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Detoxifying Machismo: The Importance of Latino Fathers in Prevention and Recovery (Session 1)

Father and son

3-Session Virtual Learning Community

Session 1

Please join us for our Detoxifying Machismo series that takes a critical look at how Latino fathers have often been ignored, forgotten and even vilified by behavioral health professionals and the system of care. Explore intersections of stigma/culturally relevant healing, care provision in mental health and substance use disorder, and in developing care for Latino fathers. Our three panelists and moderator will provide their personal and professional perspectives as Latino fathers working in behavioral health care providing fields. Participants will be engaged in meaningful dialogue on this dynamic topic and will leave the series with practical tools to implement culturally and linguistically appropriate standards in their behavioral health delivery services to better engage with, recruit and retain Latino males and fathers in their programs.

Learning Objectives:

  • Uncover and Address Myths about Latino Fathers.
  • Address the Machismo Stigma: Unpacking then rebalancing how current narratives negative impact perceptions of Latino father.
  • Present and Discuss Models for Care and Support of Latino Fathers/Latino Men
  • Understand the bi-directional impact machismo has had on access to and perception of behavioral health service delivery.

Pierluigi Mancini, PhD, MAC - Moderator
Project Director for the National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center and the National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center.

Roberto Gurza, LMFT - Panelist
Over a 40-yr career, has worked as a public and nonprofit leader, focused on the individual, organizational, and systemic factors involved in the delivery of culturally and linguistically relevant care to un- and under-served communities.

Juan Escobedo, MA - Panelist
Experienced in strategic planning, program development, evaluation, implementation, and consultation for numerous agency initiatives, committees, and non-profits in the public sector. Currently a program officer working for Caring for Denver Foundation improving the mental health and substance misuse needs of all residents of the City and County of Denver.

Brian Serna, LPCC, LADAC - Panelist
CEO/Founder of Serna Solutions and a trainer and consultant in behavioral health issues related to Evidence Based Practices, Cultural Considerations and Ethical Issues. He is also the Director of the Addictions, Abuse and Recovery Certificate at Southwestern College in Santa Fe, NM and the current President of NAADAC New Mexico.

June 17, 2021
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