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    The Great Lakes ATTC offers this training for behavioral health professionals in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, Oh, and WI. This training is offered in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.   DESCRIPTION: Behavioral health programs that thrive in the future will be those that do the best job of creative an inclusive organization. Staff appreciation, feelings of inclusion, and happiness have a direct impact on quality client care. In this skill-building virtual presentation, participants will learn why cultural humility is a more realistic goal than cultural competence. Topics will include how to help your co-workers feel appreciated, how to have a discussion of differences, microaggressions, micro-insults, and micro-invalidations; and a six- step strategy to repair damage if you insult a co-worker. Join this webinar to learn how to be a diversity change agent in the workplace and create an inclusive organization.   LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Repair damage if you inadvertently commit a microaggression or insult in the workplace. Help co-workers feel appreciated regardless of differences. Be a diversity change agent. Create an inclusive organization.       TRAINER Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC, is the State Project Manager for the Great Lakes ATTC. Mark is also an international speaker, trainer, and consultant in the behavioral health field whose work has reached thousands throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, Caribbean and British Islands.
Published: August 12, 2021
This month our National Hispanic and Latino ATTC and PTTC would like to support August’s Overdose Awareness Month and International Overdose Awareness Day, which takes place annually on August 31st.   Resources: #NLBHA #NHLATTC #NHLPTTC Español  Nuestros Centros Nacionales Hispano y Latino ATTC y PTTC desean apoyar el Mes de Concientización de Sobredosis de el mes de agosto y el Día Internacional de Concientización de Sobredosis, que tiene lugar anualmente el 31 de agosto.   Recursos: #NLBHA #NHLATTC #NHLPTTC Português Neste mês, nós gostaríamos de apoiar o Mês de Conscientização sobre a Overdose e o Dia Internacional de Conscientização sobre a Overdose, que ocorre anualmente em 31 de agosto.   Recursos: #NLBHA #NHLATTC #NHLPTTC
Published: August 10, 2021
Recursos Adicionales Diapositivas de presentación   Esta presentación definirá la violencia doméstica y la violencia de pareja íntima y proporcionará estadísticas sobre la prevalencia de violencia doméstica en los Estados Unidos. La presentación explicará ¿Por qué las víctimas de la violencia domestica permanecen en este tipo de relación? La presentación ensenara por que la violencia doméstica y la violencia de pareja íntima no discriminan entre estatus socioeconómico, raza o etnicidad. La violencia doméstica y la violencia de pareja íntima son comportamientos aprendidos que son causados ​​por la necesidad de obtener poder y control sobre otra persona. Las víctimas de violencia doméstica o violencia de pareja íntima pueden recurrir a usar sustancias para tratar de sobrellevar el dolor, la vergüenza y la culpa. Esto solo exacerba el trauma porque puede provocar adicción y trastornos concurrentes. Objetivos de aprendizaje: Definir los tipos de violencia doméstica y violencia de pareja íntima Identificar las causas de la violencia doméstica y la violencia de pareja íntima Reconocer por qué una víctima de violencia doméstica o violencia de pareja íntima puede abusar substancias para reducir el dolor Identificar formas de lidiar con el trauma Identificar formas de encontrar ayuda Glory McDaniel, MA, LAC, LPCC, NCC, capacitada en EMDR La Sra. Glory McDaniel es una terapeuta bilingüe que trabaja con el tratamiento específico de los trastornos concurrentes por uso de sustancias y el estrés postraumático, liderando grupos en inglés y español, educando a la comunidad y brindando consejería individual. Es miembro de la junta directiva de la Asociación de Profesionales de la Adicción de Colorado (CAAP) y facilitadora de grupos de Remendando el Alma para mujeres sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica (DV) y / o violencia de pareja íntima (IPV), centrándose en la curación de problemas físicos, psicológicos. abuso emocional, financiero y espiritual. En 2020, la Sra. McDaniel fundó Crisálida, Inc., un refugio sin fines de lucro para mujeres y niños abusados.
