Behavioral Health Resources
Missouri Department of Mental Health
The Division of Behavioral Health administers and monitors many efforts to research substance use trends and treatment in MO. This website contains links to resources for consumers and the people supporting them; providers; and the general public. An array of fact sheets summarizing the health effects of a range of substances are available here.
Missouri Opioid Crisis
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
This centralized website provides up to date information and resources on opioid use disorder trends, initiatives, treatment, and recovery supports in the state of MO.
Recovery Support Services
Missouri Department of Mental Health
Lists of providers of recovery support are available here in both directory and map form. This page also includes information on how to become a DMH contracted recovery support provider.
Missouri Recovery Network is an advocacy organization that works with people in recovery to promote their ability to access and navigate behavioral health care and to implement systems change. This page also includes links to recovery meetings, groups, organizations, and other sources of ongoing recovery supports.
Missouri Block Grant Applications
Missouri Department of Mental Health
Block grant applications and corresponding materials are available here and detail prevalence, trends, and priority areas for SUD service planning in Missouri.
Missouri Behavioral Health Epidemiology Workgroup
Missouri Department of Mental Health
The behavioral health epidemiology workgroup is funded by SAMHSA to monitor trends in substance use and SUD treatment in Missouri. Resources available on this site include: an annual state epidemiological profile; community and county-level profiles; data reports from the Missouri Youth Survey; and substance use briefs for a variety of specific substances detailing prevalence and trends.
Missouri Behavioral Health Data
Missouri Department of Mental Health
This web-based tool allows users to map SUD trends by county, substance, and indicator. It is a valuable resource for identifying local need relative to other areas in the state.
Missouri Hospital Association Policy Briefs
Missouri Hospital Association
The Missouri Hospital Association publishes thorough briefs of SUD issues, which are available at this site.