You are visiting us from Virginia. You are located in HHS Region 3. Your Center is Central East ATTC.

What's New in Opioids, Mental Health, HIV, and STIs (Day 1 of 2)

What's New Day 1 Flyer Graphic


This conference will focus on the integration efforts that support a collaborative healthcare approach.  Current medical updates in services for STIs, HIV, TB, hepatitis, family planning and addictions will be discussed. 

After completing this conference, the learner should be able to:

  1. State current practice in the care and treatment of STIs, HIV, TB, and hepatitis
  2. Explain how to screen clients for substance abuse issues
  3. Identify Population at risk for HIV/STIs/Mental Health and Substance Abuse
  4. Demonstrate effective team skills by sharing information effectively, listening and responding to feedback from others, and using simple communication



Intro to FTCC | Speaker: Jeanne Hoover

Addictions, Mental Health and Opioid Overview | Speaker: Renata Henry

HIV/STIs and Opioid Use | Speaker: Adam Visconti

The Intersection of Opiate Abuse, Mental Health Concerns, and Suicide Risk: A Collaborative Approach to Client Care | Speaker: Caroline Meyer

Day 2 (9/25) recording

This virtual conference is provided in collaboration by: The STD/HIV Prevention Training CenterMid-Atlantic AETCCentral East ATTCNational Family Planning and Reproductive Health AssociationRutgers Global Tuberculosis Institute, and DC Area Health and Education Centers-Georgetown University.

September 11, 2020
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