Published: June 24, 2021
3-Session Virtual Learning Community Session 2 Please join us for our Detoxifying Machismo series that takes a critical look at how Latino fathers have often been ignored, forgotten and even vilified by behavioral health professionals and the system of care. Explore intersections of stigma/culturally relevant healing, care provision in mental health and substance use disorder, and in developing care for Latino fathers. Our three panelists and moderator will provide their personal and professional perspectives as Latino fathers working in behavioral health care providing fields. Participants will be engaged in meaningful dialogue on this dynamic topic and will leave the series with practical tools to implement culturally and linguistically appropriate standards in their behavioral health delivery services to better engage with, recruit and retain Latino males and fathers in their programs. Learning Objectives: Uncover and Address Myths about Latino Fathers. Address the Machismo Stigma: Unpacking then rebalancing how current narratives negative impact perceptions of Latino father. Present and Discuss Models for Care and Support of Latino Fathers/Latino Men Understand the bi-directional impact machismo has had on access to and perception of behavioral health service delivery. Pierluigi Mancini, PhD, MAC - Moderator Project Director for the National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center and the National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center. Roberto Gurza, LMFT - Panelist Over a 40-yr career, has worked as a public and nonprofit leader, focused on the individual, organizational, and systemic factors involved in the delivery of culturally and linguistically relevant care to un- and under-served communities. Juan Escobedo, MA - Panelist Experienced in strategic planning, program development, evaluation, implementation, and consultation for numerous agency initiatives, committees, and non-profits in the public sector. Currently a program officer working for Caring for Denver Foundation improving the mental health and substance misuse needs of all residents of the City and County of Denver. Brian Serna, LPCC, LADAC - Panelist CEO/Founder of Serna Solutions and a trainer and consultant in behavioral health issues related to Evidence Based Practices, Cultural Considerations and Ethical Issues. He is also the Director of the Addictions, Abuse and Recovery Certificate at Southwestern College in Santa Fe, NM and the current President of NAADAC New Mexico.
Published: June 24, 2021
Print Media
3-Session Virtual Learning Community Session 2 Please join us for our Detoxifying Machismo series that takes a critical look at how Latino fathers have often been ignored, forgotten and even vilified by behavioral health professionals and the system of care. Explore intersections of stigma/culturally relevant healing, care provision in mental health and substance use disorder, and in developing care for Latino fathers. Our three panelists and moderator will provide their personal and professional perspectives as Latino fathers working in behavioral health care providing fields. Participants will be engaged in meaningful dialogue on this dynamic topic and will leave the series with practical tools to implement culturally and linguistically appropriate standards in their behavioral health delivery services to better engage with, recruit and retain Latino males and fathers in their programs. Learning Objectives: Uncover and Address Myths about Latino Fathers. Address the Machismo Stigma: Unpacking then rebalancing how current narratives negative impact perceptions of Latino father. Present and Discuss Models for Care and Support of Latino Fathers/Latino Men Understand the bi-directional impact machismo has had on access to and perception of behavioral health service delivery. Pierluigi Mancini, PhD, MAC - Moderator Project Director for the National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center and the National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center. Roberto Gurza, LMFT - Panelist Over a 40-yr career, has worked as a public and nonprofit leader, focused on the individual, organizational, and systemic factors involved in the delivery of culturally and linguistically relevant care to un- and under-served communities. Juan Escobedo, MA - Panelist Experienced in strategic planning, program development, evaluation, implementation, and consultation for numerous agency initiatives, committees, and non-profits in the public sector. Currently a program officer working for Caring for Denver Foundation improving the mental health and substance misuse needs of all residents of the City and County of Denver. Brian Serna, LPCC, LADAC - Panelist CEO/Founder of Serna Solutions and a trainer and consultant in behavioral health issues related to Evidence Based Practices, Cultural Considerations and Ethical Issues. He is also the Director of the Addictions, Abuse and Recovery Certificate at Southwestern College in Santa Fe, NM and the current President of NAADAC New Mexico.
