comunidade Para descobrir o que está acontecendo em sua área local, para acessar recursos ou para se envolver de alguma maneira, recomendamos que você visite o site: rm.facesandvoicesofrecovery.org
Published: September 9, 2021
Print Media
National Recovery Month (Recovery Month) increases awareness and understanding of mental health and substance use disorders and encourages individuals in need of treatment and recovery services to seek help. Recovery Month celebrates individuals living lives in recovery and recognizes the dedicated workers who provide the prevention, treatment, and recovery support services that help make recovery possible.
Recovery is for everyone because it benefits everyone. In recovery, we build new connections to ourselves, our families, and our communities. The 2021 National Recovery Month theme, “Recovery is for Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community” reminds people in recovery and those who support them, that recovery belongs to all of us. We are all called to end gatekeeping and welcome everyone to recovery by lowering barriers to recovery support, creating inclusive spaces and programs, and broadening our understanding of what recovery means for people with different experiences.
2021 Recovery Month Toolkit - English
2021 Recovery Month Toolkit - Spanish/Español
Published: September 7, 2021