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SUD Stigma, Treatment and Recovery for Hispanic/Latinos

The National Hispanic/Latino ATTC, WESTAT, the National Hispanic/Latino MHTTC, and Shatterproof as part of the Partnerships for Equity to eliminate Behavioral Health Disparities for Hispanic/Latino communities are presented a three-part virtual learning series. This series is designed to enhance education and information related to risk factors that contribute to substance use disorders (SUD) among Hispanic/Latino communities, particularly focused on Opioid and Fentanyl. The importance of crisis intervention strategies and skills helps to mitigate the cultural nuances of treatment and recovery. Lastly, the presenter discusses stigma, the 3 different types of stigma, and findings from the stigma index produced by Shatterproof. The training will provide Behavioral Health providers (CHW’s, promotores, project coordinators, social workers, family members, etc.) a knowledge-based approach to early intervention and SUD identification for Hispanic and Latino community members and their families.

Who should attend: Promotores, First Responders, Community Health Workers, Project Coordinators, Counselors, and Social Workers

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the impact of Opioid and Fentanyl use among Hispanic/Latino adults in the U.S.
  • Recognize the impact of treatment for an SUD
  • Understand SUD stigma and how it manifests
  • Recognize the importance of using non stigmatizing language for people who have an SUD


Part 1: Focus opioid misuse/Latino community/symptoms

Part 2: Stigma focus/types of stigma/stigma index findings/using appropriate language

Part 3: Treatment options/cultural considerations/recovery through the lens of Latinos/Hispanics
Recording: Unavailable


About the Presenter:

Dr. Fernando J. GonzalezDr. Fernando J. Gonzalez has more than 37 years of experience managing public health programs and projects in the United States, México, U.S.-México Border, and Global South Countries. He currently serves as Manager for the EMS Opioid Rapid Response and Prevention Program, UT Health Science Center San Antonio/Project Vida, El Paso, TX.  He is a graduate from the Medical School in Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez, México, and holds an M.P.H. from the School of Public Health.

July 17, 2023
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