Published: June 24, 2021
3-Session Virtual Learning Community Session 1 Please join us for our Detoxifying Machismo series that takes a critical look at how Latino fathers have often been ignored, forgotten and even vilified by behavioral health professionals and the system of care. Explore intersections of stigma/culturally relevant healing, care provision in mental health and substance use disorder, and in developing care for Latino fathers. Our three panelists and moderator will provide their personal and professional perspectives as Latino fathers working in behavioral health care providing fields. Participants will be engaged in meaningful dialogue on this dynamic topic and will leave the series with practical tools to implement culturally and linguistically appropriate standards in their behavioral health delivery services to better engage with, recruit and retain Latino males and fathers in their programs. Learning Objectives: Uncover and Address Myths about Latino Fathers. Address the Machismo Stigma: Unpacking then rebalancing how current narratives negative impact perceptions of Latino father. Present and Discuss Models for Care and Support of Latino Fathers/Latino Men Understand the bi-directional impact machismo has had on access to and perception of behavioral health service delivery. Pierluigi Mancini, PhD, MAC - Moderator Project Director for the National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center and the National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center. Roberto Gurza, LMFT - Panelist Over a 40-yr career, has worked as a public and nonprofit leader, focused on the individual, organizational, and systemic factors involved in the delivery of culturally and linguistically relevant care to un- and under-served communities. Juan Escobedo, MA - Panelist Experienced in strategic planning, program development, evaluation, implementation, and consultation for numerous agency initiatives, committees, and non-profits in the public sector. Currently a program officer working for Caring for Denver Foundation improving the mental health and substance misuse needs of all residents of the City and County of Denver. Brian Serna, LPCC, LADAC - Panelist CEO/Founder of Serna Solutions and a trainer and consultant in behavioral health issues related to Evidence Based Practices, Cultural Considerations and Ethical Issues. He is also the Director of the Addictions, Abuse and Recovery Certificate at Southwestern College in Santa Fe, NM and the current President of NAADAC New Mexico.
Published: June 17, 2021
Talking To Change: A Motivational Interviewing Podcast, hosted by Glenn Hinds and Sebastian Kaplan, is a series of conversations exploring Motivational Interviewing (MI) and its influence on supporting individuals and groups as they make positive health and lifestyle changes. Talking to Change: An MI Podcast. Episode 37: MI in Puerto Rico, with Gabrielle Ruiz Tudó, MA In episode 37, Glenn and Sebastian talk to Gabrielle Ruiz Tudó, a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) and program evaluator who has been involved in several efforts to make MI more accessible to Spanish speakers. She talks here about helping clients find their own tools and own their process, MI in Puerto Rico, important cultural elements of Puerto Rico, the adaptation of MI for use in Spanish, and learning the micro- and macro-skills of MI. Download the transcript (pdf)  
Published: June 7, 2021
   As we enter the month of May, we would like to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month! #NHLATTC #NHLPTTC #NLBHA Español ¡Al entrar en el mes de mayo, nos gustaría celebrar el Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental! #NHLATTC #NHLPTTC #NLBHA Português Ao entrarmos no mês de maio, gostaríamos de celebrar o Mês da Consciência da Saúde Mental! #NHLATTC #NHLPTTC #NLBHA
Published: May 19, 2021
Print Media
The National Hispanic and Latino Addiction and Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (NHL-ATTC and PTTC) are pleased to provide new Fact sheets in honor of Cinco de Mayo.  Learn more about the holiday and how does it affect Hispanic and Latino communities in regards to alcohol use, misuse and abuse within the context of COVID.  The information is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Click here to download the files: English Spanish Portuguese
Published: May 5, 2021
Happy National Minority Health Month! In April, we are supporting the campaign of the Office of Minority Health (OMH): #VaccineReady. Please watch this video and help us to disseminate this important message. Additional information: ¡Feliz Mes Nacional de la Salud de las Minorías! En Abril, ​nos gustaría apoyar la campaña de la Oficina de Salud de las Minorías (OMH por sus siglas en inglés): #ListosParaLaVacuna. Los(as) invitamos a ver este video y por favor, ayúdenos a difundir este importante mensaje. Para más información, visite: Feliz Mês Nacional da Saúde das Minorias​! Em Abril, nós gostaríamos de apoiar a campanha do Escritório de Saúde de Minorias do Departamento de Saúde e Serviços Humanos dos Estados Unidos (OMH): #VacinaJá. Assista a este vídeo e ajude-nos a divulgar esta mensagem importante. Mais informações:
Published: April 8, 2021
Print Media
The National Hispanic and Latino Addiction and Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (NHL-ATTC and PTTC) are happy to provide new Fact sheets on Gambling Awareness in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Click here to download the files: English Spanish/Español Portuguese/Português
Published: March 25, 2021
In celebration of the International Women’s day and Women's History Month, join us to celebrate our strong Latinas! Please join our movement! Let’s lift the women around us. Tag @ one woman that you are inspired by or share with us one characteristic that makes you very proud about being a woman! En conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer y el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer, ¡únase a nosotros para celebrar a nuestras latinas! ¡Por favor, únanse a nuestro movimiento! Levantemos a las mujeres que nos rodean. Etiqueta @ una mujer que te inspira o comparte con nosotros una característica la cual te hace sentir orgullosa de ser una mujer! Em comemoração ao Dia Internacional da Mulher e ao Mês da História da Mulher, junte-se a nós para celebrar nossas Latinas! Junte-se ao nosso movimento! Vamos elevar as mulheres à nossa volta. Marque @ uma mulher que te inspira ou compartilhe conosco alguma característica que te deixa muito orgulhosa por ser mulher!
