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Southeast ATTC: Breaking Intergenerational Patterns of Addiction, Trauma, and Dark Secrets




Many people can trace patterns of addiction, trauma, dark secrets, and drug-related fatalities in their family for four or five generations. This virtual presentation is sponsored by the Southeast ATTC Regional Center and will focus on prevention, intervention, and treatment strategies to help break intergenerational patterns of addictions, trauma, and dark secrets in families. We will discuss the role of prevention specialists, therapists, providers.

Trauma specialists, persons in recovery, families, and entire communities in breaking these patterns. Other topics include: how to create a healing forest to help break intergenerational patterns; the entire community as the prevention and recovery center; the unique risk and protective factors for children of parents with substance use disorders and prevention strategies; fetal alcohol spectrum as a risk factor and intervention strategies; the impact of siblings on the intergenerational transmission of addiction and prevention strategies in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina. Treatment providers, peer support communities, and community-based organizations in Region 4 are encouraged to register for free.

Questions about Southeast Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network (Southeast ATTC) or this training? Contact Michelle Harrison ([email protected]). 




  • Six risk factors for intergenerational patterns of addiction in families.
  • The role of prevention specialists, therapists, trauma specialists, and behavioral health specialists in breaking intergenerational patterns of addiction, trauma, and dark secrets.
  • The roles of persons in recovery and families in breaking intergenerational patterns.
  • The unique risks for children of substance-using parents.
  • The impact of siblings on the intergenerational transmission of addiction and prevention strategies.
  • How to create a healing forest to help break intergenerational patterns.






Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC, is an international speaker, trainer, and consultant in the behavioral health field whose work has reached thousands throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, Caribbean and British Islands. Mark has been a certified addictions counselor for 34 years. Mark is co-founder of Serenity Academy of Chicago, the only recovery high school in Illinois. He is past president of the board of the Illinois Chapter of NAADAC. He has had a 30-year career as a university educator having taught at the University of Chicago, Illinois State University, Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and Loyola University of Chicago, School of Social Work. 






November 12, 2020
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