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Treating StimUD: Doing What Works

The Mid America Addiction Technology Transfer Center is partnering with the Missouri Institute of Mental Health, the Opioid Response Network, and Saint Louis University to develop a new series in response to the rising needs of serving clients with Stimulant Use Disorder (StimUD).

The purpose of the Treating Stimulant Use Disorder Workshop Series is to provide education on treating clients with StimUD. There will be 4 virtual workshops that are 1.5 hours each that will include presentations from national experts in the variety of ways to address assisting people diagnosed with StimUD into the recovery process. This session is the 2nd session in the series. 

Email Erika Holliday at [email protected] for any questions. 

Starts: Aug. 24, 2021 1:00 pm
Ends: Aug. 24, 2021 2:30 pm
Registration Deadline
August 10, 2021
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by