Published: March 8, 2021
El objetivo de esta presentación es hablar acerca del estrés y el estigma que la comunidad Latina enfrenta en relación con la pandemia del COVID-19 y cómo esto ha provocado un aumento en el uso de sustancias ilícitas. Esta presentación tendrá información sobre el estrés Latinx, el uso ascendente de las sustancias ilícitas, y proveerá técnicas que pueden usar con sus clientes para ayudarlos a sobrellevar las dificultades.
Published: February 17, 2021
This Month of February​ Latino Behavioral Health Supports ​Black History Month by ​Highlighting 3 Afro-Latinx professionals​. Join us in honoring our colleagues!​ Este mes de febrero celebramos el mes de la Historia Afroamericana Como profesionales Latinos de Adicción ​y Salud Mental,​ Nos gustaría apoyar esta ocasión destacando ​a tres Afrolatinos(as).​ ¡Acompáñenos a honrar a nuestros(as) colegas!​ Este mês de fevereiro, celebramos o mês da História Afroamericana Como profissionais Latinos Abuso de Substâncias e Saúde mental, ​ gostaríamos de apoiar esta ocasião destacando três afro-latinos(as). Junte-se a nós para homenagear nossos colegas!!​ #BlackHistoryMonth #mesdelaHistoriaAfroamericana ​#mêsdaHistóriaAfroamericana​ #NHLATTC #NHLPTTC #NLBHA
Published: February 11, 2021
This webinar aims to provide an overview on the stress and stigma Hispanic and Latino communities face in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic and how this has caused an uptick in substance use among individuals. This presentation will provide recent research and information on Latinx stress, substance use and mental health trends, and coping strategies that professionals working with the Latinx community can use to help clients build resiliency. Additional Resources Presentation Handouts English Español Portuguese   Translations       Speakers Jessica Martinez, MA
Published: February 10, 2021
Print Media
The National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center is pleased to provide new factsheets addressing the shame and stigma during COVID-19 and how it is affecting the Latinx community. It will provide skills to reduce stress during COVID-19.  This factsheet is available also in Spanish, Español, and Português.
Published: February 1, 2021
Happy New Year!   This month, our theme for our video is “A Healthy New Year”. We invite you to take a moment and watch this short video.  #HEALTHYNEWYEAR #NLBHA #NHLPTTC #NHLATTC Disponible en Español ¡Feliz año nuevo!  Este mes, el tema de nuestro video es “Un Año Nuevo Saludable”. ¡Te invitamos a ver este video corto! #AÑONUEVOSALUDABLE #NLBHA #NHLPTTC #NHLATTC Disponible en Portugués Feliz ano novo!   Este mês, o tema do nosso vídeo é “Um Ano Novo Saudável." Nós convidamos você a assistir a este vídeo curto. #ANONOVOSAUDÁVEL #NLBHA #NHLPTTC #NHLATTC
Published: January 22, 2021
Objectives: Review the use and abuse of illegal substances during pregnancy. Address the identification and management of Hepatitis C during pregnancy Present our current knowledge of COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on pregnant patients   Additional Resources Webinar slide handouts Not all vaccines are created equal Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) Statement: SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Pregnancy Labor and Delivery COVID-19 Considerations WHO FAQ Website: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Vaccines   Translations     Presenter: Luis A. Izquierdo, M.D.
Published: December 9, 2020
Print Media
The fight against COVID-19 continues throughout the U.S., increasing stress and anguish among vulnerable populations struggling with substance use. Among those vulnerable populations, pregnant women present major concerns as they face an increase in adversity during the wake of the global pandemic. It is a difficult time for everyone, especially those facing more adversities such as pregnant women. Health providers and mental health providers must be highly vigilant in caring for pregnant women and should consider providing the following tools and resources, according to American Society of Addiction Medicine. Download the Substance Use and Pregnancy During COVID-19 factsheet for more information and resources. La lucha contra el COVID-19 continúa en los Estados Unidos, aumentando el estrés y la angustia entre poblaciones vulnerables que luchan contra el uso de sustancias. Entre esas poblaciones vulnerables, las mujeres embarazadas presentan grandes preocupaciones al enfrentar un aumento de adversidad durante el despertar de la pandemia global. Es un momento difícil para todos, especialmente aquellos que enfrentan más adversidades como las mujeres embarazadas. Los proveedores de salud y de salud mental deben estar muy atentos al cuidar a las mujeres embarazadas y deben considerar proporcionar las siguientes herramientas y recursos, según la Sociedad Americana de Medicina de la Adiccion.  Descargue la hoja informativa Uso de Sustancias y Embarazo Durante COVID-19 para obtener más información y recursos. A luta contra a COVID-19 ainda continua nos Estados Unidos, aumentando o estresse e a angústia entre as populações vulneráveis ​que lutam contra o uso de substâncias. Entre essas populações vulneráveis, as mulheres grávidas apresentam grandes preocupações porque elas enfrentam um aumento da adversidade durante o despertar de uma pandemia global. É um momento difícil para todos, especialmente para aqueles que enfrentam mais adversidades, como as mulheres grávidas. Provedores de saúde e profissionais de saúde mental devem estar altamente vigilantes ao cuidar de mulheres grávidas e devem considerar fornecer as seguintes ferramentas e recursos, de acordo com a Sociedade Americana de Dependência Química. Baixe o folheto informativo USO DE SUBSTÂNCIAS E A GRAVIDEZ DURANTE COVID-19 para obter mais informações e recursos.
Published: November 20, 2020
During the month of September, we are excited to celebrate National Recovery Month, dedicated to those who are in recovery from mental illness and/or substance use disorders. This year’s Recovery Month theme, “Join the Voices for Recovery: Celebrating Connections”. We would like to honor everyone currently in recovery, thank all the allies who stand by those of us in recovery and encourage anyone considering recovery. Together, we can do it! Disponible en Español Durante el mes de septiembre celebramos el Mes Nacional de Recuperación. El tema del Mes de la Recuperación de este año es: "Únase a las voces para la recuperación: celebrando las conexiones". Nos gustaría honrar a todas las personas que se encuentran en recuperación, agradecer a todos los aliados que están a nuestro lado en la recuperación y animar a cualquier persona que esté considerando comenzar su recuperación. ¡Juntos, lo podemos lograr! Disponible en Portugués Durante o mês de setembro, estamos animados para celebrar o Mês Nacional da Recuperação. O tema do Mês de Recuperação deste ano, “Junte-se às Vozes para a Recuperação: Celebrando Conexões” Gostaríamos de homenagear todas as pessoas em recuperação, agradecer à todos os aliados que estão ao nosso lado na recuperação e encorajar todos que estão considerando começar sua recuperação. Juntos nós podemos!  
Published: September 30, 2020
This webinar offers participants an overview of one approach to centering self-compassion in mental health programing for Latina immigrant women. We share our experiences implementing Amigas Latinas Motivando el Alma (ALMA)/Latina Friends Moving the Soul, a mindfulness- and self-compassion-informed community-based intervention to reduce stress, anxiety and depression amongst Latina immigrant women. Presenters Serena Maurer, PhD Georgina Perez, MSW, LICSW Resources Download Presentation ALMA Factsheet (English) ALMA Factsheet (Spanish) ALMA Factsheet (Portuguese)
Published: September 2, 2020
Este webinar ofrecerá a los participantes una exploración de como incluir auto-compasión en programas de salud mental para mujeres Latinas inmigrantes. Compartirémos nuestras experiencias facilitando Amigas Latinas Motivando el Alma (ALMA), un programa comunitario basado en conciencia plena y auto-compasión para reducir el estrés, ansiedad y depresión entre las mujeres Latinas inmigrantes. Recursos Presentación ALMA Factsheet
Published: August 27, 2020
Dr. Haner Hernandez reflects on the 2018 National Recovery Month theme, Join the Voices for Recovery: Invest in Health, Home, Purpose, and Community, and offers recommendations on ways that treatment organizations can meet the needs of their Hispanic and Latino clients. 
Published: June 3, 2020
The Great Lakes Wave podcast channel is available on all of the top podcasting platforms, including Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Breaker. New episodes and podcast series are added regularly!  
Published: June 3, 2020
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The ATTC Network understands that words have power. A few ATTC products developed prior to 2017 may contain language that does not reflect the ATTCs’ current commitment to using affirming, person-first language. We appreciate your patience as we work to gradually update older materials. For more information about the importance of non-stigmatizing language, see “Destroying Addiction Stigma Once and For All: It’s Time” from the ATTC Network and “Changing Language to Change Care: Stigma and Substance Use Disorders” from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).
